
619 2 0

Word count- 1231
Jay Halstead x Reader
Tw: Contains mentions of rape/ SA. Read at your own risk.


It had been a long day at work. Being a doctor in the ER at Gaffey Chicago Medical Centre, you were bound to see some crazy things. Today alone you had delivered a baby, treated 6 gunshot wounds, stitched up 15 people, sent 4 people to be treated by the burn unit and so forth.

However, all would be worth it when you got home to your boyfriend Jay Halstead. He was everything you could have wanted to be put into one man. He was handsome and caring, he cared about his job, and he had a way with words toward you.

Fear did instil in you each time he went to work, however, because he was a cop. A detective at the 21st precinct in the intelligence unit. He was careful though which you knew came in handy. You saw cops rolling into the ER practically every day, and each time you have to pray it isn't Jay. Life without him seemed impossible after the 5 years you had spent together.

Arriving home was quiet, it was past 7 pm which meant the students who played on your street were home with their families. The family was all you wanted to be surrounded by right now even though the world had other plans. You had completed med school in Virginia near your family and were hoping to be placed there for an internship. Chicago was where you were placed but in the end, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as you met the love of your life.

You placed your bag down on the side and hung up your coat on the coat rack. As you walked through the halls to your bedroom to change out of your scrubs, a buzz came from your pocket.

Incoming call from Jay

Immediately, you answer, excited to talk to him after a long day.
"Hey, I didn't know if you were still at work or not," he said.
"I'm home," you replied, "when are you going to be back?"
"I'm driving home now. I was just calling to ask if anyone had come by tonight?"
"Well nobody's come while I've been home and that's been about, what, 10 minutes."
"Alright, just stay home, don't go outside." A slight fear overcame his usual tone.
"Is everything okay, Jay?"
"Yeah, yeah, just be careful. I'll be home in around 20 minutes."
"Okay then, I lo-"

Before you could finish your sentence, a hand was placed around your mouth with brutal force. Turning around didn't work as your vision turned to black within a matter of seconds.

"Y/N!" called Jay, "Y/N! Ah shit," he called through the phone.


The front door flew open, slamming closed behind a frantic Jay. He opened every door to every room in the house. The basement was last, surely something would be there? Nothing. Absolutely nothing, and no sign of you either. "FUCK." Jay screamed, slamming his hand on the closest surface near him.

His fingers fumbled with the keypad of his phone while dialling the first number that came to mind. "Hey Jay, what's up?" spoke a woman's voice.
"Y/N, Esteves has taken her. I'm sure of it Hailey."
"Alright, I'll get the team together, we'll meet you at the district."

The short drive from the house to the district felt like the longest drive of his life. His breath had gone from slow and calm to fast and frustrated. Practically running up to the bullpen he is stopped by Trudy Platt - the desk sergeant. "What's going on Jay?"
"Y/N's been taken. I need to find her and soon."

When he finally gets to the bullpen the team are awaiting his arrival.
"So, we know Esteves has got her. Where would he take his victims?" asks Voight.


Cold. Extremely cold and dark. Everything ached, each bone in your body felt like it had broken and re-broken a million times over. Slowly, you tried to sit up but that wasn't achieved, even in the slightest.

Two deep voices were what you heard outside. "Her boyfriend's a cop, he's gonna be here sooner or later. It's better to kill her now." says one of them.
"No. We wait until he's here and kill her in front of him. That will really fuck him up." says the other.


"288 Westwood." calls out Kevin from his desk. "Esteves' address."
"Get going then," shouts Jay.
"We need a warrant," says Hailey.
"Then get one, suspicion of kidnapping."

Everyone looks at him with blank expressions. His brows furrow, "Get on with it. Y/N is missing and the clock is ticking. For all we know, she could be getting killed this second. We need to go as soon a humanly possible."
Voight walks out of his office, "We got the warrant. Let's go."


"Listen here you little slut, you're gonna let me fuck you as long as I want. Your little boyfriend can't do shit about it."
Tears fall down your cheeks as he removes your underwear and thrusts deep down into you.
"S-stop, please. Please." you beg. The man's hand comes in contact with your face, leaving a red mark.
"You'll do what I want you to do. Now let me fuck you in peace."

One, two, ten more times he thrusts into you before the door is kicked down.
He thrusts into you again.
"GET OFF HER ESTEVES." shouts Jay.

Adam and Kevin run over to him and pull him off you. "You're sick." curses Adam, placing the handcuffs on him.

"Y/n," Jay says, running over and kneeling next to you.
"J-Jay?" you question between choked tears.
"I'm here, it's okay. You're safe now. He can't do anything to you." He pulls up your underwear and trousers and wraps his arms around you, bringing him into his lap.

Tears keep flowing from your eyes while Jay's hand combs through your hair and whispers reassuringly into your ear.

"Jay, you need to let us check on her." Sylvie says, coming up behind you two.
"I'm not leaving her." he says.
"You don't have to leave, just give us some space to work." Violet says.
"Please, Jay, stay." you plead.
Violet and Sylvie exchange a look before turning back to you and Jay.
"Alright, Jay you can take her down to the ambo and ride along with us to med." says Sylvie.


As you arrive at med, there was a commotion.
"Y/n?" questions Maggie, "Asher, get her to treatment bay 3. Halstead, assist."
You are rushed into the bay. Will stops next to Jay, "What happened?"
"He raped her Will." tears filled his eyes, "He raped her and I couldn't bring myself to stop. It was like I was frozen."
"It's not your fault. Wait here, I'll tell you how she is in a moment."


"She's in an out of consciousness and she has some broken ribs however she's doing well," says Will to Jay.
"Can I sit with her?" he asks.
"Sure, just be careful with her."
Jay nods and heads into the room, immediately sitting down and taking a hold of your hand. A few tears arise in his eyes, "I'm sorry y/n, it's my fault, I shouldn't hav-"
"It's okay," you whisper, cutting him off, "It's not your fault Jay."

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