Sick Day

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Word count:1137
Aaron Hotchner x Reader


It probably wasn't the best idea to go to work with the sickness that had overcome you within the past night. It also probably wasn't the best idea to do this under the supervision of your boyfriend.

Sniffles and coughs were what filled your apartment that morning. Sweet, sweet noises... Yeah, definitely.

Yes, your cheeks were slightly flushed, but apart from that, you seemed completely normal. So you thought. When arriving at the office, basically everyone on the team had asked you,'Are you alright?' which you always answered with a, 'just fine, why

The paperwork piled on your desk seemed much more than it was. After it had taken you double the time it usually does to file a report, you knew for definite that something wasn't right. Still, you brushed it off.

You had gone into the break room to grab a cup of tea. That always fixed everything, right? The smell of the boiling water mixed with the bagged tea leaves did absolute wonders for your sinuses. That was until it was gone.
"Hey, you okay?" asks Reid, re-heating his coffee in the microwave.
"Just fine, Reid," you say, heading back to your desk.

Down goes another report only an hour after you wished it would be done. "Y/n, my office," called Hotch from just outside his office. Shit, you thought. You were really in it now. Placing your head in your hands and taking a deep breath, you head up to his office.

Upon entering, you close the door behind you, and he walks closer to you. "Do you need to go home y/n?"
"Pfft, no. I'm fine, Aaron."
"Y/n." He says, his boyfriend voice becoming more present.
"Emily and JJ are already out. You don't need another."
"If you're at work, I want you feeling well and ready."
"I am."
He raises his eyebrow, "Really? So you could go and chase down an unsub right now?"
You cross your arms and look down.
"That's what I thought."
"C'mon Aaron. I'm fine."
"Fine, but the minute you feel any worse, I'm sending you home."
You nod, walking toward the door, a rush flowing through your head.

Reaching the door and opening it up, something else hits you. You wobble and fall, hitting your head on the doorframe.


Darkness. Darkness engraved in your mind. However, a beeping brought you back to the real world. A monitor, maybe? Then that would entail you're in a hospital.
"Miss y/l/n is doing well we th-"
It must have been a doctor talking, but that's all you heard before falling back to sleep.

"Aaron?" you whispered, your voice scratchy and your throat feeling like it was burning. He hands you a cup of water, which was on the side table.
"What happened?" you ask softly.
"Well, you came into work with a fever of 109°F and you gave yourself a mild concussion."
You turn your head looking away from him but look back after a few seconds. "I'm glad you didn't die in my office, though."
"I'm sorry," you say, looking into your hands.

He looks at you, his facial expressions masking whatever happened, but his eyes manage to show his true worry. He began to explain.

"Y/n," he says, running over to you and placing his index and middle fingers on your neck, checking for a pulse. Steady and strong. Good. Good. "Y/n, come on. Wake up."
After you did not wake up or move at all, he rushed out of his office, looking down on the team, "Morgan, call an ambulance. Prentiss, Reid, keep everyone out of my office until they get here." he says, rushing back into the room and placing a hand on your cheek.

"Oh god, I am so sorry," you say. He takes your hand and places a hand on your cheek. "Don't apologise for anything, okay?" he says. You nod.

His phone buzzes, and he sighs. "I've got to pick up Jack from school."
You smile, "Go. They said I get to go home tomorrow so, you know, I'll be here."
He stands up and leans over, kissing your head, "I'll try and come by later, but I can't make any promises."
"It's okay," you say, "call me?"
"Of course," he says.


It had been a few hours since Aaron left when you received a text from him.

Am I alright to call?

Of course

Moments later, his phone icon is lighting up your screen paired with the red and green answer and decline buttons. Immediately, you answer.
"Well, hello there, lover boy." You say with a slight smirk. Although you can't see it, you know he's smiling through the phone.
"How are you feeling?" he asks.
"A little better." You say, smiling at his concern for you. Aaron Hotchner, the stern unit chief of the behaviour analysis unit in the FBI, cared, and it just so happened to be you he was caring about.

A conversation emerges. After a short while of talking, Aaron strays away. "Jack, maybe not today." There was a moment of silence where you believed Jack was talking. "Y/n?"
"What's up?" you reply to Aaron.
"Jack wants to talk to you. Would you be up for it?"
"Let's go then."
"Alright, I'm going to put you on speaker," Aaron says.
"Y/n?" squeaks a small Jack.
"Hi, buddy. How was school?"
"It was good. Daddy told me you weren't feeling well, I wanted to see if you were okay."
A smile creeps across your face, "I'll be okay."
"That's good." He says, "When am I going to see you again?" He carries on after a short pause.
"I'm not sure buddy."
"Okay, well I hope it's soon."
"How about tomorrow?" speaks up Aaron.
"Please daddy pleaseee."
"Y/n?" he asks.
"That would be perfect." You say, smiling.

A little longer was spent talking with Jack before he went back to watching his show. "So, tomorrow?" you ask.
"Yes. You've got a concussion y/n. You need to be around people. You're staying with us for a bit."
"It's a mild concussion. With emphasis on the mild." You say in reply.
"Don't get cocky with me y/n. It's already done."
"Aaron, I can't just walk in your life and like throw everything off balance or whatever. I can't be a burden."
"Who said you would be?" He says, "You'll be just fine here."
You pause for a moment. "I'm not even going to argue. You're my boss and you could fire me so..."
"Look, Jack's heading to bed in a few minutes so I'm gonna have to go. I'll come by tomorrow and bring you home."
"Okay," you smile, "I love you."
"I love you too." He says before hanging up the phone.

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