Chapter 7: Car Chase and Re-Hatched

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The Station Wagon speeds down the drive of the Animal Boarding Home and past the Super-Liner Truck. Which grabs the attention of Shade, Tank, and Commandobot. Mecha Sonic speeds past them with a red streak. "Come on, you fools!"

"YOU HEARD HIM!" Said Commandobot. He pushes a button in the cab and speeder bikes deploy from the truck.

He along with his SWATBOTS, Shade, and Tank race after their target.

________________________________________________________________________________ In the Station Wagon, Katia's family were holding on for their lives, while Katia was on her tippy paws with excitement. 

"Yeah!!!" She said out loud, "This is way better than stopping that armored bank truck. The Emerald Streak i-" Before she could finished, her mother put her paw on her daughters mouth. 

"This is not good, Darling!" She sternly said, "Don't you see we're in trouble! And stop calling yourself the 'Emerald Streak' That's Not you're Name!"

"I think it's kind of like being called by you're nickname." Explained Tails, "I'm mostly named as a pun as Miles Prower."

"Kind of like Miles Per Hour?" Asked O'Malley.

"Yeah, But everyone calls me 'Tails' because of-"
"The Extra Tail?" Finished Katia.

"Everyone, Meanwhile; Robotnik's back, and who are his friends?!" Yelled Berlioz, pointing out their pursuers.

"That's Commandobot, Robotnik's Second in Command, you already met Sonic's Mecha Counterpart, and the two others are Shade and Tank!" Said Knuckles. With motioning anger towards Shade and Tank.

"Hey, mister. Calm down with that temper what yo-"

"That Shade, and her apperentice along with their followers, The Dark Echidna Legion are the sworn enemy of my Tribe, Clan Pachacamac." 

"Knuckles, Calm down. Right now, we gotta get this Cat family out of Eggman's reach." Said Sonic.

"Sorry, Sonic."

Marie looks and sees a red light on the road.

"Red light! Red light! You've got to stop!!!" yelled Marie.

Marie and her Brothers try to push Tails away as he takes the wheel.

"Hey! What are you--"

Sonic then stops the struggle, "Stop! Get back there!"

Tails drives right pass a Splash Hills water gallon truck and he and Sonic look to see that Mecha Sonic and Co. are no longer on their trail.

"I think we lost them." Sighed Sonic

Mecha Sonic dashes right through the truck and leaps onto the roof of Station Wagon, tearing his Bionic arm right through the roof, making the kittens jump.

"We did not lose him! We definitely did not lose him!"

Mecha Sonic rips the car door off, just as they head for a cliff road. 

Knuckles grabs the sides of the door, "Tails! Keep on the road! I'll keep him busy!" 
With that, He climbed onto the roof and began trying to land a punch on Mecha Sonic.

Tails sees the Commandobot traveling down a mountain road.

"Oh, No."

The trio of Eggman's followers had plans to crash the Station Wagon and Commandobot was confident about it. despite being artificial intelligence, he did have almost the same IQ of Robotnik.

"There they are," Pointed Tank, "What now?"

"Oh, you know what comes next, Tank." Grinned Shade, "We'll give them a little nudge, and Shove them in the ditch!"

With the heroes and the Cat Family.

"I got an idea, do you guys trust us?" Tails asked the Cats.

"No, We just met you!" Duchess shouted with shock. 

"Maybe, Ma'am! But we need to loss them!" Argued Sonic, "And you're negative thoughts are not helping."

"Hold On! Knuckles, Now!"

Knuckles delivered one hard punch to Mecha Sonic. Causing him to go over the back and holding on the rear window wiper. 

Then Knuckles grabbed Katia's family and flew off the roof using his gliding ability.

"How are you flying!" Asked Katia with amazment.

"I have a gliding ability, Feline." 

Tails and Sonic fly out off the car, using Tails' tails, as Commandobot, Shade, and Tank tried to break to stop.

With a sudden BANG! The villains crashed down into a muddy ditch.

Tails and Sonic managed to join Knuckles and the Cat Family.

"Hey, Tails." Began Alexandre, "Did you're butt just turn into a helicopter?"

Tails just giggled, "A Butt-Copter. Only other species could think of something like that."

The group then flew off into the night.

Meanwhile in the ditch.

"YOU IDIOTS!!!" Snapped Commandobot.

"Hey, It was you're plan, you overruled artificial intelligence!" Shade yelled Back. Wiping off the mud on her.


"You know, Commandobot. It would actually help if you took a break for being Robotnik's sidekick and having a little vacation of sort." Said Tank casually. 

"AH, SHUT UP!" Said Commandobot as the three began to climb out of the ditch.

"MECHA SONIC!" "Commandobot." Replied Mecha Sonic.


Mecha Sonic pointed with his thumb, and there was Dr. Robotnik. Wearing a set of grey goggles with flappable green lenses.

He arrives on a riding mower that he gets off and kicks indignantly as he watches heroes and the cat family fly away.

"Hmhmhm. Not bad of a move..." He motions Commandobot over, "Commandabot, You're wrist controller." "YES, SIR."

Robotnik starts tapping on it.

"Want something done right, you'll have to look a bit different. All-caps. I know these goggles are for that mower, but i'm keeping them. They suit me."

Above earth, A white satellite starts lighting up and a large egg-shaped pod detaches from the satellite and heads for Earth. Soon after, it lands at the location of Robotnik and his allies. Robotnik puts his goggles on as a door on the pod opens up for him. The machine then opens panels on it to reveal a storage for his Badniks which are the same colour as Commandobot and the SWATBOTs. They consisted of new Standard Egg-Shaped Drones, Crabmeats, Motorbugs, Choppers, Burrobots, and Buzz Bombers. 

Inside the pod, Robotnik gets cleaned up, his hair cut to a Quiff style. 
A metal circular plat is placed at his left shoulder where his left arm used to be. Wires are inserted with the final touch of it being a Bionic arm. Which also had buttons on the palm of the hand.

Robotnik then brings out a new set of clothes that consist of a black leather turtle neck with a brass clip on the neck, a pair of black pants, a belt with two silver buckles resembling his previous outfit, Black welly boots with red Exo-vanguard armor, along with a Red and Black overcoat with custom tails, and to top of a yellow ankle length cape.

Tiny Badniks clean out his nose hairs, redo his mustache, insert a black cybernetic eye with slit red pupil, and squirt mouthwash into his mouth for him to rinse with. In the reflection, we see he now has a handlebar mustache and the new cybernetic's pupil was lit up. He inhaled, exhaled and exited the pod. Putting on Dark blue Nez Glasses.

 And stands with his army of Badniks and the Dark Echidna Legion behind him.

"That's more Like it!" He sneered, "I've Been... Re-Hatched!!!"

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