10. Ash

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Ash P.O.V

Bree had this insane idea to prank Sirius.

I know if he finds out we did it we'd be in trouble, he'd for sure get James to help, which would mean Peter would help and Remus wouldn't want to but James and Sirius would find a way to manipulate him in to helping. And that kind of scares me.

Bree and I had made the plan sitting at a chess board, neither of us knew how to make indestructible bubbles. That led us to the library. Bree had found a nice spot, sitting on the shelf. While I had my nose buried in a book.

"Did you find anything yet Ash....?"

"No... Not yet."

"How 'bout now...?"

"No, still nothing..."

"What about now?"

"No... Wait yes! Got something!"

"Oh good, we've been here for hours!"

"Not really Bree, we've only been here for 10 minutes.... Either way I got something, look at this. The spell to make inde-" the book disappeared from my hands.

"OOOOH! Let me try!" Bree tried to say the incantation, and I'm pretty sure it was pronounced wrong. Bubbles came pouring out of her wand, she tried to pop them but the spell was for indestructible bubbles. "Uh oh! Help Ash!"

"I don't know how!" Well at least we know it works. Suddenly the Librarian came bolting around the corner.

"What is going on here!!??" She waved her wand, and said a counter spell. She looked horrified, but at least the bubbles had disappeared. The Librarian, I think her name was Madame Pinch or something like that, shook her head and pointed towards the door, signalling for us to leave. I grabbed the book of charms and left as fast as we could. As soon as we were around the corner, Bree burst in to a fit of laughter. I on the other hand, didn't think it was very funny, but Bree's laugh is contagious so I joined her. We probably looked like maniacs, but that's ok.

"Oh god, we need to work on that spell." Bree said as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. "I think you should do that part of the prank. I got the hair dye part down." We were still trying to calm ourselves from the laughing.

"Yeah, good idea. Let's go find a quiet place to practice that spell."

We walked around, up one stair case, and another, until we reached the seventh floor. We didn't want to go to the common room, so we chose a hallway with a large empty wall. We sat down, under a torch light. I opened my book to find the page the bubble spell was on, when all of a sudden a door appeared across from us. Bree, being Bree, decided to go open it. I was curious myself so, after Bree I went.

"Holy Christmas nuts... This is brilliant!!" I nodded my head in agreement with Bree's statement. The room it's self was huge, it had mirrors along one wall, a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling, which you could barely see because, like the great Hall the ceiling was the same as the night sky. There were squishy chairs scattered around the room, which reminded me of the common room a little.Bree had discovered a big bowl of candy, and we ended up eating it all. We decided to stay, Bree helped me perfect the bubble charm, and I helped perfect (almost) her ability to walk quietly. We were all set to do some pranking.


Getting up tho the boys dorms was easy, figuring out which one was theirs... Not so much.

"I think it's that one!" Whisper/shouted Bree, pointing to a door to our left.

"Yea well I think it's that one." I argued back, pointing to the one to our right. "Alright we'll do rock, paper, scissors. Winner gets to open the door of their choice. Three.. Two.. One.. Go."

"Yessss! I won! I won!" Bree did a little victory dance. I don't really know why, it's just to open a door. She tip toed to the door to the left and quietly turned the door handle. Inside was not what we were looking for...

"Can we help you ladies?" This tall, brown haired, brown eyed, gorgeous looking 4th year opened the door. I could feel my face heat up, I knew I wouldn't be able to talk without embarrassing myself in front of him. His friends turned to see what was going on by the door.

"Why hello there." Bree spoke up. She was trying to act all smooth, it wasn't really working. "You see we are trying to prank one of our dearest friends, and we sort of got a little lost. Could you point us in the direction of the first years."

"You want to go two doors to the right, but if you get lost again, please don't hesitate to come back." The gorgeous one said with a wink. Who am I kidding, they were all gorgeous. We thanked them and tip toed to the right door. We quietly walked in, I was walking ahead of Bree, when she suddenly stubbed her toe on someone's trunk. She swore really loudly, we froze. Remus snored and turned around in his sleep, but thankfully didn't wake up. We noticed that Peter was sleeping in the weirdest position. His butt was in the air and his face was buried in his pillow. We tried not to giggle too loudly. Bree pointed to Sirius, motioning that we should finish the prank and leave. That's just what we did. I preformed the spell, while Bree dyed his hair. The final result was hilarious. His hair as green as a fresh pickled toad. The bubbles made it look like he was dreaming of the words 'I love Severus Snape!'.

"Come on we got to get out of here." Bree whispered to me. With me feeling guilty, we went to bed, thinking of the reaction we would get from Sirius.

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