
731 2 0

Word count-627
Evan Buckley x Reader


"Eddie, give me my boyfriend back" you say. You had come off shift a few hours ago and he had come over with Christopher as promised by Buck; your boyfriend.

"I'm not so sure about that. We might kidnap him and take him back to our house." says Eddie.
"But that's a bit mean, Dad." says Chris.
"Don't you think I should be able to choose where I go?" added in Buck.

You and Eddie look at each other before looking back at Buck and saying in unison, "No."
"You guys are unbelievable." laughs Buck.

After a few more hours of talking it's time for Eddie and Chris to go back home.
"Come on Chris, time to go."
"Aw mannnn."
"Come on. You've got school tomorrow."

Reluctantly, he gets up and walks over to the door. Eddie turns the knob and Chris walks out.
"Bye Chris!" you call from the living room.

Buck gets up and wanders to the door. He starts whispering but you can't hear. You don't think much of it and walk over to the kitchen to start making dinner.

You place cherry tomatoes in a dish and drizzle them with oil and herbs. Spices even. You also do the same to feta cheese blocks. They go into the dish as well and into the oven. You bring some water to a boil and start cooking some pasta. Then, you feel arms snake around your waist and a warm breath down your neck.

"You're not busy tomorrow, are you?" Buck asks.
"Um, I was going to meet up with Harley, that's the really nerdy but actually quite cool sister. But that's it. Why?" you reply.
"No reason. What time are you meeting her then?"
"I think, like, half 9. We're meeting up for coffee so I should be back around half 11."
"Cool. Cool. How about going on a date tomorrow night? 8 o'clock."
"A date? Where?"
"You will find out when we get there. So, are you down?"
"8 o'clock tomorrow night it is."

He smiles and walks off to tidy around the apartment. You can't help but think to yourself, 'how did I get such an amazing guy'.


You walk through the halls from the bedroom into the main room in a black, long sleeved dress with a pair of black tights and doc. martens boots.
"So. What do you think?"
"Look at you. You look so beautiful." says Buck.
"Oh,enough with the flattery." you reply.
"Seriously, you look amazing." he says.

A few hours later, after sitting down at dinner, you're walking through the park. Hand in hand.
"Ugh we've got shift tomorrow, haven't we." you say.
"Yeah. I think I know something that'll make you feel better though."
"Oh yeah. What's that then?"
"You know." he smirks and you lightly hit his arm.
"You can be so dirty sometimes." you say.

A moment later, you feel an emptiness next to you.
You turn around and see him on one knee. You walk closer. Tears threatening to escape your eyes.

"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. We have been together for, God knows how long. But our love is something stronger than I've ever felt. I can't imagine a life without you at this point. So, will you marry me?"

Tears are slowly falling from your eyes. "Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Of course I will Buck."
You walk closer to him and you embrace before sharing a passionate kiss. He then places the ring on your finger. A dainty band with a small diamond in the middle.

"Oh baby, it's beautiful."
"What's to say. I have good taste." he says.
"God I can't believe this." you say.
"I'll pinch you."
"I might need it in a moment."

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