CH 6

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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich Chapter 6: Interstellar calendar 2333

Two days later.

The Flying Dragon battleship of the Third Army landed in the abandoned airport of β-324, one day earlier than originally planned.

After several uninterrupted transitions, everyone on the Flying Dragon battleship felt a little uncomfortable.

The number of such jumps has exceeded their limit. The Interstellar Navigation Law stipulates that ordinary manned spacecraft can only make one jump a day.

Even the battleship is at most twice.

But the Third Army was eager to save people. Knowing that Wen Xiaoyun could not sit still after the high-radiation β-324 abandoned garbage star, he could not wait to drive the warship over immediately. After five transitions in just three days, he finally arrived one day earlier.了β﹣324.

As soon as the battleship landed, everyone in the Third Army was about to vomit.

"Everyone rests on the spot, Zhang Feng, take everyone in your group and set off with me."

"Yes! Adjutant Cheng!"

Under the leadership of Cheng Jinxue, the elite team put on radiation isolation suits, brought equipment and got off the battleship.

As soon as the battleship, the helmet of the protective suit lights up a warning.

Zhang Feng gasped in air: "It's so strong radiation, without protective clothing, I can't stay here at all, Adjutant Cheng, is the boss really at β-324?"

After leaving the main battleship, the rescue capsule will follow the gravitational pull of the planets in the universe and drift to any place, but the radiation pollution of β-324 is too terrifying, and it is impossible for anyone to survive here.

Cheng Jinxue's expression also became solemn: "According to the data I checked before, the hardest-hit area of ​​energy radiation is here in the space port. The boss is still a little far away from here, and the radiation pollution over there should not be that serious."

The flying dragon battleship is very large, and it is not easy to land without a special location. They can only choose to land in the abandoned space port, which used to be a place for the spacecraft to dock.

But that is to say, they are all on the same planet, even if they are far away from the worst-hit areas of radiation pollution, they are also polluted areas, otherwise β-324 will not be abandoned.

However, the problem soon came again.

As soon as they got on the levitation vehicle, they discovered that the energy radiation pollution was too great, which seriously interfered with the electromagnetic field of the levitation vehicle, making the levitation vehicle not fast.

Cheng Jinxue made a decisive decision: "Change the car."

The suspension vehicles were replaced by the most common armored off-road, and the team finally moved towards the signal position sent by the locator.

at this time.

Wen Xiaoyun and the little tattered robot after Chengjing are competing with each other.

The little tattered robot ignored the program instructions set by Wen Xiaoyun, and refused to go through the garbage dump again.

Wen Xiaoyun assembled such a small tatter to help himself scan parts. The small tatter refuses to go through the garbage dump. What does he want this robot for?

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