CH 12

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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich Chapter 12: Really, just bye bye casually

Due to the discovery of energy veins, the original plan to leave β-324 today has been temporarily shelved.

It's just that this is an abandoned planet after all. How to stay here justifiably requires a reason not to be suspected.

Report energy ore veins?

Cheng Jinxue was very reluctant: "This is an abandoned planet! The Interstellar Alliance law stipulates that the abandoned planet belongs to who wants to claim it!"

There is only one reason why the planet will be abandoned, and that is excessive energy pollution.

How many people in the empire suffer from energy pollution, which has led to a decline or collapse of mental power.

So once a planet, because energy pollution exceeds the uncontrollable range, after there is no way to deal with it, it can only be discarded.

It is an abandoned planet. If you want it, you must control the energy pollution on it. This is stipulated by the Interstellar Alliance Law.

The Star Alliance would like you to claim the abandoned planet back.

Because there is also a provision in the alliance law, that is, who has the means to control the energy pollution of the abandoned planet, who can have the right to use this planet for 70 years.

Seventy years later, the planet returned to the Interstellar Alliance division.

However, whether to return to the former country or redistribute it to other countries is another matter. It depends on the struggle of each country.

But in any case, this is a good thing for All Stars.

However, in the past two thousand years, no abandoned planet has ever been claimed.

The abandonment was abandoned, and the issue of attribution had never happened after seventy years, so the Star Alliance had never perfected the regulations on this matter.

Now they have discovered a large-scale energy quarry in β-324. If it is a normal planet, it must be reported directly, but this is an abandoned planet!

The law says that whoever wants to take it away, who can't be moved!

Zhuang Zhou raised his doubts: "Is it necessary to report the discovery of energy quarries?"

"I want." Wen Xiaoyun said: "Improper mining or use of energy stones will cause even greater radiation pollution."

Radiation pollution is a headache for every interstellar country.

If non-professional people are allowed to deal with energy stones, it will only cause greater energy pollution.

Wen Xiaoyun guessed that the prince did not want to report the energy quarry, so β-324 was used as a garbage disposal star to cover people's eyes and mine energy quarries privately, which caused the planet to be seriously polluted. , And finally can only choose to discard.

Zhuang Zhou suddenly realized: "Um...I understand."

In fact, as long as you think about the situation on the earth, you can understand it.

In the early 1990s, many coal mines were mined in various parts of China. Many people became rich overnight, but they also brought huge hidden dangers.

Some mines are mined without a license, and accidents often occur, which leads to no guarantee of absenteeism, and the ecological environment is also severely damaged.

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