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                                                    (This is set 2 weeks after the festival)

                                                                        Neteyam's POV

My head was sore, I rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the throbbing migraine I had but it was no use. "Neteyam are you ok?" Y/N asked their hand placed on my forearm. Ever since the festival me and Y/N have been hanging out more, We've become close. "Mhm yea I've just got a bad headache" I groaned at the pain, I looked at them and they looked confused, I've noticed when they're confused they tilt their head sorta like a dog. 'Cute' I thought a light blush dusting over my face "My head hurts Y/N" I explained to them trying not to sound too harsh. They simply nodded in response "Would you like to go home we can spend the day there if you'd like" they offered, but before I could answer they were already dragging me back to my Marui. "Y/N we don't have to," I said trying to keep up with them "No you aren't feeling well, and we need to do something about that hair of yours" I was shocked "What's wrong with my hair huh I think it's pretty sexy" I said confidence in my voice, "It looks like an Ikran's nest Tey" I scoffed, my ego being severely bruised. "Wait how do you know what one looked like?" I questioned confused at their strange comment "I assume that's what one looks like" they answered blankly.

Once we got home I watched Y/N walk around giving everyone hugs and saying their hello's. "Neteyam what happened to your hair? It looks like an ikran's nest" I heard my mother whisper. I rolled my eyes as Y/N nudged my side with a big smirk on Their face. I have pushed me down "I was just about to fix it for him" I watched as they waltzed around trying to find the beads and bands that I brought back from home. "Ok what kind of colors do you want" I watched as their eyes lit up at all the pretty colors 'why are they so fucking pretty' I looked at them and those pretty eyes. "Um, whatever colors you want I trust you to make me pretty again". Soon my mother, Kiri, Tuk, and Y/N were doing my hair. "OW not so rough Tuk" I shouted a stinging pain going through my scalp. I watched as the 7-year-old rolled her eyes and scoffed "Woah what with the sass today huh" I looked back at Tuk trying to tickle her, "HEAD STRAIGHT", I quickly snapped my head back as my mother slapped my shoulder. 

                                                                           -TIME SKIP-           

                                                                            Y/N's POV:

About 3 hours in Neteyam had fell asleep and how he hadn't woken up yet. "Guys shh remember he was asleep" I hushed the group trying to not disturb the poor kid. We had finished his hair about 30 minutes ago, it surprisingly only took around 3-4 hours but around 4-5 people were braiding his hair as Tsireya joined us. I looked down at the boy who had fallen asleep, curled up in the fetal position with his head on my lap. "His bruises healed nicely" I spoke looking at Neytiri. "I was surprised he healed so quick I mean you knocked the boy's teeth out OW" Neytiri whacked Jake Sully's arm signaling him to stop talking. I looked at Neteyam remembering the bruises I left a couple of weeks ago "Ma' Jake do not say that!" I felt an instant flash of guilt, all I could think about was Neteyam's bruised and cut-up's face. That's when I felt a movement on my thigh, I hear whimpers and groans coming from the dark blue boy, "Hey Tey how'd you sleep" I whispered, slowly getting him to sit up "mm it was alright" he said with a groggy voice. I watched as he rubbed his eyes and yawned. 'Jesus he's so cute when he's sleepy' I rubbed his back noticing he was having trouble waking up. "Mm, can you massage right there it hurts" He gently pointed to his slightly red shoulder blade, "Of course, if it hurts just tell me ok" I applied slight pressure onto the spot trying to get rid of the knot that lied in his shoulder. He winced in pain but kept quiet so I just kept rubbing "Ah that feels so much better thanks shorty" 'did he just call me shorty' I paused staring at Neteyam "excuse me" I asked blankly, I did this sometimes to screw with Neteyam. "What... no don't do this right now" he begged he looked right into my eyes. I simply just looked at him without emotion, "we are 2 inches apart Neteyam" I stared at him watching as he started to get worried, at this point the room was filled with whispers and giggles. "I'm so sorry Y/N It'll never happen again," He said making the situation a lot more dramatic, I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore, "You're- so drama- dramatic" I breathed out trying to regain my composure. I flopped down resting my head in his lap, I looked at him as he stared confused at my unpredictable behavior. "Eww get a room!" I heard Lo'ak screech, I rolled my eyes as I looked at his slouched figure "You're one to talk Mr. I love the Chief's daughter" I mocked as I looked at Lo'ak and Tsireya. "Plus we're just friends... unlike some people in the room" I muttered. I looked up at Neteyam seeing his bright smile quickly fade "Tey are you ok?" I questioned holding onto the boy's pinky. "Hmm yea I just don't wanna do my duties but alas I must" He said placing his hand on his forehead trying to lighten the mood. I giggled as I got up allowing the boy to leave "Bye Tey! I'll see you at lunch" I waved as the boy left. I turned back to the family continuing our conversation from before.,

                                                                  Neteyam's POV:  

'Just friends' the words kept replaying in my head, I thought she liked me. 'Jesus Neteyam how stupid could you be you shithead' I continued to walk down to where the Ilu stayed, hoping to find mine playing there. I had reef duty with Aonung, I called my ilu as I hoped into the water finding that Aonung had already beat me there "Youre 7 minutes late Skxawng" I heard the reef boy yell out to me "Yea yea whatever I got sidetracked" I answered with an annoyed tone in my voice. The rest of the day went pretty smooth and that was until lunch. I didnt really want to talk to Y/N right now I mean not after this morning. I walked over to the center of the village looking for a spot to sit. Soon I heard the same usual sweet voice "Neteyam!" I watched as Y/N ran over to me hugging me before taking my hand and sitting me down. "Listen about this morning I know that you weren't just sad about the chores... you know you can talk to me right?" I watched as they ate the fish from their weaved plate. I nodded "yea I know," I said flatly. I was so tired from chores that I couldn't really be bothered to talk to anyone. I watched as Y/N grabbed my hands slightly squeezing them "did I say something or do anything to upset you Tey" they asked concerned that they were the problem. I quickly shook my head "No no it's not your fault it's just... I'll tell you later ok" I said hesitantly. They simply nodded and then continued to eat their food. Once lunch was over I asked Y/N if they wanted to hang out for a little "I found this cool grove more inward on the island I could show you!" Y/N said tugging on my armband. I quickly nodded and let them lead the way. Eventually, we handmade it to the grove, we laid down next to each other looking at the animals and the plants. "Y/N... I need to tell you something"    


word count: 1379

Forest Boy - N. SullyWhere stories live. Discover now