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Niklaus came to the table with Marcel, observing Elijah talking to him in a different tone. Their eyes shone like diamonds, and hidden smiles hid behind his cold-time outer look. Marcel, with a smile, looks at Niklaus and says, "Here comes our hero." He asks him, "So how's the den of a hormonal creature?"
Elijah hides his smile when he sees his glare. Niklaus answered, "You would know soon." Waiting for her to step out and trouble Marcel as well. He was looking for someone to serve him whisky but found the entire staff missing. He looks at both men. Marcel answered, "Elijah thought it better no one knew about them. So, we compel all men to leave," Niklaus told him.
Niklaus also found things overhead but didn't comment. Peeking into Zoya's notebook, Niklaus picked it up and leaned back. His eyes tried to understand the doodles she had made around the pages. Many were the spirals that told him she must be drawing them while thinking, but then there were dots, all connected by lines. "Aren't you the nosey one?" They look at Zoya appearing and snatching her notebook from Niklaus. Niklaus gave the two men a tight smile, noticing her in Niklaus's jacket with Lapel standing straight, covering her neck. "They don't have a mirror inside. Do I Look good?" asked a hybrid.
The hybrid scratched his head instead of answering. Her face lit up seeing her phone flashing to Lucien, "Hi Jaan." Ruffing Niklaus's hair and getting her hand gripped by him.
She placed it over his shoulder. "Luce. Are you still there?"
"I will leave in some time. As you have plans for me," she let out a short laugh. She requests "over-ambitious. Can I talk to some scholars there? I have a few questions."
There was a moment. "Love, you can ask whatever until I go get the cure."
She hummed, not noticing the way vampires caught attention with this information. Moves to a specific stool with a notebook, discussing components and their reactions. She remains seated, twirling her pen between her fingers. Niklaus came there with his glass of whisky, leaning on the counter. Zoya feels Niklaus staring at him; after some silence, Niklaus asks, "What cure was he talking about?"
Zoya relaxes after hearing his question and witnessing his serious face. "Nothing much." Seeing him still focused, she says, "He is not planning anything, Nik. I asked him for a cure." His stare turns to curiosity. Her phone rang again, and she asked him to be quiet while she wrote something on paper. Meanwhile, Niklaus's eyes met those of other men. Marcel seems sceptical, whereas Elijah talks to Niklaus through their eyes. She groans as, midway through the call, it rings again. talking about a bite.
All those things Zoya left hanging made Elijah scratch his forehead and pass a glance at Niklaus, saying, "I and Marcel go check on him". Niklaus blinks in affirmation towards Elijah, who is pointing at Zoya.

Marcel and Elijah cross the road, finding that man leaving with an enormous suitcase and a cab waiting for him. Marcel sighs as Elijah orders, pointing at the cab, knowing he is compelling the driver.
The door opened, revealing David Smith, the name they got from the witch community across Sweden. The colour drained from his face when he saw Elijah standing there with shining eyes. He pulled up a smile and asked, "Is Zoya with you?" Elijah gave him the most unusual smile: "You can't enter."
"Oh! I have no intention". Elijah shook his head, stepping back from the house. All these sudden smogs started coming from the corner room. David didn't get to work much as Marcel threw a burning wood piece from a cracked window. Leading curtains and sofa on fire. Elijah steps back, shoving hands in his pants pockets, "I wait."

