14. Ash

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So Sirius and I were sitting outside by the lake, on guard I might add. We were so prepared for James and Bree to attack first. I didn't think they would, I believe they would want us to instigate the war, but just in case they detoured from the plan we were ready. I had a piece of parchment on my lap with a quill twirling in my hand, waiting for an idea to pop up so I could write it down and then probably scratch it out later. I think we were running out of ideas at this point so I thought of the weirdest thing I could think of.

"How about we put clear glue over their bars of soap, so it won't work?"

Sirius looked at me like I just spoke a different language, then he thought about it for a second and since we didn't have any other ideas he said, "That could work, write it down." Then I became silent again, for we were both deep in thought. The only noise to be heard was the sound of the quill scratching against the parchment and the distant sound of people.

"What if we take out the last couple pages out of a book they are reading, so they can't finish it." Sirius suggested.

"Oh my gosh that's a horrible thing to do to a person! Plus neither Bree nor James reads. That could pose a problem, I don't think Bree even knows what a book looks like."

"No, Bree knows what a book looks like. I hit her in the head with one." He sounded proud of himself. I mean he had good aim, I'll give him that.

"That's literally the only interaction she's ever had with a book. Ooh look a cat!" a cat had just come wandering out of the forbidden forest.

"I hate cats. No, don't pick it up! It probably has rabies or something!" Sirius was shouting at me but I wasn't paying attention. There was a cat! Sirius is not as cool as cats. Good thing I said that in my head 'cause he would have gotten offended. I had the cat in my arms and was walking back to where Sirius was sitting.

"Look at how cute it is! It's tiny!" I exclaimed, holding the baby kitten up in the air. Sirius groaned.

"It's gross. Put it back, you don't know where it has been."

"I'll only put it back if you are allergic to cats." I then proceeded to shove the cat into his face. The kitten swatted at Sirius's nose. Awwwe it's so cute. I'm going to name it Sammy. "See you're fine. I'm keeping it."

"ok, fine, maybe I'm not allergic to cats, but if I was you could have killed me. Were you willing to sacrifice your pranking genius friend to test a theory. I could have died!" He was holding his chest like he was shocked.

"Its ok, I had a plan. I was going to drag you to the infirmary, and have Madame Pomfrey fix you." ehehehehehehehehhehheheheheheheha

"You were going to drag me to the infirmary? By yourself? You can barely lift your trunk."

"I'll have you know that I am perfectly capable of  lifting my own trunk, thank you very much." I sat back down, placing Sammy on my lap gently. Returning to planning is difficult with a cat sitting on you, but that's ok because he's adorable. I was just assuming he was a he, even if he is a she Sammy is a good name for both genders . Just then Sirius interrupted my thoughts with spoken words that I was not listening to the first time. "What?" I asked.

"I said, what if we filled cups up with water and surrounded their beds while they slept."  I thought about it for a second.

"Yeah, I think that could work. We would have to move the beds around theirs so they wouldn't be able to jump off and escape .... " I trailed off thinking of the details. We would have to be really quiet and up late but that's ok, it's worth it. I think.

"Ok let's get started then." Sirius got up and started towards the castle.

"Ughhhh, I just sat down...." I was groaning and complaining, but I got up anyway. Following Sirius, I posed the question that I had come up with. "Where are we going to get all those cups?"

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