CH 5

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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich Chapter 5: You must be a genius!

Zhuang Zhou has been absent from work for two days and has not gone to work.

The magic is that he still has divine power in his body. Although the divine power is still meager, he can feel that his wealth is not revoked by the great priest.

"It must be that the East Road God of Wealth is too short of manpower."

So Zhuang Zhou didn't worry anymore, and planned to learn the'dialect' first, and then study where it was and how to leave.

Zhuang Zhou has a good memory.

When Wen Xiaoyun taught him to speak, he read all the words in the album.

When Wen Xiaoyun was repairing a small robot, Zhuang Zhou was learning while he was unsure, so he directly asked Wen Xiaoyun who was next to him.

After he had read all the characters in the album, he found that Wen Xiaoyun was still repairing a small robot.

This little robot is the tattered robot that has been picking up **** with Wen Xiaoyun before. Zhuang Zhou was very curious about this little robot yesterday and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with it?"

Wen Xiaoyun glanced at it, his tone faint: "It's broken."

His speed alone is limited, there are too many signal tower parts that need to be repaired, and there are many garbage dumps, so he assembled a broken robot to scan useful parts together.

It's just that this robot is assembled from broken pieces, so naturally it won't last long.

Zhuang Zhou put down the album and moved his head over: "What's the bad, what's the bad? I'll fix it for you."

Wen Xiaoyun raised his eyebrows: "You will?"


He wanted to say that he had studied electronics, chip design, information engineering construction, etc., and did not understand how to pronounce these majors in 'dialect', so he had to swallow the rest of the words.

The great priest said, Donglu God of Wealth, there should be no "no" in his mouth!

Hearing that he had also learned this, Wen Xiaoyun was a little surprised and couldn't help but glance at him more.

The production principle of a small robot is similar to that of a mecha. It is really difficult to operate. Wen Xiaoyun can't make a good robot by himself.

Otherwise, there won't be this little tatter.

Wen Xiaoyun stuffed the head of the small machine into his hand, with a light tone: "Since I have learned it, then sort out its energy lines."

Zhuang Zhou understood what the thread was, and understood that Wen Xiaoyun asked him to get the thread in the robot's head.

"I can!" He was very confident.

Zhuang Zhou opened the head of the robot with a tool and found that the robot was really broken and all parts were rusty.

Subconsciously, Zhuang Zhou used divine power to remove the rust spots on it. After removing the rust spots, he found that there was a round object in the robot's brain. He took it out and looked at it, a little surprised.

"What is this?"

He probed the inside of the sphere with divine power. There seemed to be spiritual power inside the sphere, which was not very similar to spiritual power.

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