Our Baby

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Word count-1118
Spencer Reid x Reader


"Alright,go over it again with me" said Gideon.
"Well we know he's been taking them from outside the schools" replied Hotch.
"And we know he has to be some psychopath for doing this" added Spencer.
"He has his structured way of leaving the children's bodies. Each one strangled first and then slit with a knife from ear to ear" you said.
Morgan took an annoyed breath before Gideon spoke up.
"Alright. Let's see what else we can find."

Everyone filed out of the room, heading back to their desks and getting started on different files.

After a long while of looking through files and chasing different leads, you find your unsub.
"Ellis Jameson" said JJ, "registered pedophile and convicted felon for sexual assult. He was sentenced to 3 months in prison. He's been off the charts ever since."
Morgan walk in, putting his phone back in his pocket.
"That was Garcia. We got an address. 1514 Wall Green street"
"Let's not wait around then"


There is no reply so, consequently, the door is kicked down. As everyone gets into the house and clears each room, the bedroom door swings open.

"Like hell I will"
"Do it now or I will shoot you"
"Fine. Fine" hesitantly, he puts his hands above his head and you kick him down to the floor from behind. After cuffing him and handing him to some other responding officers, you help your team with finding evidence.

Down in the basement is where everyone is. You find a tarp and lift it off the railing it was attached to.
"Hey guys"
"What is it?" asked Reid.
You move out of the way.
"Oh my god."


"So we got there too late. That takes the numbers to 17" said JJ.
"Lets get a confession out of him." said Gideon.

Hotch and Gideon go into the interrogation room whilst the rest of you wait. You phone screen lights up. It's your babysitter calling.
"Hi Jill. Is everything okay?"
"Clarissa never came home"
"What are you talking about?"
You're immediately up-right from leaning on the desk.
"She was supposed to walk home with the neighbour" you said.
"I know but she never came back. The neighbour said she never got on the bus" said Jill.
"And you're only just telling me now?"
"The neighbour only just got home"
You hang up the phone and turn looking Spencer in the eye.
"He got her"
His eyebrow raises just slightly.
"What are you on about?" he asks.
"She never went back home"
"There could be so many more explanations though"
"She never got on the bus either. Spence, think about it. She goes to the school that he targets"
"But he's here in our custody"

Garcia walks in as he says that.
"You unsub has a partner. Lucas Grayson"
"That son of a bitch" you run into the interrogation room,Spencer not far behind.

The door flings open and you go right up to Ellis.
"Y/N" it was Gideon. "Stop"
You completely ignore him. "Where's my daughter"
Ellis looks you deep in the eye with a smirk. "I have no idea who you're talking about"
"I think you do. You're going to tell me where her and your sick partner are."
"Your daughter..... Oh you mean Clarissa Reid. The most beautiful child I've ever seen? Her red hair and her blue eyes. Oh the freckles on her face. You know I bet sh-"

Before he can carry on you slap him across the face.
"I WILL NEVER TELL YOU" he shouted back at you.
You go to shout back but Gideon pushes you out of the room.
"What the hell" you say.
He doesn't say anything but just walks back into the interrogation room. Spencer walks out and puts his hand on your shoulder. You have your hand on your head while tears fall.
"How can someone take a little girl and have no remorse" you say.
"We're going to find her" he says "I'm sure of it. You hug, his chin resting slightly on your head.


"We've got an address for Lucas Grayson" Penelope Garcia walks in.
"Okay" Morgan was talking.
"28 Grandiose Drive"
Each one of you grab your coats, vests, guns and head out to the address.


Upon arrival it looks desolate and unpromising however, you were willing to do anything for your daughter.

Nobody bothered to declare you were there, the door was just kicked down.
Everyone splits up and you find Lucas in a room. This wasn't helpful at all because he was dead, a bullet through his head. This didn't stop you looking for Cassie.

Every door was opened and each room was thoroughly looked through but still, no Cassie. You look out the window, and see a faint light through an outdoor basement.

"I've got a light" you say to the others and you run outside.
The door was padlocked but you managed to hack it off with your gun in no time. Everyone crowds around you as you walk in and see Cassie in the corner.

"NO. NO DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE" Cassie was screaming. You turn on your flashlight and rest it on the floor.
"Baby,its me"
"Mummy?" she gets up and jumps into your arms, wrapping her arms around your neck. Spencer comes in and kneels next to you. Cassie hugs him as well. She's crying uncontrollably.
"You're okay. You're safe now" Spencer was saying to her, softly.
"He, he hurt me daddy."
"It's okay. He's gone now"


After around half an hour you've managed to lure her out of the basement. Paramedics have arrived and they're checking her over.
"We're going to take her to the hospital just be sure she's okay. We'll give you some time though" said the paramedic who walked away just after.
"I'm tired. I want to go home" said Cassie.
"Not just yet honey. I promise, we'll go home soon" you reply. She nods and you turn to Spencer. You take your hand in yours.
"Are you okay?"
"Oh definitely"
"Theres nothing we could've done about it. It's done now. I'm just glad she's okay"
You turn and kiss him while Cassie watches.
"Eww" says Cassie, "that's gross"
"Oh really now?" you say turning, now, to her.
"Yeah" she smiles and you walk over to her, kissing her face all over.
"How about now?"
"Okay, okay. I love you mummy"
"I love you too baby"
Spencer was looking at the scene but Cassie chirped up.
He turns back and looks at her.
"I love you"
"I love you too Cass"

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