CH 26

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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich Chapter 26: He is the God of Wealth (with modification)

"Zhouzhou, how can you be so coaxing!"

Cheng Jinxue gritted his teeth in his heart, but his words were serious and earnest: "You are too good to talk so that you will be bullied!"

Zhuang Zhou held the energy stone sent by Wen Xiaoyun and whispered, "I'm not too good at it."

Cheng Jinxue yelled: "Boss, he lied to you!"

Zhuang Zhou said, "But he did it for my own good."

Cheng Jinxue: "How can I lie to you for your good?"

Zhuang Zhou said nothing.

That day, he only left the sentence "You lie to me" and left, and then he ignored Wen Xiaoyun.

So that Cheng Jinxue only knew that Wen Xiaoyun lied to him, but didn't know what exactly lied to him.

Cheng Jinxue is a very acquainted person, Zhuang Zhou didn't say, Wen Xiaoyun didn't say, he didn't ask what was going on.

He was depressed, and finally saw the boss deflated. He didn't expect Zhou Zhou to forgive him after only a few days.

According to his opinion of people in love, young couples have to fight for a few days when they quarrel, and then they have to coax them nicely when they are a husband, and do whatever they want.

It would be great to see the boss bend his knees so humbly!

He will definitely record it!

The results of it?

Sure enough, his expectations of Zhuang Zhou were still too high!

Cheng Jin learns and earnestly said: "Zhouzhou, brother tells you that men make mistakes only 0 and countless times. Once this happens, there will be a second time. You forgive him so easily now, and he will cheat again in the future. what would you do?"

Zhuang Zhou was surprised: "Why do you say that? Are you not a man?"

Cheng Jinxue: "I am!"

"Me too." Zhuang Zhou said: "But if I made a mistake once, I won't make a second time. Will you?"

Cheng Jinxue gritted his teeth: "!"

Zhuang Zhou blinked, "You won't, and neither will I, so Wen Xiaoyun won't necessarily. Everyone is a man, so you can't make generalizations."

"Moreover." He paused, and said embarrassingly: "He gave me a lot of energy stones. He said that he would apologize to me for all this. Doesn't it cost a lot of money?"

Wen Xiaoyun was really sincere for spending so much money to apologize to him. Zhuang Zhou is not a stingy person. Wen Xiaoyun apologized for his own sake, so he had no reason to be angry.

Cheng Jinxue: "..."

Cheng Jinxue really wanted to knock on Zhuang Zhou's head.

Why don't these silly kids think about what their purpose of staying on the garbage star is for!

It's for mining!

So many energy quarries are all private property of their Third Army!

The boss has complete control over the use of these energy stones.

Then the boss gave it to Zhouzhou.

But Zhouzhou is the wife of the future general and a member of the Third Army. If this is given to Zhouzhou, doesn't it mean coming and going, or is it the Third Army?

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