15. Bree

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"AAAAHHHH" I scream as I wake up sopping wet. I must've fallen off my bed because I'm now laying on the floor, surrounded by hundreds of plastic cups of water.

It must've been Ash and Sirius. I take out my wand and proceed to swish and flick. "Wingardium Leviosa" I whisper. I lift all the glasses up and walk to the door. As I leave I move the cups over to Ash's bed and let the spell go.

I hear her yell at me as I run down the stairs and to the common room. I spot Remus and James sitting on the couch so I grab their arms and drag them out with me.

"What the hell Bree!" James yells at me as I stop running. Remus just looks uncomfortable.

"I fell in the water." I state. James seems to understand what I'm talking about, and strangely enough, so does Remus. I turn to Remus and ask "Do you know any drying charms? I'd like to go to breakfast and not be dripping."

He thought about it for a second then nodded. Taking out his wand, he pointed it at me and mumbled something.

As soon as he finished, I felt the wet feeling leave my skin. I grin and thank him.

"Can we go eat food now?" An impatient James asked. I can't blame him, I don't have any patience either.


As it was the first day of classes, the head of Gryffindor handed us all our schedules as we sat eating breakfast. Ours was Professor Trout, our defence against the dark arts teacher.

"Ugh! Double potions with Slytherin is first!" I was jolted back to reality as James said this. Suddenly Lily appears behind him, though I don't know how any of us missed her approaching especially since Severus was following after her, and whacked him on the head.

"It would do you well to stop being prejudice. Slytherin aren't bad!" She exclaimed. Severus just looked really uncomfortable. It was kinda entertaining.

"Why hello my darling sister! And what a pleasant surprise it is to see young mister Snape as well." I put on my best sounding posh accent and tried to keep from snickering.

James, unfortunately, was not graced with good acting skills and promptly started snorting. "G-Good one B-Bree!" He manages to gasp out during his laughter. Ugh, children. So irresponsible.

Yes, I realize I am one as well. No, my statement still is true.

Peter joined us at the table somewhere during James' loud laughs and Severus' glaring. I grinned at him and helped myself to some food. Soon after, Sirius and Ash came in. Ash looked just as weird as usual with her cloak on backwards and her hair slightly damp. Sirius somehow still looked cool with wet hair. They sat down for a few seconds, whispered in Peter and Remus' ears and then left.

Still not super unusual.

"What was that about?" I ask, mostly because James looked confused but had too much food in his mouth to speak.

"They want to recruit us and conspire against you." Remus decided to add a few evil chuckles into his explanation, causing me to have to stifle a giggle. "I don't think I will. You guys are much better than them, and nicer than Sirius."

I grin at him then climb on top of the bench so I can mess up his hair. "You're too tall to be my friend!" I exclaim, but at the same time I trip on air and start tumbling to the ground. Suddenly I'm no longer falling and glance around to find that Remus caught me. "On second thought, I can deal with it."

After that breakfast goes by without any excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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