Chapter 13: Race around the World, Super Sonic, and Temple run

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Katia speeds down snowy slopes and through white forests with Robotnik on her tail.
"Here, Kitty Kitty."

He starts firing energy laser blasts at her, only to cause craters in the snow. He quickly turns left to continue the pursuit over an icy lake. "That was a illegal left by the way."

"Okay, you can do it, Katia." She takes a ring into her teeth to try throw it.

Back up at the cave. The SWATBots and Dark Echidnas pointed their guns towards their hostages. Luckily Knuckles punched them and threw some destroyed Badniks for makeshift snowboards.

"Quickly, get on. We'll catch up with Katia." Sonic Instructed.

"But, y-"

"Just go. Quick."

Everyone except Team Sonic jumped on their boards and snowboards down the hill.

Mecha Sonic gets up breathing with anger, "You, Saved, Them! You are not the fastest thing alive if you save lives!"

"Alright, Mecha Sonic." Sonic scowled. "You wanna get Fast? Let's get Fast!" He grabs the remains of a Egg Drone and snowboards down the hill. Followed by Tails and Knuckles. Commandobot, Mecha Sonic, Shade, And Tank chase after them with the Badniks and Dark Echidnas tailing after.

At a outside restaurant in Paris, many people are enjoying their meals when a ring portal opened up out of no where, the owner sees through at Alaska and notices Katia running towards him.

"Sorry, Come through." She yelled before going through the man's leg.

He also sees Robotnik's Eggpod.
"Sacré Bleu" he ducks as the ship flies through.

"Excusez-moi, Monsieur." Robotnik said before continuing to chase Katia up the Eiffel Tower.
She throws a ring as she goes down the other side of the tower. Diving through the portal, Katia's paws land on ferm stone. "Here we go." Revealing the Great Wall of China with Robotnik coming through the ring.

She dashes along the wall at full speed.

Back in Alaska, Team Sonic catches up with everyone else.

"Sonic. What about Katia?" Duchess asked.

"She has some of our rings, she'll try reach the Emerald." Just then Mecha Sonic appeared behind. "Ha!"

"Oh, great, The Clone Trooper!" Sonic said to himself. Mecha Sonic tries to slash at Sonic with his claws.

Badniks appear over head. Firing on sight of the Green Hills animals, their owners, and Team Sonic.

"Who does this to innocent animals!?" Georgette panicked.

"What do we do?!" Dolly yells.

All of a sudden, Tails gets another idea. "Everyone, try make as much snowballs as you can."

"Now's not the time fo-" Tom yelled before Ozzie interrupted.
"I think I get what he means."

Sonic grabs a heap of snow and begins making main snowballs in five seconds. And launches them at the robots.
Everyone else joins and launches the snowballs.

Mecha Sonic took the snow like a champ and came up alongside Sonic to try knock him of the board.
Tank and Shade joins them.
Tank uses his shoulder mounted energy blaster at their enemies.

Knuckles got into action and tried to punch at his two arch-enemies.

"Oh..." Shade grinned. "Tank, now."
Tank grabs Duchess and O'Malley.

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