CH 32

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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich Chapter 32: this

Zhuang Zhou has been a reserve **** since he has his memory.

The only thing to do is to learn how to be a god.

He learned the fastest, stood out among the reserve gods, and got the internship opportunity of the **** of wealth.

His heart has always been the only thing he can do to get right, how to become a real **** of wealth, he has never thought about children's personal relationships, and he doesn't put this kind of thing in his own plan.

I thought that when Cheng Jinxue wanted to get married, he would work hard to perfect the believers, bring him good luck, and let him get married early. After all, there is no month old here.

If he was on the earth, he could ask who the old moon Cheng Jinxue had fate with, and he could tie them the red line and shorten the distance a little bit.

He really hadn't thought about it, he had to face such a thing.

Wen Xiaoyun has always been very good to him, knowing that there are many weird things about him, never telling him, and will help him cover.

So... Wen Xiaoyun likes him?

Is it the kind that you like to get married?

Or, just like he likes Cheng Jinxue?

Zhuang Zhou shrank his head into the quilt, and his head popped out after a while, very tangled in his heart.

"The great priest also didn't tell me... can the gods get married..."

Forget it, forget it.

He pulled out the video of the mecha contest and watched it.

The Mecha Manufacturing Competition is the final day after tomorrow. This time there is a dark horse, and it is the man named Hong Shijun.

Hong Shijun is the eldest young master of the Hong family, and the Hong family is the natal family of the Duchess Borton. As the natal family of the Duchess, the Hong family is naturally also a powerful nobleman.

It is said that the children of the nobles like to idle, eat, drink and have fun. This Hong Shijun, as the young master of the Hong family, has taken eating, drinking and having fun to the extreme.

But I didn't expect that such a **** who likes to spend time and drink, suddenly shines in the mecha manufacturing competition, and suddenly becomes the most eye-catching dark horse!

"I really can't see that Hong Shijun has such a talent!"

"Don't say it's us, haven't you seen the Hong family and didn't you see it!"

"Hahaha Hong Shijun's father used to be all kinds of squirts, and he threatened to have no such son. Now if you look at him again, you can't wait for everyone in the world to know that Hong Shijun is his son."

"There is one thing to say, if my son can make mechas that shield 100% of energy radiation, I will blow my son every day!"

"Is it true that 100% radiation is shielded? Has the official appraised it?"

"Identified! Several mecha masters tested on the spot, 100% shielding of radiation, and major mecha manufacturers have already signed a contract with Hong Shijun!"

"It's just an energy device! What if it doesn't reach 100% shielding after being assembled on the mecha?"

"Fuck, how much is this! I really can't see that Hong Shijun is so good!"

Netizens talked a lot, but the facts are just as they said. The major mecha manufacturers have come to Hong's house to see Hong Shijun and get this 100% radiation shielding energy device method.

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