2. Ashlyn

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Ashlyn's P.O.V.

"I give up!" Bree yelled as I sat down on one of the swings next to her. All of a sudden Lily called to Bree.

"Bree! We have to go home now!"

"Okay! I'll come in a moment!" she turned to face me. "I'll talk to you again tomorrow right?"

I nodded and smiled. "I'll call your house early tomorrow morning."

Lily took Bree by the hand and started dragging her away. She waved spastically at me, I giggled and waved back.

"Bye!" I yelled to her. Man we are weird. I sat on the swings for a little while longer. I was so lost in thought I hadn't noticed the sun had slowly creeped down so it was just above the tops of the trees.

"Shoot! Crap! Mum's gonna be so worried!" I said as I shot up off the swing. I ran maybe half a block when I ran into something and fell back on my butt.

"Crap! I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I mumbled a few more apologies before the stranger cut me off.

"It's all right." Said a voice that was clearly male. I looked up to see a boy with long-ish, black, shaggy hair and grey eyes. Not gonna lie here, but he was sort of good looking.

"Well I'm truthfully sorry that I ran over you, but I must be off. Good bye...?" I said waiting for his name.

"Sirius, and you are...?"

"Ashlyn. I really need to hurry now. It was nice meeting you, Sirius!" I called over my shoulder.

"Bye Ashlyn!" he replied with a chuckle. I ran home as fast as I could, I'm sure she would be worried and hopefully not mad. When i got to our house, I fumbled with the door handle. I tried to open the door as quietly as i could.

"Ashlyn is that you?" she sounded like she was on the verge of panicking.

"Yes, it's me. I'm so sorry I didn' come home earlier, I was with Bree, Lily and Severus, and we lost track of time. It won't happen again, I promise." I crossed my heart. It wasnt a complete lie, but if I told her I was by myself, she would freak.

"Please try to at least tell me if you are with them. I don't want to loose you too." She wrapped me in a big bear hug. I giggled.

"You won't loose me mum." She let out a little sigh.

"That reminds me." she said pulling out of the hug. She walked into the kitchen and brought out a thick, yellow-ish envelope. It had a red wax seal holding it closed. "This came for you today."

"What is it?" I asked. She laughed.

"Open it and find out."

It was adressed to me, but very specificly. It stated that I lived in the room next to the bathroom, how did they know that? I opened it and it read:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

Dear Ms. Ashlyn Brooks,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed, a list of all necessary books and items.

The Term starts September 1st. We await your owl before July 31st.


Minerva McGonnagal (Deputy Headmistress)

I looked at my mum to see if this was a joke. She looked curious as to what it said. I handed her the letter, with my eyebrows raised. She turned to me with the same expression, then turned to the next page and handed it to me. It was an explanation of what "Hogwarts" was and how I was a muggleborn witch; the basics.

"Oh my gosh, I'm a witch. This is great! I can do magic! What am I going to tell Bree? What if she hates me!" I sarted to worry.

"Bree is your best friend, I really don't think she would hate you because you're going to a different school. Now we need to give them an answer, because I really don't want to have an owl sitting in my Kitchen."

"There's an owl in our Kitchen?!" I ran to go investigate. Sure enough there was a big brown owl sitting on the table. I quickly scribbled them a reply and gave it to the owl, patted it on its head and it flew out the open window. I said a good night to my mum and went upstairs to my room, clutching the letter in my hand. I read it over a few more times, until I fell asleep. How am I going to tell Bree?

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