CH 53

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Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich Chapter 53: Brother, how about sharing resources?

Following the discovery of the second tent site, Zhuang Zhou admitted that the wood carvings were all made by him.

Wen Xiaoyun is almost certain that Zhouzhou must have lived in β-324.

Wen Xiaoyun didn't know which planet Zhouzhou came from at first.

Until he knew that Zhouzhou was the **** of wealth, he guessed whether Zhouzhou came from the ancient earth that had long since disappeared.

Because the ancient earth has disappeared for too long, if Zhouzhou came from the earth, that earth must be hidden in an area that is invisible in the galaxy today, and Zhouzhou must have a way to get in and out of the earth.

But the last time Zhouzhou asked him why the earth disappeared, he discovered that Zhouzhou didn't know where the earth was, so he ruled out this idea.

Because no matter where Zhouzhou came from, he identified this person.

But now, they found the traces of Zhouzhou living on the β-324 Junk Star, which surprised Wen Xiaoyun a bit.

While he was thinking, Zhuang Zhou suddenly asked: "Is the β-324 junk star the earth?"

Only this is possible.

Zhuang Zhou thought.

If β-324 is the earth, then it is not surprising that he has lived there.

Although he can't remember, if β-324 is the earth, it is not impossible.

Wen Xiaoyun shook his head: "No."

Wen Xiaoyun was very sure.

"Β-324 used to be a small planet privately owned by the Duke of Botton. Its area is actually only two-thirds the size of the earth. I have checked that this planet belongs to a mineral star. It is a planet with a lot of mineral resources. Classified as a mineral star, there are fewer life species. Before becoming the private property of the Duke of Borton, he had done tricks and regarded it as a garbage disposal star for the energy mines."

These materials had been carefully checked as early as when Wen Xiaoyun unfortunately landed on this junk planet.

It can't be the earth.

Isn't it?

If not, when did he come to planet β-324?

Why doesn't he remember.

Zhuang Zhou suddenly felt a headache.

Wen Xiaoyun hugged him and rubbed his head lightly: "I don't want to, Zhouzhou, if you forget it, it's okay."

Hearing the powerful heartbeat in Wen Xiaoyun's chest, Zhuang Zhou slowly calmed down.

He whispered, "Could you call them and send me all those small wooden sculptures?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "Of course, but before that."

He paused, raised Zhuang Zhou's face, and said softly, "Are we going to register first?"

Suddenly, Zhuang Zhou blushed, he was successfully transferred, his head no longer hurts, and he became energetic.

He pinched his fingers and said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, the good time hasn't passed yet, it's too late to go now!"

Wen Xiaoyun said ‘um’ and told Zhuang Zhou to sit down, restart, and drove the car to the marriage registration office.

Zhuang Zhou sat down obediently, and soon forgot about the previous things, with joy on his face, waiting expectantly for the certificate.

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