Chapter 3: Dead Among The Living. Daily Life

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Maki-roll let us all into her lab the next morning. Sure enough, there were shelves upon shelves of weapons. I knew Maki-roll was hiding something, but I didn't expect something like this! I knew I had to help her. Maki-roll acted tough, but she was hiding a major weakness and vulerability. She was afraid to let anyone in. ¨Now that you've seen my lab, I'm leaving.¨ Maki-roll abruptly ran off. Maki wait!¨ I was about to run after her but Shuichi grabbed my hand before I could. ¨Give her some time Kaito.¨ I nodded, still shaken. I was so mad at Nagito for doing that, and his only reason for exposing her was because he wanted to ¨spread Hope¨ and he thought an assasin was unworthy to be a symbol of Hope. ¨That's a stupid reason to hate someone!¨ Maki's sudden outcast statis wasn't the only reason I was furious at Monokuma and this whole thing though. The last trial was terrible. Fuyuhiko and Peko desperately tried to protect each other and Peko was discovered as the killer and executed. Not only that, but Fuyuhiko interfered in the execution and got injured himself! At this point, I didn't even know if Fuyuhiko was going to survive this! It was unsure if anyone was going to survive at this point. I couldn't let myself think that though. I believed in my friends, no one would kill someone after this point. Nagito wasn't the only one being a nuisance though, as Byakuya had also completely written Maki-roll off as some kind of merciless killer, which made me very mad. Byakuya had been a stuck up jerk this whole time! He had no right to call Maki-roll evil and willing to kill. I decided not to say that though, as much as I wanted to punch both Nagito and Byakuya in the face, Mondo was probably right that I needed to control my temper, the way he said it though made me wonder if he blamed himself for something in the past. Not that it was my buisness though. ¨Leave Maki to me!¨ I said confidentely, though I was masking a lot of my confidence. ¨I'll be sure to take down that mask of hers. After that, it was yet again time to investigate, and everyone explored the third floor that was now open to us. From what I could see, there was an art lab, a rec room, a nurses office, wait, a nurses office? I went to confirm and sure enough, there was a small blond boy lying in the hospital bed with a bandage over his eye. Fuyuhiko looked terrible, but he was okay! ¨Oh you're here!¨ Mikan whispered, I could tell she was delighted that Fuyuhiko was alright. I realized she had gotten here before me and must have been tending to Fuyuhiko as we had been investigating. Everyone else eventually filed in, except I could see Maki wasn't here. The thought made me sad. Fuyuhiko was alive, but he was now depressed over the loss of Peko. I could tell Hyoko wasn't ready to forgive him so easily, which made sense, but I still hoped she gave him a chance. Fuyuhiko did something he regretted, but I could tell he had a good heart. That night, I was getting ready for my training with Shuichi, but I was also planning to do something else. I was sure my sidekick wouldn't mind an extra person training with us, and I knew it would help Maki immensely. So I rang her doorbell until she answered, then dragged her to the courtyard with me. The three of us trained together and I thought I could get used to this. Obviously not the demon bear, Nagito, Byakuya, the murders or class trials, but training with Shuichi and Maki, being friends, I think I would like that a lot. But of course things had to get worse. Everyone was gathered him the dining hall when Fuyuhiko walked over, which shocked me, as I thought he should still be resting. ¨I apologize in advance if I make a mistake. My name is Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. My first name is prenounced Fu-you-hee-ko. I'm still an inexperienced member of my family's buisness. From this point on, I hope we get along so we can get to know each other better. I was shocked. Fuyuhiko had changed, you could see it in his eyes. I was proud of him, but Hyoko wasn't impressed and rebuffed him. What happened next shocked me, and not in a good way. Mikan freaked out as well. ¨Fuyuhiko has attempted suicide!¨ He what? Sure enough, Fuyuhiko had hidden a knife and stabbed himself with it. ¨Fuyuhiko!¨ I shouted. ¨I know you wanted to appologize but there are better ways than stabbing yourself!¨ Mikan once again freaked out and I helped Sakura, Nekomaru and Gonta carry the guy to the nurses office, where Mikan stitched Fuyuhiko up and scolded him for not taking better care of himself. After Fuyuhiko was okay, we all went down to recieve the motive. Which was, weird to say the least. ¨Here is the nekronomicon. As the next motive, you will get to bring a transfer student back from the dead. ¨WHAT?!¨ I heard myself shout. ¨That's complete nonsense!¨ ¨I agree,¨ Hiro spoke up. There's no way I'd believe a crazy ocult story like that!¨ Monokuma left, leaving me and everyone else confused. But I got worried when Angie started talking about raising the dead actually being an excelent idea, and that's when I realized a lot of people were nodding their heads to all of what she was saying, which made me kind of creeped out. I could tell Gonta and Hiro had grown closer to each other, but didn't believe any of this bull-crap. And I got even more creeped out when she pulled both of them down into a hug and had them wrapped around her finger. What was going on?! When they agreed to join her student council though, I wanted to know what was going down. I was not fooling around with Angie in the slightest, but I was suprised when Hajime of all people decided to speak up. ¨What are you doing Angie?!¨ Tenko yelled at Hajime, but I agreed with him 100 percent. And that's when the half of the group that was following Angie told the rest of us about the student council. Apparently it was comprised of Angie, Gonta, Hiro, Himiko, Tsumugi, Leon, Chihiro, Keebo, Taka, Tenko, Celeste, Hifumi, Ibuki, Aoi, Hyoko, Junko and Akane. Though I could see from their facial expressions that Taka and Tenko didn't really want to be here. When I looked at Shuichi, he looked pained, and Maki just looked irritated.

