8. Ash

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Ash P.O.V

Bree has escaped! I repeat Bree has escaped!!!! Ok let me fill you in, Lily, Bree and I were all sorted into the same house, Gryffindor. I had woken up Bree (in probably not the nicest way) and I was going to drag her to breakfast. Me, James, Remus and Peter, were waiting in the common room, for Sirius and Bree to come down so we could all go to breakfast together.

"How early is it?" Asked a grumbly voice. I turned to see Sirius walking down the stairs very slowly. I giggled. He looks funny with his hair all messy.

James replied, "It's almost 7, we're going to be late if Bree i- oh there she is." We watched as a half asleep Bree came stumbling down the stairs. She went right past us not saying anything else, and out the portrait door thingy. I looked at the boys and they all looked really confused, so I started walking after Bree. She must walk really fast because when we got out of the door she was no where in sight.

"Man that girl can walk fast. Should we go look for her?" Asked Sirius.

"We can look for her on the way to the great hall. We don't want to miss breakfast and getting our school schedules." Remus is all about that school work. I nodded and called out, "Bree you loveable idiot! Where are you!?"

"Bree ya little shit come out we want to get breakfast! I'm hungry!!" said Sirus. Walking was getting really tiring, so I turned to Sirius giving him a pleading look.

"Piggy back?" I asked, with a sad look. He sighed and bent his knees so I could get on. I smiled and we headed out to the food hall. I had almost fallen asleep on Sirius' back, when we got down to the front of the school. We sat down at the Gryffindor Table, I grabbed a spoonful of scrambeld eggs and bacon!! Bacon is life!! As I was shoving my face with bacon, Professor McGonagall walked up and down the Gryffindor table handing out our schedules.

"Where is Ms Evans?" she asked.

"I'm right here Professor McGonagall." Lily spoke up.The Professor shook her head.

"No No, the other one, the weirder one." I tried to stop myself from giggling at her, calling Bree the weird one. Not even one day at this school and she alredy has a reputation. The other people shrugged.

"We lost her Professor. She walked out of the common room this morning and we lost her. We tried looking for her but we got hungry so we came here." Remus said, sounding concerned. Well that makes one of us. McGonagall just shook her head, gave us pieces of paper and walked away. Oh well, I continued eating my bacon, when suddenly Bree came running into the room. We watched as she ran over to the Hufflepuff table and started shoveling bacon in her mouth, like she has never seen food before. Lily and I rushed over to bring her back to the Gryffindors.

"Bree you can't just go off scareing the Hufflepuffs!" scolded Lily.


and the unicorns blew up hogwarts and all its inhabitants. ~Bree,

James took one of Bree's bacon!!! Oh my god how dare he!!! He's going to be in trouble later!! She stopped talking to him..... I zoned out.

"Hey Ash do you hear anyone talking?" Bree asked me.

"Uhhhhhh, Jam-" she gave me a death glare, oops "nope no one" I shot James an apologetic look and continued eating my bacon. Hey don't judge!! BACON IS LIFE!!! That should be a t-shirt.

...And Noelle was a dickbecause she never updates the story ~Bree

School time!! We got your double potions with the Slytherins (yay) (

We headed down to the dungeons where we were to be mixing potions, and making things explode. We sat down and Professor Slughorn started talking and talking and talking. I got bored of him talking so I took out a spare bit of parchment and wrote Bree a note, 'I'm booorrreeed...........'
'Meeeeee tooooo. Wanna prank!!!'
I contemplated (that's a big word and I didn't know I knew that word) but I wrote 'yeah sure, why not'.

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