ch. 26

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Sitting in the throne room, Alcina listened to yet another wolf from a different pack complain about how hard it was to live with the witches. He was the fifth just today and at least the thirtieth this week. Her timer began to go off signaling it was time to feed Sage. She and Xavier decided to name their daughter after her wolf, without whom, Alcina wouldn't have survived this long.

"Excuse me, josh. I have to go feed my daughter. My advice? Get used to it. Actually try to make peace with them for once instead of making things harder okay?" She said standing up and leaving the room without another word. She sighed as soon as she reach the nursery, feeling peaceful. The quiet was something that she had grown to love. With three boys and a newborn, it didn't come often. Xavier was off in other packs trying to settle disputes that had began getting out of hand which worried Alcina. They had yet to truly settle everything between wolves and witches so problems kept arising and the random rogue attacks weren't helping. They struck everywhere but the red dawn pack. They had to be planning something.Just as she propped sage up and began to burp her Isabelle came bursting in.

"Luna! Jesse is missing. Someone picked him up from daycare and just walked out. The name says Anastasia." Isabelle said ready to take sage any second. Alcina burst to her feet and gently passed over the infant before running to the daycare. The scent was easy to find. Following the smell, Alcina found her way wandering throughout the pack before finally finding a new trail that lead to the clearing. Without a doubt, there stood Anastasia with her youngest son by the arm. He wasn't scared and she didn't seem to have a tight hold.

"Took you long enough. Been waiting thirty minutes now." She smiled baring her pointed fangs. Every hair on Alcina's neck stood up.

"Just give me my son." Alcina said stiffly.

"No. Brent's dead. He killed himself. I blame you." Anastasia replied, her voice was cold as ice. Jesse had begun to get scared.

"Jesse, buddy, it's okay. Just look at mommy okay?" Alcina said trying to calm him. Anastasia's smiled had turned into something malicious. Without warning she placed her hands on Jesse's head and snapped his neck. Just like with Tyler, her wolf took control. She shifted immediately and Anastasia began running. It was a matter of seconds before Alcina caught her and began tearing at the vampires body. She ripped the monster to pieces before looking Xavier.

"Xay, come home." She pushed every emotion she had into the link so he would know it was important before going and picking up her babies lifeless body. "My sweet boy. My sunshine."

She carried his body to the morgue and handed him to their staff. Still nude she went to the pack house and put on some clothes. She order fae and a few other guard members to go collect the twins. This meant war. Twelve hours later she received a link from Xavier showing he was there. Alcina stepped out of their home and waited for him to come up. Holding her robe tightly she thought about how to tell him. He stepped from the clearing nude and walked up to her.

"My sweet, what's wrong?" He said gingerly taking a step forward. Alcina's resolve threatened to falter and she knew she needed to tell him before it crumpled completely.

"I failed you. You and our children for a second time." She said gently taking his hand. "Jesse is not longer with us."

A lone tear slipped from her eyes as she let him take in the information. He stood still, slowly tensing as he started to understand what she was saying.

"How? Who? Where? Why wasn't he in the nursery?" Xavier asked. His voice growing in volume every word he asked. They stared at each other for a moment before Alcina linked him her memories of today's events.

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