unexpected confession

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a/n: hidden stellarlune spoilers 

♡⇐ Sokeefe Love ⇒♡

"You said you didn't care! You said whatever defeated your mom would have to happen!" Sophie yelled at Keefe. For support, she rested her hand on the Panakes. "You can't just swoop in and pretend to be a hero again!"

"I'm not trying to be one." He shouted back with just as much intensity. "I'm trying to knock some sense into your brain! This mission is suicidal. Going into Neverseen's base with no weapons, and a peace treaty in mind?" He waved his hands, exasperated. "What are you thinking, Sophie?"

She flinched at her name. Her intention was just to put it out there, in hopes the Neverseen would come to their senses. How many casualties could they save with one truce? During the discussion, Sophie told Keefe that everything had already been finalized.

Sophie was heading to the Neverseen's hideout to offer a truce. For the sake of the Lost Cities.

Whatever had gone through the Neverseen's heads when they had torched down the Councillors' castles was irrelevant, but the fact still stood. She had burned down their storage house, they had burned down Brumevale. Sophie had nearly been bombed, and burned on the same day, in the same place.

The Neverseen were swifter with their ability to kill, though there was no visible concern, she could imagine the restriction on their fragile minds. But Keefe didn't seem to understand.

Keefe stood there, as handsome as he was stubborn. Despite his aggression, she could see how he needed Calla's support, the way he leaned into the tree was enough evidence. Sophie couldn't get him too mad, though, since she needed him to promise one more thing. 

Keefe saw it in the crease of her forehead. "What else do you need from me, fair highness?"

He asked in a nasal voice, probably mimicking his father.

Sophie seated him in front of her, stroking his hand with her thumb. "Mr. Forkle figured out another problem yesterday."

"What is it?"

She gulped down the hesitancy. "The Neverseen has something that can make anyone bend to their command at any moment." Keefe stiffened. "So far, there's only one batch, but he suspects it's for me, given the array of abilities he has graciously provided for me."

She expected a smile, but his expression had hardened when he asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"I need you to make sure I won't hurt anyone. I won't be in control of my powers, you know what might happen." Keefe still didn't understand, she could see it in his eyes. "You need to make sure the Neverseen can't use my powers to their advantage."

The idea struck him, and he began shaking. "Sophie—" His voice held so much more pain than she had expected. "I can't do that—it wouldn't be right—are you crazy?"

"I prefer logical." She grabbed his shoulders. "The whole Lost City will collapse. I just figured out how to use everything to the extent of my abilities. You know how much of an advantage that would give them?" Tears clouded her eyes. "I doubt anyone else will do it for me. You need to take my life if that happens."

"You're actually crazy—insane if you prefer that." He laughed as if he thought it was some sick prank, but then noticed she didn't follow suit.

He got up, backing away from her. "No." He shook his head. "No, no chance that's going to happen."

"You have to do it." Sophie reached out for him, but he backed away further. "Keefe, it's the only way— promise me."

"Sophie," he breathed. "Do you understand what I'm saying?" His voice rose. "You want me to kill you if the Neverseen capture you on some stupid stunt mission that isn't even necessary?"

"It's necessary." She argued. "It could save so many lives—just exchanged for mine."

"Just exchanged for yours? Do you know how much I value your life?"

"You shouldn't." Sophie clenched her jaw. "It'll only end in misery."

"Oh, no it won't. I value your life in a way you won't understand."

"Educate me, Sencen." Unease filled her, but she stood tall. "I don't get it. If you just kill me, you can capture your mother. I doubt she has any other plans, given how self-destructive she was." Maybe they share the same gene. "That was your one goal. It doesn't make sense why you wouldn't do a single deed to accomplish it for the good of the Lost Cities."

He turned to her with new anger. "You don't know what I want."

"Tell me!" Sophie burst. "Tell me what you want. I can guarantee it is as far away from the topic of myself as you can even imagine."

She waited, but he didn't answer. "Explain it to me, Keefe." It was a rough order. "Tell me what you want. Tell me what you would lose if you killed me, and captured your mother, and— "

"I WOULD LOSE YOU!" Keefe screamed for everyone to hear, tears running down his face."I WOULD LOSE THE SINGLE PERSON I'VE LOVED FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS ."

Sophie's expression was stripped of emotion, sinking against the Panake Tree when Keefe added, "I love you, Sophie Elizabeth Foster."


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