CH 59

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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich Chapter 59: The truth about the past, the truth about the disappearance of the earth

Silly or not, Zhuang Zhou doesn't know it himself.

Because of this relaxation, he no longer had to worry about the sky thunder outside, he couldn't hold it anymore, so he fainted.

"Zhou Zhou!"

"the host!"

The sky thunders outside came one after another.

At first, because of the lightning protection device, although the sky thunder fell, it struck somewhere else.

The last two sky thunders, I don't know if the lightning protection device failed, or if the sky thunder found out that it was broken, the last two sky thunders smashed on the flying dragon battleship.

Because the people who crossed the robbery were in the battleship, they had to pass the Flying Dragon battleship if they wanted to smash the small tatters and the boat.

It has to be said that it is worthy of being a warship that can shuttle through the meteorite zone. The last two lightning strikes only damaged the outermost defense of the warship.

But the sky thunder has stopped.

The nine heavenly thunders are all over.

Little Tattered exhaled a long breath.

As soon as the thunder was over on this day, Little Tattered felt that there was a golden light covering him and his master. It only felt that the whole body was lazy, as if there was still a force mending its body, bit by bit. Change its body.

Wen Xiaoyun saw that Zhuang Zhou was also shrouded in golden light, and quickly asked, "What's the matter?!"

Little tattered half-knowledge: "Maybe the reward for successfully crossing the robbery? This is to repair the injury on the owner's body, and it will also supplement the lost power."

Because it found that the power that disappeared before is back.

"Repair the injury?"

Wen Xiaoyun didn't know what he thought of.

Zhou Zhou often gets headaches when he thinks of the past. It's hard not to make him wonder if Zhou Zhou has suffered any injuries before.

If this can repair Zhouzhou’s injuries, is it possible to repair the previous injuries as well?

Wen Xiaoyun wanted to say something, his face suddenly changed, and Zhou Zhou, who had fainted in his arms, suddenly flew out of his sleeve.

Wen Xiaoyun glanced intently. It was Zhouzhou's little idol that he had been carrying with him all the time.

He still remembered that this little **** was like Zhouzhou's body.

Wen Xiaoyun held his breath and called out tentatively: "Zhouzhou?"

The little idol did not respond. After coming out of Qiankun's sleeve, he directly entered Zhouzhou's body, as if it had merged with his body.

Wen Xiaoyun was worried in his heart, and thought that he had a contract with Zhouzhou, and his soul had long been connected, so he cautiously tapped out his spiritual power and entered Zhouzhou's spiritual world.

As soon as he entered Zhouzhou's spiritual world, he saw that the little idol seemed to come to life.

It has become a small person like Zhouzhou, and he looks cute and cute in a reduced version.

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