CH 10

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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich Chapter 10: Worship me, pick up money when you go out

Wen Xiaoyun returned to the main control and sat quietly for a while.

The things in the dream happened in reality. Zhou Hongyi's sixty-three pairs of socks, even the numbers are so accurate, which makes it hard for him not to think more.

After a while, he sent a message to a number in his personal terminal.

[Wen Xiaoyun: With a high level of mental power, can you dream of things that have not happened yet? 】

[Wen Xiaoyun: Or, is it possible that some people can manipulate other people's dreams? 】

After a few seconds of pause, he withdrew the two messages again.

The personal terminal quickly returned a message.

[Gruen:? ? ? 】

[Gruen: What was withdrawn? 】

[Gruen: You still know to send me a message, I thought you were dead outside. 】

Wen Xiaoyun calmly replied: Did not die, let you down.

[Gruen: Ha ha, how is my Voss? 】

Gruen is the most powerful mecha maker in the empire. The mecha 'Vorth' he built is also one of the strongest mechas in the interstellar world. Gruen has always treasured this mech.

[Wen Xiaoyun: It's torn apart. 】

[Gruen:! ! you sure? ? ? 】

[Wen Xiaoyun: OK. 】

[Gruen: Don't come back, because you are dead! 】

Wen Xiaoyun still wanted to reply, but found that Master Gruen had blocked him.

Wen Xiaoyun put down the terminal and leaned against the seat, his eyes drooping with a little helplessness.

He frowned and thought for a while, then raised his hand to call up an inspection report from the terminal.

This was the inspection report he took Zhuang Zhou to do yesterday. The report came out the same day. He didn't even let Doctor Bai from the medical room take over. After leaving the report, he deleted the inspection record.

Physique level: F. No radiation pollution.

Mental power level: untested.

Wen Xiaoyun stared at these two lines carefully and looked at it, and then remembered the strange energy fluctuations that he had caused after he burned a piece of paper on the first day he met Zhuang Zhou.

There seems to be a lot of secrets in the children.

Wen Xiaoyun sighed, and then deleted the report completely.

The Flying Dragon stayed on the abandoned planet β-324 for five days.

Wen Xiaoyun went to the Starnet terminal once, used his personal account to send a safe message, and accepted an online interview from the official media. The people of the empire finally believed that Wen Xiaoyun was still alive.

During these five days, Wen Xiaoyun was very busy every day, and there were many things to deal with.

Zhuang Zhou is also very busy.

He learned the names and uses of all the high-tech instruments on the battleship. Wen Xiaoyun also equipped him with a personal intellectual brain. He used the intellectual brain to learn interstellar language. Now there is basically nothing he can't understand.

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