7. Bree

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Bree P.O.V

The train stopped and we all got off.

Well, I pulled everyone off.

Some lady who called herself Proffessor Grample was calling us over to a bunch of boats. Imma gonna call her Gramps.

"Four to a boat!" Gramps called out.

"Aye aye Gramps!" I yelled back as Lily, Ash and Sev hit me on the back of my head. "Ow! You guys are mean!"

"Well then learn to shut up!" Lily huffed as she grabbed Severus' arm and stomped off.

"What's got her wand in a knot?" I jumped as James said that right behind me. I whacked him on the head a few times as payback.

"I don't know what that expression means, but I'll assume that it meant something along the lines of 'what is wrong with her'. She's always like this." I said in one breath.

The shorty, James, Sirius and Remus all sat together in the boat and Lily was already sitting in a full boat. Ash and I had nowhere to sit! NOOOOOOOOO

"Why'd you just yell no?" Ash asked while turning to me.

"Because there aren't any seats because all of my friends hate me." I started to dramatically sob and fall to the floor. Gramps came running over.

"What is wrong with her?" She asked Ash. I suddenly stopped while Ash was answering her, got up, and sat on James and Remus in their boat. I gave them a puppy dog pout and I could see them trying to resist. They finally gave up and let me sit there, but kicked off the short guy so that Ash could sit there too.

"Bree! Do you know what day tomorrow is?!" Ash suddenly yelled at me. I jumped in surprise and tumbled to the floor of the boat.

"I don't know. The first day of school?" I answered as a question. Man, falling hurt. I rubbed my head gently from where it banged against the wood. "Thanks a lot Ash." I said sarcastically. I'm a sarcastic little witch.

"No! It's September 2nd. It's Petunia's birthday!" I suddenly remembered 'Tunias birthday as she said it. I can't believe that I forgot it. "Wait!" I screamed as she started to walk away.

"What?" She asked, turning around.

"How did you know that it's 'Tunias birthday today?" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.

"She's been talking about it since the first day of August." Ash laughed once then we were at the castle.

We all walked in single file. Some lady came to talk to us but I wasn't paying attention. We walked into what I assumed was called the 'great hall' because of what everyone else was saying. This room would be great to set up pranks in. We were soon sorted by the talking hat, you know... comletely normal, and I was super happy to know that we were all in the same house. Lily was upset though because she wouldn't shut up.

Someone led us to the 'common room' and soon we all went to bed.

'WAKE UP!" Someone yelled in my ear. My eyes shot open and I glared as I saw Ashlyn.

"Ashlyn... you wILL DIE!" She jumped and ran out of the room. Meany.

I got dressed in a pair of worn jeans and a baggy black sweater. I put on my converse' and headed towards the door. I quickly ran back as I realized that I forgot my glasses. I didn't want to fall because I couldn't see where I was going.

I decided to wander around the castle because I had no idea where the food room was. I was brushing my hands against the tapestries when my hand suddenly went further through. I looked around, and when I was sure that no one was there, I moved it over. THERE WAS A SECRET PASSAGE!!!

I went running down it. The floor suddenly was slanted so I went rolling down the hill. I came out infront of the giant doors in the front hall! I found the food room!

I walked inside and the smell of food pretty much smacked me in the face. "FOOOOOOOD!" i went running to the nearest table, which happened to be Hufflepuff, and started eating. No one was making a sound but I didn't care. I hadn't eaten in hours.

Ash and Lily came and got me at some point. "Bree! You can't just go off scaring Hufflepuffs like that!" Lily whisper-yelled as we walked back to the Gryffindor table.

"Sorry." I said with a weird shrug thingy. "I was hungry!" I sat down at the table and grabbed a plate full of food. Remus looked at me like I had 2 heads. "What?" I asked with my mouth full so it probably sounded more like "Wruhrt".

"Nothing." He said quickly before going back to whatever he was doing. I shrugged and went back to eating, until James took my bacon pieces and threw them into the fire. I threw my head onto Ash's shoulder and started to sob. Well fake sob but close enough. I ignored everyone, getting louder and shit, until they all gave me more bacon.

I smiled and ate the bacon in silence, still ignoring James for throwing my bacon in the first place. "Bree!!! Talk to meh! I miss your weird voice!" James yelled. Right in my ear.

I winced and glared at him before getting up with some food and walking off. I heard Ash say something but I wasn't paying attention. I went back to the common room to get my bag. I quickly found my Mickey Mouse backpack and stuffed my books into it.

I walked back into the great hall just as A professor was leaving. "Bree Evans! Here is your schedule. School starts in an hour. Be ready." She said and walked off. Great. Thank you annonymous teacher...Well then, I'd better find Ash and head to class.

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