Chapter 3: Dead Among The Living. Deadly Life

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I stared at Aoi's body, absolutely horrified, my brain shut off at the idea of my friend, a cheerful, hyper, good person like Aoi being murdered. and that's when the body discovery announcement, and right after that a second body discovery announcement. What was going on?! How could there be two body discovery announcements?! I heard something I had never heard before. Sakura sobbing as she stared at Aoi's lifeless body. My heart broke for her. As time had gone by, I had come to consider Sakura a good friend. Watching her have to go through this all was just more than I could bear. As much as I wanted to stay with Sakura though, I needed to find out who else died. So I ran out and ran into Shuichi, who nodded and brought me to Taka's lab on the third floor, where Ibuki lay motionless, a bloody controller next to her. I felt dizzy, light-headed. I couldn't believe someone here could have killed two of our friends, that just wasn't possible. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't deal with this at all. Living in a nighmare like this? That wasn't really living at all. I didn't even see the point of killing two people anyway. Killing one person means you graduate in this sick excuse for a school, so why would anyone kill two of our friends? I could see out of the corner of my eye Makoto attempt to comfort Sayaka and Leon after the loss of Ibuki. I just felt sick, but I knew Shuichi and I would have to investigate. Byakuya looked shocked and horrified to learn Ibuki was dead as well, and actually fainted. Then he brought us back to where Aoi hung, and suggested the killer to be the real Genocide Jack. ¨Something like this is too bizarre to have done it to escape. It seems someone did it, for fun. Wouldn't you agree?¨ I wasn't sure about that though, I had a very hard time believing that one of us was an actual serial killer. However, the three of us investigated the crime scene, Shuichi, Byakuya, and I found a few things, one thing was the trail of blood leading out the hall and as Shuichi and I traced the line, we realized it connected the two crime scenes directly. Aoi was tied up with an extension cord, a cord that I reconized from the library. There was also a towel lying on the ground, and when I inspected it, I could confirm that it was bloody. There was a metal pipe there that was also covered in blood, and her head was definitely gashed up. It was also confirmed the slits on her wrist were from a small scalpel from Mikan's lab that was lying on the floor. Not only that, but written on the wall were the words bloodlust. The whole scene absolutely disgusted me. Who would, who could do such a terrible thing to someone as sweet and kind as Aoi? That was a question that I just couldn't answer. Shuichi grabbed me and pulled me into the bathroom, and that's where I could see there was blood in the pool, as well as a weight and a pair of bolt-cutters at the very bottom. There was also a sink in the locker room that was still running. Shuichi, Byakuya and I left to Taka's lab, where the crime scene was pretty sparse in comparison. Ibuki was lying on the floor of the lab with obvious blunt force trauma, and the metal controller lay on the ground next to her. As I studied the scene, I noticed there was a significant lack of blood for a crime scene, which made me immidietely suspicious about something. We then went to collect everyone's alibis to figure out just what had happened. Though I had told them of me trying to help Akane in the gym, and Shuichi and Makoto were in Kyoko's lab with her trying to help her calm down, Byakuya hadn't given me a satisfactory alibi. Toko was locked in her room now, but didn't really have an alibi and neither did Angie, or Chihiro. Taka and Mondo were wandering the basement looking for Chihiro and Gonta, Himiko, Tenko, Hiro, Tsumugi, Junko, Celeste, Hifumi, Keebo, and Junko had taken over the dining hall for a student council meeting. Fuyuhiko were talking in Maki's lab and Kyo was Spying on the student council meeting. Nagito had been standing outside Maki's lab and she threatened him with a knife."Hajime and Chiaki were playing video games in her lab, though Chiaki had left to get a snack and Hajime apparently fell asleep right before she left. Leon and Sayaka were preparing a suprise performance for Ibuki in the rec room, and Mikan was watching over Nekomaru in the nurses off. After gathering alibi's I just stared at the two very different murder files. Ibuki had apparently been killed only a couple of minutes after Aoi had. But I found it weird that Ibuki's death seemed so merciful compaired to Aoi's Something that did bug me though was that even though Ibuki's cause of death was clearly the controller as stated in the Monokuma file, Aoi's cause of death wasn't specified at all. Maybe such a detail was insignificant and not important for the case, but something just didn't feel right about this. But after all of this, I was not at all in the mood for Tsumugi constantly pestering me about the killer actually being the transfer student, even though I was 100% sure the ritual hadn't worked. And I was definitely not in the mood for Angie gabbing on about Atua while Hajime disputed with her, or Nagito talking excitedly about the absolute hope that would shine from this despair, making me want to punch him. We ran into Chiaki briefly as well, and I noticed she was wearing different clothes for some reason. Long sleeves instead of her normal short sleeve. Hajime then looked at Chiaki concerned, ¨Are you're wrists bruised up?¨ He asked and she said she was fine. After that I had to sit through a long while of Byakuya leading me through the genocide Jack cases, which was not pleasant That's when the alarm went off for the third time. ¨Everyone report to the trial grounds for the long awaited class trial!¨ As the elevator traveled down, I looked at my classmates. All of them looked absolutely devesated as we entered the trial room. 

Aoi was a sweet, hyper, and sensitive girl who loved the people around her. She could be a bit ditzy, and she loved donuts and exersize, especially swimming. Ibuki was a happy hyperactive party girl who always wanted everyone to have a good time. She more than anything, wanted to share her music with others to make them smile. Both of them had been murdered, by one of us no less. I couĺdn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. But that didn't make it any less true. The more the days continued, the less hope I felt, a terrible place where we would have to sacrifice one, or die collectively. But I believe, I believe in everyone that we would survive this class trial!

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