After that fiasco, I visited Fuyuhiko and told him about the motive and the new student council. He grimaced, but told me he would try his bet to keep the peace. Now that was fun, but though the council members were kind of brainwashed, Leon, Ibuki and Sayaka had decided to host a concert to get everyone's spirits up. Ibuki was very fun and energetic, but Aoi asked me a favor. ¨I know you train with Shuichi and Maki at night, but I was wondering if you would train with Sakura and I in the evenings.¨ I agreed and the hyper girl summer-salted away. When I got to where the concert was being held in the rec room, I was very surprised to see Fuyuhiko there. He and Hajime had become friends, which made me happy. When I found Shuichi, I dragged Maki-roll with us, since I refused to let her shut herself away just because some people didn't trust her. However, then Hyoko showed up and I realized she was actually giving Fuyuhiko a second chance, even though she refused to admit it. I was sure no student council related drama would show up, but then I had to break up an argument between Angie and Hajime. I'm not good at breaking up arguments, i'm usually the one in the argument. I smiled when Fuyuhiko walked over to Maki-roll and started talking to her, saying he understood her. Then things got worse when we realized Akane was missing. By this point I was freaked out. We all ran outside to see her battling with Monokuma. Was she an idiot? Then Nagito reminded me why I don't like him. ¨Let's overcome the despair of Akaneś death and use it as fuel to bolster our hope!¨ I wanted to punch Nagito so bad, but Fuyuhiko looked so fragile at the moment. And then Maki-roll pulled out a knife and glared at Nagito. I realized this was going to get ugly so I tried to calm her down. But then, Monokuma tried to shoot Akane and Nekomaru got in the way. This can't be happening! Nekomaru took Fuyuhiko's spot so the team manager could be nursed back to health, But I was starting to get more worried.

I some how found myself in the art room, where I spotted Junko drawing close designs. ¨Would you like to maybe hang out?¨ I didn't know much about clothes, but I did want to learn more about Junko. ¨Sure,¨ I replied. Junko and I talked about different clothing lines. I think Junko and I grew a little closer today. ¨So, what made you want to be a fashionista?¨ I asked. Junko giggled and started telling me a little about something that happened in her child hood that had inspired her dream.

That's when I heard Kazuichi say, ¨My evil plan is finally complete.¨ Wait what?!¨ I ran to the rec room when he admitted his evil plan was getting Sonia and Gundam together. I wasn't sure how that qualified as an evil plan, but when he asked me to help with plans for his matchmaking schemes, I agreed. I played matchmaker with Kazuichi. I think Kazuichi and I grew a little closer today. As we talked, Kazuichi explained how he used to have a major crush on Sonia, but wanted her to be happy more than else and his romantic feelings had dissapating, thinking of Sonia and Gundam as good friends

That evening, I trained with Aoi and Sakura as I had promised, and I found myself enjoying both of their companies. Then at midnight, I had fun with Shuichi and Maki. They both got there before me this time, and I don't know what they were talking about, as they stopped talking about it as soon as they saw me coming. That's when all heck broke loose. I ran into the dining hall to see Angie and Hajime arguing heatedly, and that the group had split in half. That's when Angie announced no one would be able to go out at night but the student council, and I just about lost it. Mondo helped calm me down, but I was still ticked off at Angie. That's when Shuichi, Makoto, and Fuyuhiko arived, who hadn't gotten here yet. ¨Shuichi grabbed my hand and asked, ¨What's wrong Kaito? What are you all fighting about?¨ I could see Angie and Hajime were arguing heatedly again and I explained they were refusing to let anyone but the student council go out at might. I'm not sure what happened exactly, but that's when a fight broke out. Tenko tackled Hajime to the floor for arguing with Angie and it just got bad. Shuichi, Taka, Hiro, Gonta, and amazingly Fuyuhiko were working with me to calm everyone down, and Mikan tended to Hajime, who had been briefly knocked out. However, when I saw Maki-roll pull out a knife, I made a beeline for where she was and tried to calm her down. ¨Maki-roll,¨ I implored. They're not worth it.¨ Everyone else was still in chaos though, at least until someone I didn't expect to spoke up. ¨STOP EVERYONE!¨ Akane shouted, tears streaming down her face. ¨NEKOMARU COULD BE DEAD AND YOU'RE ALL HERE JUST BICKERING LIKE CHILDREN!¨ Thankfully, that snapped everyone out of it, and people calmed down finally. That made me worried though. Nekomaru was gravely injured, I didn't know what to do if someone else died. I was trying to hold myself together, but how was I supposed to do this? It just seemed totally impossible right now. After that reminder, everyone slowly filed out in small groups, and I decided to talk with Akane in the gym and see if I could calm her down. It didn't really work, but the hot headed athlete did mello out a bit. That's when I heard Kazuichi's scream and I ran down with Akane to the girls locker room, where strung up by an extension cord to the rack, her face banged up and her wrists slitted, was Aoi. WHYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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