4. Ash

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Ash's P.O.V.

Me and Bree had reached the park by now, I told her all about everything that has happened and how neither of us wanted to tell the other. Finally I got to literaly running into Sirius. For some reason she seemed to be super excited. Suddenly she perked up.

"Oh my god! What if you don't see him again because of school! What if he hates you! What if-" I smacked Bree on her arm. I couldn't hear her say that anymore, I've been thinking about that as well as what Bree would say. "Ow!" she exclaimed.

"Bree Grace Evans! You are coming with me right now!" this was not the place to be talking about this. She raised her eyebrows at me. I know she doesn't like her full name. "Fine! Bree, c'mon! let's go back to my house, I'll let Lily know you're staying over!" She just rolled her eyes.

"Fine! Why do you have to be so demanding! Guuurl, it's tiring!" she said that in a very high pitched tone, with a flip of her hair. I giggled, and she fell over on the floor laughing. As I was shaking my head at her, someone called my name from behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Sirius. My face had probably turned very red by now.

"Hi Ashlyn."

"Hey Sirius, how's it going?"

He shrugged. "Eh, it could be worse." he paused for a second, looking at Bree. "Who is that?"

"That would be my best friend, Bree." she was still having a laugh attack. I giggled. "She's a little weird, but thats why we're friends." Bree had calmed down enough and walked over to us."Bree this is Sirius, Sirius this is my bestie Bree." They shook hands, Sirius looked a little awkward about it but Bree was all for it.

"Bree, we should probably go now. My mum will be worried. See ya later Sirius." I gave him a small wave.

"Wait, can I walk with you? My house is that way too." I smiled and nodded. He returned the smile, needless to say, he had a nice smile. Wait did I just think that! nope must have been my imagination. Turns out Sirius lived just a street away. While I was daydreaming, Sirius and Bree were talking, the got along very well for two people who just met. We said our farewells and went into the house.

"Hey mum, is it ok if Bree stays over?" I yelled as soon as the door closed.

"Yeah, no problem honey!" she yelled back from the kitchen. I smiled at Bree.

"C'mon let's tell Lily." when we got back, we naturally got a snack and went up to my room.

"You and Sirius seem to get along." I told her with a wiggle of my eyebrows. She laughed.

"Hahahaha, good one." Her tone was full of sarcasm. "I yacht you two!!!"

"What does that even mean?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. She sighed like she had told people this before. Knowing her she probably has.

"It's like shipping, only more hardcore."

I nodded. "Nonono, he would never like me. Plus I won't see him because of school." We talked for what seemed like hours about Hogwarts. We were both super excited. Eventually we fell asleep, excited for what school would bring.

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