Late Night Drives

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Word count: 1400
Aaron Hotchner x Reader


It wasn't a good day. Every other minor inconvenience seemed to extract a rage and drive you mad.

Firstly, the reports for your multiple files had been carelessly discarded. It took until after Penelope had reprinted the templates for you and for you to fill them in that you realised they were underneath the other files scattered about your desk.

JJ had been talking about Will and the boys in the break room when you were getting a coffee refill. As much as you loved and cared for that woman, the small action made you enraged.

Morgan had been teasing you about a spot on your cheek, not at all covered by makeup as you didn't have any energy to put some on that morning. Sure, it had a slight purple tinge to it, but it was just a spot, and for someone who was insecure about the regular breakouts they get, you were again enraged.

Then Emily hadn't turned up for work. It really had no concern with you whatsoever, yet it still annoyed you. It turns out there was an accident on the 344, and they city had stopped the trains from riding through. Yes, it wasn't her fault, but that just meant more paperwork for everyone else.

And to top it all off, your landlord called and said you had a week to pack up everything and get out. It was all to do with something about you being away frequently and for extended periods of time. He thought his space wasn't being 'valued enough', and it should go to someone who deserves more.

Luckily, your fiancé was just a short trip away in his office up the stairs. You peeked through the curtains from where you were sitting at your desk and could see him working away at another case file. Presumably, they were all about the case you had just wrapped up in Minnesota a few days ago. The unsub had been caught and sentenced to 6 counts of life in prison with an additional 24 years.

As you finished the last case file of your pile, Spencer approached your desk. "Hey, Y/N." He said with one of his casual dorky smiles.
"Hi Spence. What's up?" You returned a small smile to be polite.
"I'm a bit stumped on this part of the case report," he said, "could you maybe help?"
"Sure, I just finished. What bit is it?"
"The bit when it asks about his body language in the interrogation room? I wasn't in there, so I don't see wh-"
You cut him off with a small groan, your hands palming your head , "You've got my reports."
His eyebrows raise in confusion, "Really? All of them?"
You nodded and looked down.

A few report swaps, and another few hours later, you had finally completed all of the reports. Correctly this time.

By now, you were drained. Every single thing annoyed you. One of the ladies in the corner coughed, and you felt the urge to punch her right then and there. Rossi had left and said goodbye to the team as he did so. All of these things shouldn't annoy someone in daily tasks. It never did for you. However, today was different.

You wandered up to Hotch's office, reports in hand, ready for him to review before sending them off to Strauss. Knocking on the door, you entered. You knew he wouldn't mind.

Placing the files down on the table, you turned to wander back out, not wanting to disturb him and his paperwork. Surprisingly, you were stopped by a forceful yet gentle force on your wrist. "Y/N," he said in a soft voice, "what's wrong?"
"Nothing?" You shrugged him off, making a beeline to the door.
"Darling. I know something isn't right, what is it?"
Admitting defeat, you turn to face him, his eyes truly meeting yours for the first time.

His facial expressions softened as he witnessed the exhaustion, annoyance, and even sadness in your glazed eyes. Immediately, he holds out his arms, which you took no time in entering. You melted in his embrace as one of his hands dragged softly down your back.

Unknowingly, tears were falling from your eyes. As Hotch placed a few light kisses on your head, he asked again, "What's going on?"
You sighed deeply and began to talk, "I don't even know. I'm so...agitated today. Every single little thing is getting on my nerves."
"Like what?" He questions, genuinely interested.
"The reports for my file, I'd filled them out and all and then lost them and did them again, and they were under my other files the whole time. Oh, and JJ talking about Will and the boys, and Emily not turning up, and Morgan not knowing when to stop about a stupid spot on my cheek and, did I mention those files weren't even mine? They were Reid's, so I had to fill them out again, and that one woman in the corner coughed so loudly I wanted to punch her and even Rossi just saying bye to people and -"
"Okay," he cut you off, "okay."

He ended up pulling out of the hug to see your face. When seeing the tears, he wipes them away with his thumbs, cupping your cheeks in his hands during the process.

You take a few deep breaths before placing a hand on your head, chuckling slightly. "Gah, I shouldn't be here. You've got your stuff to do."
Again, you head to the door, and again, he takes your wrist.
"I was finished. And by the looks of it, it's late, and it's raining, and " he pulls his car keys from his jacket pocket, "we have a car. Late night rainy drive?"

Smiling toward his sweet gesture, you accept, heading back down to the bullpen to grab your bag.

Shortly after, the two of you were sitting in the car, his hand placed comfortingly on your thigh as you looked out the window at the passing landmarks. For one short moment, he turns to look at you, "What else is bothering you?"
Slightly puzzled, you talk, "Nothing. I'm fine."
"You've been staring out of that window the whole time we've been in the car, your fidgeting with your hands and scratching the backs of your fingertips which you only do when your stressed or nervous. Fo I need to go on?"
"I thought we agreed not to profile each other." You say, your tone questioning.
"There's a time and place." He states. For a few moments, it's quiet, only the sound of the wheels rolling against the tarmac. Suddey, Hotch stops the car in a lay-by, turning to look at you.

"I've got all night."
You shift in your seat, turning to face him. To your surprise, his eyes were full of concern and sincerity rather than his usual sterness and professionalism. Rambling rather quickly, you manage to get out a sentence,"Mylandlordcalledandsaidihaveaweektogetout."
"Slow down," he says, "your landlord what?"
With a sigh, you slow down, "My landlord called and said I have a week to pack up and leave. Something to do with me not being there all the time."
Hotch looked quite taken aback with the statement. Surely you couldn't be getting evicted because of your work schedule, "That's ludicrous." He says.
"Now I have 6 days to find a place."

You look down to your fidgeting hands in your lap, them moving to twist your engagement ring.
"How about you move in with me and Jack?" He says, receiving a chuckle from you. "Y/N, I'm being serious."
"Yeah right. Gah, this is hilarious."
"Aaron, I can't. I don't want to put you out."
His hands, credibly larger than yours, covered yours. He moved them so your ring was in front of your face, "We're supposed to be getting married. Remember?"
A small smile crept across your face as you looked at the man in front of you, whom you loved with all your heart and being. "You're sure about this?"
"I've been meaning to ask for a while."
"Yeah?" He questions.
"Yeah," you reassure him, "now can we please carry on actually moving this car? The raindrops aren't going anywhere sat puddled on the windscreen."
He chuckles slightly, "The lady gets as the lady wishes."

Maybe such an inconvenient day could end well after all.

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