Oh Baby

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It had been a long nine months. First, Casey left, and that took a hard toll on Sylvie. As her partner on ambo 61, you had to be there for you, which you were. Thankfully, she managed to get over it rather quickly.

Then you and your long-term boyfriend, Blake Gallo, had discovered that you were expecting a baby. It was a big thing for the both of you as you were still young and had no clue what you were doing or what to expect. Luckily, you had a Christopher and Cindy Herrmann with their begillion and one kids. They had given you so much advice, which, for the most part, was extremely helpful.

As you neared the end of your pregnancy, everything started to go downhill. Your sister, a cop, had died being shot in the middle of a feud gang war. Not long after that, your mother had been found dead in her apartment. Next to her was your dad, her husband of 15 years.

Not too long ago, Boden had put you on maternity leave, which really did some damage. You had been using work as an escape, but now you had to face the reality. Your family was dead, and you were going to become a mother. You were going to be responsible for a little life in o- "Uh oh." You say, walking through the shared apartment and feeling a liquid trickling down your inner thighs.

From this, you knew it had been your water that had broken. You didn't let that alarm you, though. Being a paramedic had taught you that while the waters had broken, active labour typically wouldn't start for a few hours later unless it had begun before.

Blake was on shift, any so, in act of not worrying him, you kept it to yourself and went on with your day.

By 3pm, only 8 hours later, your contractions were creeping closer together and increasing in pain by the minute. After much hesitation, you pulled out your phone and dialled Blake's number.


Gallo and Ritter sat in the common room while squad ran drills, and Sylvie hid from her floater. "How does it feel?" Asks Ritter.
"How does what feel?" Replies Gallo, puzzled.
"That you're going to be a dad so soon."
"It's terrifying -" Before he could say anything else, the bells were ringing 'all units respond, structure fire at Woodies prison, 56271 North street'
"Because of that." Finishes Gallo before running out onto the app floor and dressing in his turnouts.

He would be lying to himself if he told himself that he didn't have extreme anxiety before particular calls because he did. Even more so now that you weren't driving behind him in the ambo. Even more so now that there would be a little life under his responsibility in less than a month.

As firehouse 51 arrived on the scene, Boden began barking orders. The prisoners were being cleared from the building, which gave them all some sense of relief.
"51, set up some hose lines, squad, find the origin of the fire and 81, sweep throughout the building."


It had been an hour since you first tried calling Blake. There had been many calls in between, yet still no answer. There was nothing left to do except from calling the only other person you could think about at that moment, Cindy Herrmann. You dialled her number as you braced through another contraction.
"Y/N, honey, what's up?" You hear her say down the line.
"I'm...I'm in labour."
"Okay...have we tried calling Gallo?"
"He's not been picking up."
"They're probably on a call," she thinks out loud, "hang tight. I'll be at your apartment soon." She hung up before you could thank her, but in your mind, you were repeatedly singing her praises.


"Cheif, we lost Gallo." Kidd calls down the radio.
"What do you mean you lost, Gallo?"
"We think he's been taken by some prisoners."

Panic echoes throughout everyone's minds. Unexpectedly, Severide speaks through the radio, "We've got Gallo. Bringing him and the prisoner who took him out now."

A relieved expression washed over Boden's face as he saw Gallo and the rest of the house emerge from the smoky doorway.

As they approach closer, a smile breaks out on Boden's face, "I got a call from Cindy. Y/N's in labour. She's just been checked into the hospital."

Small grins appear on each of their faces, apart from Gallo's. His facial expressions screamed fear. "Gallo," Kidd repeated, clicking him back from his daze, "Let's go see your girl."

And with that 81 - Gallo, Kidd, Mouch and Carver - headed off to med.


Your OB, Hannah Asher, helped you get attached to all of the monitors, etc, before letting Cindy back in the room. "I called Boden, Gallo should be here soon."
You nodded, relieved.

5 minutes later, as if by magic, he appeared in your room. "Y/N, I'm so sorry I wasn't here earlier. We got a ca-"
"Shut up," you say, looking up at him as another contraction hits, "kiss me." So he does just that. You didn't release until the contraction had passed. "Thank you." You whisper as he placed a hand on your head, stroking your hair down.
"Do you need anything?" He asks.
"This baby out of me would be great, but apart from that, no." You smiled up at him.

Another half hour later, there was a light knock at the door. Ritter emerged, a duffel bag in hand. "Hey," he says, "I got your stuff from you locker, and I uh drove your car up here."
"You're not insured to drive my car!" Gallo exclaims.
"I got it here in one piece, didn't I?"
"I don't know, did you?!"
"How do you know his locker combination?" You ask, confused.
"It was easy." Ritter says, "Now, how are you feeling?"
You nod, "I've been better."

After Ritter had gone back into the waiting room, Gallo had changed from his turnouts back into his work uniform - he already had the shirt and trousers on, all he did was change into his black boots and jacket- not wanting to waste any longer not being at your bedside.

Dr Asher walked in, examining your dilation. She looked up to you with a smile, "It's time."

Your screams filled the room as you entered your second half hour of pushing. "I can't do this." You say in defeat, placing your head back.
"Hey, hey, look at me, " Blake says, "you can do this. You're stronger than you think. They're almost here. You're doing so well."

That seemed to be the only motivation you needed as on the next push, your baby's cries were filling the room. "There you go, you did it, baby." Blake says in your ear, kissing your head.
Hannah places the baby in your arms, "It's a healthy baby boy."

As the newborn cried, you just ran your index finger on his cheek, "You're okay, baby. You're okay."


Around an hour later, you lay in bed, recovering and watching Blake hold your baby boy for the first time. "He's perfect." You say, looking over to them and just taking in the sweet sight. Blake looked up at you with tears in his eyes, "I love you so much."
"Don't cry, baby." You say, a smile creeping across your face.


51 filtered in the room not long after, all dying for a peek of the newborn infant. "What's his name?" Asks Sylvie.
"Oliver Christopher Gallo." You say with a smile. Herrmann looked flabbergasted and immediately came over to hug you, tears filled in his eyes. You took that as an 'I'm fine with this kid having my name as his middle name' gesture.

Cindy smiled from her spot only a few metres from your bed. "Can I?" Herrmann asked. You hold out Oliver, and he takes him with pride and joy.

You looked next to you, seeing a teary Blake and smile, taking his hand in yours as you fantasise about your future together.

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