CH 29

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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich Chapter 29: Official announcement!

Capital star, airport.

The Flying Dragon battleship landed in the eyes of everyone.

As soon as the warship's door opened, many cameras flew up in a hurry, but did not dare to get too close, hanging in the air to shoot, all major news companies wanted to grab the first headlines.

Most of these cameras are live broadcasts. When the Flying Dragon battleship returned to Hong Kong, the number of viewers on the major live broadcast platforms was already full.

They look forward to seeing the war **** Wen Xiaoyun for the first time, and the dense barrage is even faster.

"God of War? I'm afraid it won't work, haven't you heard? It smells that the Admiral was unprotected for a long time when he was on the Junk Star. He was polluted by energy radiation and his mental power level dropped."

"Yes, the news a month and a half ago said that the admiral's mental power level has dropped to SS level."

"The decline from SSS level to double S level was still a month and a half ago. Isn't his mental power lower now?"

"It depends on the extent of his exposure to energy radiation."

"Doesn't it mean completely unprotected exposure? β-324 is a planet that has seriously exceeded the radiation standard and was abandoned. Isn't it a low level of infection?"

"We think so too. If it weren't for a bad mental state, the admiral wouldn't have stayed in β-324 for two months. He should have returned long ago."

"In that case, it's very likely that Admiral only has an S grade mental power level?"

"S-level mental power level... the commanders of the first and second legions are both SS-level, right? Whether it is physical fitness or mental power level."

"What do you mean by this? Why? Admiral can no longer be a legion commander if his mental strength has declined? Admiral's previous combat exploits have been nullified? The credit for killing the Zerg queen is not counted? "

"Hehe, I didn't say that..."

"Come here! Smell the admiral is out!"

Everyone was not in the mood to discuss any more, they craned their necks and stared at them. The flying camera controlled by their hands was cautious, afraid that they would fly too far, so they were shot down by the soldiers on both sides.

Even the barrage screen was empty. It seemed that they were worried that the barrage they sent would block their sight, but they refused to block the barrage directly.

Just as everyone was eagerly looking forward to it, Wen Xiaoyun took the lead to walk out from the warship gate, in a straight military uniform, pulling his slender figure up to the height of the sculpture of the hand of the gods, and the handsome facial features were as calm and steady as ever.

The barrage skyrocketed in an instant.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Ahhhhh, so handsome!"

"I'm dead, I'm dead! I haven't seen the general for a long time, he is still so handsome!"

"I said that the admiral is the most handsome in the military. No one has any opinions?!"

"He seems to be in good condition, he can't see the appearance of being polluted by energy radiation at all."

They have seen too many people who have been polluted by energy radiation, none of them is haggard, their mental state is very bad, not only that, some even give up on themselves.

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