Chapter 3: Dead Among The Living. Class Trial

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 Class Trial In Session

I was absolutely sick of this, and in no way, shape, or form did I want to go through another stupid class trial where we would have to accuse our friends of murder! ¨Now remember everyone! If you find the killer, then they alone will be executed. However, if you don't choose the culprit, they will graduate and everyone else will be executed in their stead. I mean it was nice to see Nekomaru again, though I felt awful that he was permanently paralyzed from the waist down. I wanted to punch that bear so badly, but it was time to figure out who had killed Ibuki and Akane. Kyoko said, ¨First, we should determine the...¨ ¨There's no need for that,¨ Byakuya interrupted briskly. For I already know who the killer is. It's Genocider Sho.¨ Something bothered me about this though. Yeah there was clear evidence pointing to the serial killer, but when was it ever this obvious? Shuichi was thinking deeply, and I could tell he wasn't convinced. Then Byakuya continued and revealed Genocider Sho to be none other than Toko Fukawa. Wait what?! ¨Okay now your just spouting nonsense!¨ Mondo shouted and I couldn't help but agree with him. But when Genocider actually showed up and started badmouthing us, I was forced to except that Toko had an evil split personality that lived in her head and was a serial killer. Could this demented school life get any worse? But I could see Shuichi was very much not believing this now. ¨Kaito, do you remember the specific triggers Genocider Sho has on her victims?¨ That's when it hit me as Byakuya continued to prattle on. ¨This matches all the features of a Genocider Sho caaa...¨


¨Not exactly Byakuya,¨ I shot back. Then I went on to list out all the things that were irregular. Those being the extension chord and the fatal injury, that being a blow to the head instead of her iconic sissors. Then she decided to scare us with her sissors, where did those come from? And Makoto added the detail of Genocider only killing men, which I had forgotten about entirely. Now everyone was stumped again on who the killer could be, but with some prompting from my sidekick, I realized there was one person who could have copied the Genocider sho cases.

Select Someone

¨Byakuya could have figured it out,¨ I suggested, though I didn't at all like the cool way he looked me over. And then we had a very long discussion on whether or not Byakuya was the culprit, but when I remembered the way he had reacted when we discovered Ibuki was dead, it seemed unlikely. And even though he did smack Aoi with the pole, we discovered that was after she was actually dead! No he isn't a murderer, he's just a completely twisted person who strung up an innocent girl just for the fun of it. What is wrong with you Byakuya?!¨ Though maybe it would have worked if Ibuki and Aoi were killed by seperate people, the trail of blood from the locker room to the Lab suggested that not only were these two crimes connected to each other, but that Ibuki wasn't even killed in Taka's lab, but in the locker room. Speaking of Taka, he was the prime suspect for Ibuki's death as she was found in his lab. Taka had told me before that he was faking the Atua thing so he could keep an eye on Chihiro, which I approved of. However I didn't believe Taka was the culprit.

Scrum Debate: Did Taka do it? He did/He didn't

Akane: The crime took place in Taka's lab

Kyo: But that doesn't neccesarily mean he's the culprit

Nagito: He led Ibuki to his lab and killed her!

Kyoko: He wasn't near his lab at the time of the murder

Hajime: Taka and Ibuki are close, it would be easy to get her alone

Mondo: Are you accusing my bro?!

Kirumi: But Taka is a member of the student council

Angie: The student council would never stoop to murder!

Chiaki: There's no real evidence Taka didn't kill Ibuki

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