Niklaus kept tapping on the counter. Zoya glanced at his impatience but then kept working on her phone. "How Long?" Niklaus asks again. Zoya groans, "Why are you here?" but he remains to tap his fingers. "Nik!" she warns.
"Oh, I hear you. But then I don't want to come back in case you faint." He answers, moving his hand away from the counter. Zoya whispered, Cami."
"In the whole of New Orleans, the one person who can handle a pregnant woman with mood swings is me.". he smiles, "And I could say my brother as well" he snorts "but since you and him—". Niklaus laughed and halted as he heard, "I am not pregnant."
She gave him a tight smile, only to go back to work again. Niklaus grabs her arm, and she shrieks away. He ignores her yelping and says, "You are not pregnant?" still holding onto her arm. "Obvious Klaus. Remove your hand." She holds her injured arm.
Niklaus's face contoured: "Why did you spread that rumour?" She looked at him as tears beamed in her angry eyes, seeing that he was still holding on to his arm. "Why don't you ask your brother? He is the one who begins all this.". It took seconds for Niklaus to soak in the information, letting her arm go.
He spoke, seeing her not stable, "What with your arm?"
"Oh, it's nothing." She fakes a smile, getting sarcastic, but tears flow out of her eyes in many drops. "When Larousse learns his kids are missing in the morning," she bites his lower lip, still feeling pain. She whispered to herself, "It's funny; I thought it was past now, but thanks."
He was annoyed. "I saw Elijah handling that matter, and I specifically asked you to join us for lunch."
He looks at her confusedly as she chuckles, finding it amusing. "For how long?" she asks with a tired smile. "A week? A Month? A year? Till then, I was not cornered by the rest of your family as a punching bag. Now her eyes hold special anger, but she averts her gaze to work. Something she had been holding for a long time. As if she hates them, they did nothing to deserve better. But even though he was listening to her with prying eyes, he still caught her turtleneck. When he thought of questioning her again, he never gave thought to her getting abused. Like him, my father It is not something he has not known; it fades among all those things happening around him. His hand tried to move to hold her, but he couldn't bring himself to put it on her. "Look what we got...", Marcel came around, pocketing their phone, and missed what they were talking about. Elijah came along with the unconscious man. Niklaus notices as Zoya pulls up her façade back as if she doesn't pour her thoughts out. Exactly that face he had seen several times when she was staying with them.
It clenches his heart, knowing he is nowhere near a good friend to her. He was around occasionally in her life. cheering her on, purposely remaining ignorant of his family's feelings towards her. Elijah, who came along, noticed how Zoya was tending to her arm. His mood is bitter; he's getting flashbacks of this morning and the way he taunted her for being weak. He isn't sure if it's any other woman in her shoes; Larousse didn't get to put a finger on them. He places the man on a chair. Soon Marcel was having him tied up to the chair, and Elijah was busy with a phone call to Freya. Who asks him to put on the loudspeaker as she is still too weak to teleport? Apart from them, Niklaus is still into what Zoya said. His eyes land on Elijah talking, and they move to Zoya, who was working with little thought. All of a sudden, Elijah turned to find Klaus looking at Zoya. making him focus on Zoya, who has her hair open and sprawled over Niklaus's jacket, covering her face side by side. They all heard Hayley and Freya's voices on the call. Zoya's leg was fidgeting and stopped, but she remained seated, finding the man's whereabouts, whom David was trying to call. "I am going to get some fresh air," Zoya said as she walked away from the stool. She couldn't hold it more going out. Elijah looks at Niklaus, but Niklaus looks away, not telling him anything when he is puzzled. This only makes Elijah sceptical about Niklaus. Zoya was in the garden, viewing the sun; she didn't realize when her body fell asleep.
She was walking in the hallway from Eulaine's mansion when her surroundings changed to dark, abandoned walls. the walls when she walks for the first time. Every step of hers makes her shudder in fear. All of a sudden, her surroundings changed to the Davila estate, and she saw Tristen's hand in Mohinder's chest. And everything changed; people vanished, and blood covered the floor. Bodies to the ceiling. She was walking past when, all of a sudden, a body twirl showed blood flowing from her mouth with no teeth.
Zoya jolted out on the bench, going to the secular corner or garden, throwing up. The feeling came again, and tired, she sat down on the ground, throwing it again and again. She wipes her face with disgust, still filled with the taste of vomit. Having no option, she calls for Uber. It fills her stomach whenever she remembers seeing herself as one of the hanging bodies.

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