6. Ash

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Ash P.O.V.

Lily ditched us as soon as she could, how rude. I took out a book, I think it was my tranfiguration book, honestly I want really paying that much attention to it. Bree was going around trying to prank people, oh well Bree will always be Bree. but thats ok cuz she's my bestest friend. I guess she got bored of having dirty looks shot her way, hehehe isn't she great at making friends, so we went to find Lily on the train. We found her in a compartment with Severus, in the next compartment there were some familiar faces, so naturally Bree walked in, and naturally I followed her.

"Hey Remus! Hey Sirius! Who's the other dude?" I smacked her on the back of her head. Man she needs to be more polite. Lily looked around at us, rolled her eyes looking upset.

"C'mon Sev. We're leaving."

As they left Bree says "she looks like a prat." I gave her a look that said 'she's your sister, give her a break'. All she did was roll her eyes at me. Well then...! she just continued talking. "Who's the dude?" she asked again.

"I'm James Potter." the guy (James, obviously) replied.

"I'm Ashlyn Brooks." I said as I sat down beside Sirius. "Hey I didn't know you were coming to Hogwarts" I said to him. He smiled.

"That's kind of the point of witches and wizards, only they are supposed to know who they are." oops I knew that already, oh well. I just shrugged.

"Isn't it exciting! We are going to learn magic, real magic!! Like not even the fake stuff they do at magic shows!" I rambled for a bit till I notice him looking at Bree funnily. I looked up and noticed that Bree had taken a seat on James' chest. Well that's what he gets for lying down on the bench. I rolled my eyes at her and I turned back to Sirius. "So which house do you want to be in?" I said changing the subject.

"Well, I don't want to be in slytherin, and gryffindor sounds fun but I don't think my parents would enjoy that. What about you?"

"Why wouldn't they?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"That is classified information, for all I know you could be a slytherin trying it get information out of me." He said with a smile. "But I promise to tell you someday." Sirius added, and stuck out his pinky. I hooked my pinky with his and smiled.

"But I was gonna let you guys help me prank." Bree says as she puts on her best 'I'm a lost puppy dog, help me please' look. Man she needs to teach me that, she could get anything with that look. "Oh well, I guess I should be going then." She got up off of James, and started for the door.

"Wait! Prank!" James and Sirius said at the same time.

"Yeah, but I can see that you guys don't want to so, it was nice talking to you, bye."

"Wait, what do you have in mind?" James questioned, as he sat up on the bench.

"Well I was thinking, adding this pink muggle hair dye to these dung bombs and throwing them into the someone's compartment. What do you think, too much for you to handle?" She knows just what to say to get people to do what she wants. She raised an eyebrow at us, challenging us to say something. I just shook my head at them.

"You guys don't have to do it, it's not like she's going to do anything if you don't do it. Well she might do the prank anyway but she won't do anything to you, I hope. She may prank you, but if we are going to become friends you'll have to get used to that." I told them.

"No no, we accept the challenge." Said Sirius seriously. James nodded.

"Nah, I'm good, thanks." Remus added in.

"Alright, plenty of time to get them to prank during the year." Bree said with a wave of her hand. "Here's the plan," she went into immense detail and blah blah blah, I'll spare you the details, but the point of their prank was to throw the dung bombs into a compartment with a bunch of slytherins to turn everything on them or near them pink. Bree reached into her trunk and took out black face paint and put lines underneath her eyes, like a football player. She turned and did the same to James and Sirius despite their protests. "Let's rollout!" And with that they left sneaking away down the hall of the train. I rolled my eyes and scooted closer to Remus.

"Hey, how's life?" Man I'm so awkward. Turns out, so was Remus. I found out he likes reading, and he'd rather study than pull pranks, totally opposite from Bree. Me and Remus have a lot in common. He's not very talkative, me and Bree will change that.

"What's your favourite book?" I asked him. Randomly asking awkward questions are my specialty. Remus thought for a bit before answering.

"*insert Remus lupins favourite book here*. What about yours?"

"Never heard of it. What's it about?" I asked. He went into a big thing about the book, halfway through him talking Bree, James and Sirius burst into the room, panting. They quickly shut the door, closed the blinds and locked it. Through the crack in the blind we could see a bunch of angry pink slytherins. I tried to hold in my laughter, but a giggle escaped, causing me to throw my hand to my mouth, trying to keep quiet. I saw that everybody was trying not to laugh either. As soon as the slytherins left we burst out laughing.

"OH MY GOD!! That was amazing!! Did you see their faces?!!? PRICLESS!!!! Hey Ash, guess who was in there?! Severus!!! He's all pink now!!!" Exclaimed Bree. They went into great detail on how the prank went. I have to applaud them, they didn't get caught. We laughed and talked until the train stopped. This is going to be a fun year.

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