Older Sister to the Rescue

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Hylla POV:

Reyna was in a state of disarray, Hylla noted.

She was bustling all over the praetors' office, meaning to do things but only sticking with them for a minute or two. Just a moment ago she had picked up a stack of patrol schedules and a pen, sat down at her desk, and wrote... nothing. Just tapped the pen against the desk for a minute and slammed the papers back down. She had now taken to dusting the cabinets and would probably soon start mowing the great lawn.

"Reyna," Hylla said carefully, "all due respect but, what the fuck are you doing?"

Reyna turned from the cabinet and stared at her. Hylla prepared herself for the worst, but then Reyna simply sat down on the floor; criss-cross applesauce like she was in Kindergarten.

Albeit a bit confused, Hylla joined her on the floor in solidarity.

"Why are we on the floor?" She stage whispered across the office.

Reyna groaned into her hands. "I don't know, Hylla. I don't know." She looked up at her.

Okay. Solid start. "Is something, like, wrong?" She asked, even though she pretty much knew what this was about.

"No! At least, I don't think so." Reyna responded. "I'm just, like, freaking out about the Hunters visiting and I can't figure out why!"

Ah, there we go, Hylla thought. She was on an extended visit to her little sister's home, and she'd seen quite a lot. Hylla was proud of the person her little sister had become; a warrior, a leader. But Reyna had been acting a little strange since the last time Diana's hunters had visited Camp Jupiter. Once they'd left, Hylla kind of made it a game to see what was bothering her, because the gods know Reyna wouldn't just say it outright. It had taken a visit from Piper, one of Reyna's quest mates, to understand what was going on. Reyna had a crush. 'Take it from the child of the OG beauty queen', she had said.

It still didn't mean Hylla knew who Reyna's supposed crush was, but she was determined to figure it out.

Hylla looked across the room casually, attempting to be subtle. "Okay, that's fine," she said, placating her. "Is there some Hunter/Praetor drama I don't know about? Did you accidentally insult them or something?"

Reyna's face was aghast. "You know I'd never do that!"

Hylla smirked, shaking her head, before going out on a limb. "Is it maybe... about any of the Hunters themselves?"

Reyna's arms crossed over her chest, defensive.

Okay, we're getting there. This is good. Hylla nodded to herself before continuing her investigation. I guess I'll just start throwing some names out there to see if they stick.

She shrugged, keeping her cool. She only knew the names of a few of the Hunters, so she hoped it was one of them. "Like, did something happen with Henrietta?"

Reyna remained in the same position.

"Or did you get in an argument with Willow?" Reyna's lack of response was enough of an answer. "Maybe Thalia or something?"

Target hit. Right in the bullseye. Hylla may have been better at combat than archery, but she knew she'd gotten her mark by the way Reyna looked over at her and then away quickly.

"What- what do you mean?" Reyna refused to look her in the eyes, her line of sight trained on the carpet beneath them. But Hylla could see a tint of pink on her bronze skin.

"You know," she gestured vaguely, stretching her legs in front of her, "did anything weird happen with her. Any... feelings or something?" Hylla was risking a lot and she knew it, but she may as well go for the mother load. Besides, they were sisters. This was practically her job, and she'd missed a lot of it the last couple of years.

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