5. Bree

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Bree's P.O.V.

Today we're taking the train to Hogwarts!!! I can't wait!

Ash was sleeping over because my parents offered to take her to the train station with us.

I grabbed Ash's arm and tug. She let out a garbled noise and I started laughing.

"Ashlynn. Look! Batman is waiting to talk to you outside my window!" I laughed even more as she wakes up.

"He is? Wait, your lying again, aren't you?" She asked.

"Yup!" I practically screamed and ran to Lily's room. I started banging on the door.

"Lily! LilyLilyLilyLilyLilyLily..." I repeated until she opened the door and glared at me.

"What, Bree?" She snapped. Well someone isn't a morning person.

"We have to be at the train station in an hour and a half! It's already 9 o'clock. C'mon!" Her eyes widened as I pointed out the time.

"Why are you only waking me now! I need to make sure all of my things are packed! Then I have to check yours because I'm sure you've forgotten something..." She started rambling. I slowly backed away and went back to my room.

"ASH!" I scream.

"What?" Oh, she was next to me. Oops?

"I need food! Make me foods pwease?" I gave her puppy dog eyes. "Pwease pwease pwease..."

She conceded and grabbed my arm, dragging me downstairs.

As we passed the living room, I noticed that mummy and daddy were in there.

"Mummy! I need food! Ash's gonna poison me!" I yelled as Ash continued to drag me.

"I made you breakfast already! It's sitting out!" My daddy yelled. Yay! FOOOD!

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed the pancakes sitting on the table. There was another two plates next to them which I assumed were for Lily and Ash.

I started eating the pancakes as fast as I could while Ash took her time strolling into the kitchen.

"PANCAKES!" I screamed at her, with pancake in my mouth. She probably couldn't figure out what I said, but then again, she might've figured it out.

Lily followed her in. "You really need to learn to act like a lady, Bree."

I looked at her, shocked. I quickly swallowed what was in my mouth. "I shall never be a lady! Nor shall I be a gentleman! I shall be a..." Crap! I couldn't think of a word.

"Messy pig?" Ash offered. I glared at her.

"Delinquent?" Lily offered.

"No!" I pouted. "I'll be a Bree!"

"Or you'll just be crazy, but don't worry! I'll be crazy with ya!" Ash said.

I got up and hugged her. "That, my friend, is why your my bestestest friend!" Lily rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak. "Lily. Bestestest is mah word! Leave it." She slowly closed her mouth.

They slowly finished their pancakes. Mummy walked into the kitchen as Lily was taking her last bite.

"We need to leave in 20 minutes. Bree, get dressed please. We don't need you going out in your pyjamas again." I pouted, huffed and stomped out of the room.

When I got back to my room, I went to grab some clothes. I grabbed my favourite jumper, which is coincidentally a pyjama top, which was purple with a turtle on it. I then grabbed a pair of jeans and threw them on.

I slid back downstairs when I had finished. Our trunks were nicely lined up at the door and everyone was waiting for me. I grabbed my black high tops and slowly put them on.

"Bree! Hurry up! We can't be late!" Lily said. I sped up and we were off.

The only problem with growing up not knowing your a wizard, is having no idea how to get to platform 9 3/4.

I fell a little behind the group. Suddenly a nearly fell over. An arm caught me before I could hit the ground. I looked up to see a guy my age with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Ummmmm. Hi?" I awkwardly said. He still hasn't put me down yet.

"Oh. Uh, Hi." He mumbled and stood me back upright. "I'm Remus Lupin, by the way." He held out his hand.

"I'm Bree Evans!" I said, shaking his hand. "Do you, by any chance, know how to get to platform 9 3/4?"

He nodded. "Follow me." We started walking and found my family near the 'passage'. "You need to run through that wall."

I stared at him for about a second before I shrugged and ran at the wall. I looked around and saw a large, scarlet train.

Ash, Lily and Remus soon came through as well. Remus left to get himself a compartment or something. I think he was just being awkward.

"Lets go!" I screamed and grabbed Ash's and Lily's hands, dragging them towards the train.

Lily soon left with Severus Snape, so Ash and I were left to our own devices. Me trying to prank random people passing by, and her reading.

We got lonely pretty fast, or at least I did. We set off to find Lily.

Her compartment was only a few away from ours. I walked in. "Hey Remus! Hey Sirius! Who's the other dude?"

Ash smacked the back of my head as she followed me in. Lily looked ultimately distressed. She took one glance around. "C'mon Sev. We're leaving."

"She sounds like a prat." I said as she walked out. Ash have me a pointed look and I just rolled my eyes. "So, who's the dude?"

"I'm James Potter." He said.

"I'm Ashlyn Brooks." Ash said, then went off to have a conversation with Sirius.

"I'm Bree Evans. The prat who just left is my twin sister, Lily." I said, plopping down on James' stomach. He really shouldn't lay down on the seats if he doesn't wanna be sat on.

"Get. Off. You. Oaf!" He said, as he tried shoving me off.

"But I was gonna let you guys help me prank." I said, giving a small pout. "Oh well, I guess I should be going then." I got up and started walking for the door.

"Wait! Prank?"

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