Chapter 1: To Do Is To Die. Class Trial

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Class trial in session.

I was not happy at all right now. There is no way I could believe that one of my friends had killed someone else. That'ś what I kept trying to tell myself, but I knew I had to get my head in the game. ¨I'll explain the rules of the class trial. If the majority guesses the killer, then they are executed and everyone gets off free, but If they guess wrong, the culprit will graduate and everyone else will take the punishment instead." That just once again reminded me how much I wanted to punch Monokuma in the face. I looked around at everyone, and Shuichi and Kyoko started the discussion to find the culprit. ¨The victim was found in the supply closet with clear blunt force trauma.¨ Shuichi stated clearly. ¨We could determine the weapon was a shot put ball. I was now getting more and more worried about what could be happening. Our first big supsects were Kyoko, Byakuya, Angie, Peko, and Gundam as they were the only ones without alibis. However Shuichi said, ¨There is a clear reason why these five couldn't have committed the murder. Do you see it Kaito?¨ I then realized what my bro was talking about. Celeste said, ¨there is clear evidence they are the main suspects since they have no alibi and there is nothing that could proven they didn't knoooooooow...


¨Hold on a second,¨ I said. ¨I just remembered something. All of them looked extrordinarily surprised that the ball was rolled through the vent, but there was a small dent in the vent the shot made proving this." Everyone turned to me surprised. However, just because they didn't do it didn't mean we were out of the clear, as we still had to find the actual culprit. Byakuya brought up that the shot-put ball had been from Kazuichi's lab, which immidieately had eyebrows turned to him. If the shot was in Kazuichi's lab, he would have been able to kiiill...


¨Sonia?¨ weren't you with Kazuichi?¨ And Sonia agreed and explained they were together the whole time, which meant there was no way Kazuichi could be the culprit. and That's when Nagito started saying some strange things that rubbed me the wrong way. ¨Because the're just a petty killer right? There is no way they could beat symbols of hope like you guys. Those words made my spine run cold, which was odd because Nagito had always been warm and friendly up to this point, but something about what he said had a dark undertone. I didn't seem to be the only one to think so, as Hajime looked shocked. ¨Nagito, what happened to you?¨ Those were things I was asking myself as well, when I saw Shuichi who seemed to be in thought. ¨Kaito, do you you remember the strange piece of evidence we found that seems off?¨ Nagito started talking again about giving up, but that's when I remembered the strange blueprint with the faded letters. Not all of them were there, but the ones that were seemed like...

Select Someone

¨Nagito,¨ I said to the luckster. ¨Do you reconize this blueprint?¨ I could hear the gasp of reconition when I handed it to him, and I thought it was over. Until he went nuts. Nagito completely changed character and I could see Hajime, who had been his closest friend, looked betrayed. As we learned from Nagito, he and Kokichi had been planning a murder, and though it seemed pretty obvious he was the culprit, Shuichi and Kyoko weren't convinced. That's when I realized what they were getting at as I remembered if Nagito had been talking with Kokichi, there was no way he could of rolled the ball through the vent. However, that's when Shuichi went quiet and I had a horrible realization. I remembered just who had the reciever, and that the vent in the closet started in the classroom. Of course Shuichi just has to stop talking, even though he is now the main suspect. There is NO WAY I can possibly believe that Shuichi would kill, it's impossible. I get more and more nervous as more clues point in his direction, and it now seems Kaede is the only person besides me who doesn't believe Shuichi was the culprit. There were some others, they weren't as vocal about it. That's when Kaede said she had the reciever, which suprised me, as I knew that was a lie. However, I backed her up since I knew there was no way Shuichi could be the culprit.

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