Ch. 19 The Gathering

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The week passed with many nightmares and sleepless night for Alcina. She chose to see this as a good thing. This allowed her to catch up on paperwork, housework, and research. She had reviewed the plans for the new prison five times already to make sure there was no chance of escape and planned out multiple different attack plans according to everyone's strengths. She had also made a decision this particular morning that she planned to discuss with Xavier when he woke up. She was making pancakes, eggs, cinnamon rolls, bacon, and ham when Annie came into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Luna. Another one of those nights?" Annie had become accustomed to Alcina's sleeplessness and just began to help with the cooking and table setting.

"More nightmares. Plus my head is so full of how to beat approach the rogue situation that I can hardly relax." She said stirring the scrambled eggs.

"Maybe you just need sex. One good night can help you relax." Annie said placing down the plates.

"Annie!" Alcina laughed and turned a light shade of pink.

"Well it's true! Don't think I haven't noticed how grumpy Xavier is starting to become. Might do you both some good." She replied grabbing the silverware.

"What might do me some good?" Xavier asked rubbing his eyes. Alcina turned to her mate and smiled. He was shirtless and in grey sweats with his hair still tousled.

"Nothing, my dear. How'd you sleep?" She said pecking him on the lips when he walked over to her.

"Better than you clearly. You need to rest. You need your strength." He replied.

"I said you both need sex. You haven't gotten paid since she had Jesse and it's affecting your mood." Annie interjected. Xavier raised his eyebrows at Alcina.

"That's not a bad idea. Plus I enjoy seeing you beautifully swollen with my pup in your belly." He grumbled playfully and nipped at her neck where he marked her a few years ago.

"Once we deal with the rogue, we'll have as many as you want. No more until then." She said kissing his now pouting lips and slipping under his arms with eggs in a bowl. She placed all of the food on the table and started waking up the children. Jesse was only two months old but was already the size of a six month old and had begun growing teeth. All three of the boys seemed to be grow at a faster rate than most.

After diligent research Alcina found that the royal family grew faster and larger than most. Especially when there were threats perceived nearby. The twins seemed to be at least six months ahead on development as well. They had begun making full sentences and trying to hold conversations with the older wolves.

"Annie, can you drop the twins at preschool this morning? I'm gonna run Jesse to the pack nursery before heading to the meeting." Alcina asked once everyone was seated and began eating.

"I can drop Jesse off so you aren't late." Isabelle offered before taking a bite of pancakes.

"No, that will make you late. I'm the queen and no one will scold me. You're a different story. If you want to be a part of the guard then you have to be there on time." Alcina rejected.

"I've got the twins. Do you want me to take Jesse as well? I could always keep him at the pack house with me." Annie offered.

"NO!" Alcina yelled causing everyone to jump and Annie stared down at her plate. Alcina quickly realized she was letting off her queen aura and calmed down a bit. "I mean, no thank you. I would feel safer if he was at the nursery where some of our strongest will be." She answered. Clearing her throat she excused herself and headed upstairs. The rest finished their breakfast before partying ways.

Isabelle headed to the meeting so she could arrive early to help with seating. Bentley headed to school and Annie cleared the table. Xavier placed the twins in their room and Jesse in his bassinet in Xavier's room before going into the bathroom. He could hear the shower running and stepped in to find Alcina fully clothed standing in the water. He placed his hand under the water to feel that it was freezing cold.

"Alcina, you will make yourself sick." He said and she looked out at him. He could see how broken and tired his mate had become. Brent seemed to want to destroy her and he had been doing a pretty good job so far.

"I can't sleep. I have to stay awake. I can't stay awake and be calm. Help me." She said swaying on her feet. Xavier shut off the water followed by him removing her soaked clothes and discarding them to the nearby tub. He wrapped her in a fluffy towel before carrying her to their room. After dressing her he kissed her forehead. As he did so a knock sounded at the door and someone stepped in.

"Forgive me." He whispered and stepped back so Alcina could see it was the doctor who delivered her son's.

"Hello, Luna queen. We're just gonna do something really quick and you'll feel so much better." She said digging in her bag. When she removed a small vial and needle Alcina began to panic.

"No! Xavier what the hell? No! You stay away from me." Alcina said and attempted to scoot back out of reach. Xavier stopped her by grabbing her ankle. When she started to swing her arms around he climbed on the bed, sitting behind her and pinning her arms to her side.

"You have to sleep. I'm sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. Forgive me please." He kept repeating over and over. The doctor poked the needle into her arm and pressed the plunger down, forcing the liquid into her system.

"Why? Why, xay? I thought I could trust my own mate." Alcina said as her words began to slur.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, my love. Please forgive me." He said as a single tear slipped from his eye.

"I...... Hate...... You." Alcina said and her body went limp. Her last few words were like a stab to Xavier's heart. Forcing away his thoughts and sorrow, Xavier focused on the task at hand. He had to get Jesse to the nursery and get to the meeting. After laying Alcina properly and covering her with a small blanket her did exactly that.

Stepping into the large meeting hall Xavier let loose on his alpha aura causing the room to go silent. The room was divided between witches and wolves. It seemed as though the two groups of people may never see eye to eye.

"Everyone. I have brought you all here together for one reason. A problem that thanks to the witches we hardly deal with anymore. A problem of our own making." Xavier began until Alpha warren of the red woods pack stood up.

"If they're so great the why has your pack been attacked three times in the past three years. Clearly they aren't keeping up on their end." Alpha warren pointed to the witches. A few stood up ready to explode but Xavier stopped them.

"The witches are hurt. They've been protecting us for years. The only time a rogue gets to anyone is when their queen is sick or it's a new rogue. Be grateful, Warren. Because of us and the witches, the rogues never make it past us. My Luna just spent a week making sure no rogues we're left free on this side of the border." Xavier snapped and everyone sat down again.

"Now, the rogues are looking to revive the ancient ones. Some seemed to have escaped the war and taken to hiding themselves for the next few hundred years. We are going to find them and destroy them once and for all, while they sleep. This is how we're gonna do it." Xavier explained the attack plan and everyone seemed to agree.

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