Chapter 3: Robotnik Lives

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Katia is at the baseball field sitting alone on a bench.
Since she snuck out again, cos she wanted to get way from what she heard.

Her own mother called her a Burden.

She whimpered, cried and tried her best to wipe away her own tears. More voices echoed through her head.

"Your Being Wreckless!" Shouted Tom.

"This is Too good for a low life like you" Snarled Léa.

"I Wanted You On Your Best Behaviour, And You Completely Disobeyed Me!" Yells Duchess.

"Your Are Not Allowed Out After Hours! And that's Final!" Snapped Roger.

Katia opened her eyes and stuttered, "I-I-I really am a Burden."

She got down off the bench.
"A Burden Forever!"

She starts running around the perimeter of the baseball diamond at a very fast speed, her anger and sadness increasing and energy building with each lap. Her shoulder and top hairs began lighting up with her green lightning. Finally, Katia lets out a loud yell as a bright green electromagnetic pulse explodes in the air, causing the lights in the baseball diamond to explode. The brilliant pulse blooms outwards and spreads across the valley. Several cities black out, plunging into darkness. Even a satellite is disabled by the EMP. It not only spread across America, but the whole world before going into outer space.

After a few seconds of furious breathing, Katia realises what she did. "Oh, no."

She speeds off back home

At Green Hills The police station, the phones were ringing like crazy and Wade is staring at the machine on his desk in terror.

"Should I... Answer?" He asked Officer Stevens. Who is eating donuts with his Colleague, Adam.

"No, it's just a power cut. Nothing serious." Steven replied, "Just a power cut."

"Is that right, Steve?"

Stevens turns around to see Tom standing at the door with hands on his belt.

"It's not just the whole town."

He shows them his phone. "It's the whole world; everything's out. Even satellites. So, you think this is not serious!?" He asked.

Luckily, by the grace of God, the power came back on.

"Well, Powers back on. Come on, Wade. We'll check the town, make sure no one's taken advantage of the black out. And you two, stay here! When I get back, your having a serious talk!"

Tom and Wade then leave as Stevens scowls.

"I knew I should have taken the rank of Lieutenant, So I could outrank that morron who keeps talking to donuts!"

"Urgh, the Chief's gonna have our badges for this one." Said Adam.
"That's what they say in the film's."

Meanwhile on Mobius, in Commandobot's Citadel; The capsules were opened and Commandobot fell to the ground.

Then a flash of gold bursts through the floor. The gold was actually Sonic in his Super Form.

"S-SONIC!? OKAY, OKAY, I GIVE UP." Commandobot is own his knees and has his hands up, "PLEASE DON'T DO WHAT I THINK YOUR GONNA DO AND DESTROY ME."

"Well, this is new." Began Super Sonic, "Beging for mercy, Commandobot? If you played nice, I wouldn't have to break all your toys."

Commandobot reveals a trigger in his hand. He pushes the button on top.

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