CH 9

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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich Chapter 9: Filial piety moved the world!

Wen Xiaoyun woke up after two hours of sleep.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he met a pair of clear and beautiful eyes.

Zhuang Zhou seemed to be by the bed all the time, and when Wen Xiaoyun woke up, a bright smile appeared on his face: "Wen Xiaoyun, you are awake."

"Yeah." Wen Xiaoyun sat up.

Zhuang Zhou asked him: "It's almost noon. Did you sleep well this time?"

Wen Xiaoyun said, "I didn't sleep well."

Sixty-three pairs of socks were still playing in his mind.

Wen Xiaoyun had a headache.

I really didn't sleep well this time.

Zhuang Zhou was a little confused: "You haven't slept again, okay?"

He began to have a guilty conscience. Could it be that he had given Wen Xiaoyun a dream too many times, leaving sequelae?

Mainly because he hadn't noticed the details before.

When Wen Xiaoyun had dreams before, he was not fluent in interstellar language, so he was used to speaking Mandarin. Maybe Wen Xiaoyun would be under a little pressure to execute it.

Wen Xiaoyun rubbed his temples, without noticing Zhuang Zhou's guilty little eyes, and said casually: "Well, maybe I have a nightmare."

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Zhou immediately widened his eyes and said loudly, "Impossible!"

Where do you have nightmares!

He is not a nightmare!

The God of Wealth sends money into a dream, this is a sweet dream!

Wen Xiaoyun looked back at him, with questions in his eyes.

Zhuang Zhou realized that he was a little louder just now, and dropped his head mournfully, retorting in a low voice, "It must be a beautiful dream."

Wen Xiaoyun raised his eyebrows: "Do you know what dream I have?"

Zhuang Zhou's heart trembled and he slowly said, "I don't know, how can I know what your dreams are, I am..."

He paused, and his tone was full of blessings: "I hope that you can have a good dream and sleep well every day."

Wen Xiaoyun rubbed his head and said in a deep voice, "Thank you."

Seeing that he didn't ask anything else, Zhuang Zhou asked tentatively: "Then you...what dream did you have last night? Do you remember?"

Wen Xiaoyun fastened the loose collar button and glanced at Zhuang Zhou.

The latter looked serious and seemed to be really curious.

He secretly said that he really thought too much.

There is no trace of dreams, which is an activity of the human brain's subconscious mind.

How could he think that Zhuang Zhou would know what dream he had.

As for why other people dreamed of Zhuang Zhou on the first day they met Zhuang Zhou, perhaps it was just because the child was so good-looking and beautiful.

Good-looking people are born with fatal attraction.

Wen Xiaoyun shook his head and said, "I can't remember clearly."

Zhuang Zhou quietly breathed a sigh of relief, which showed that Tuomeng had succeeded.

Dreamers can vaguely remember what they should do, but they don't remember why they are doing it, so they want to do it in secret.

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