Son's Best Friend's Dad

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Word count:1556
Aaron Hotchner x Reader


It was 5:25 AM when your phone buzzed on your bedside table. A message from Aaron Hotchner.

What time are we meeting?

Around three, just after school
Seen by Aaron Hotchner

Sleep was now a dream, so you head into the shower. The water was warm, and its vapour fogged up the windows and mirror quite well. After around half an hour, you exit toward your bedroom to see your son, Caleb Evan y/l/n, buried in your sheets.
"Caleb, we talked about this. You need sleep, so just because Mummy's up doesn't mean that you need to be."
"I know, Mummy. I'm sorry," he says, sitting up.
"It's okay. How about you let me get ready for work and then you can pick anything you want for breakfast."

His eyes brighten up, and a smile plasters on his face. He begins to nod frantically and runs out of your room. This act awards him a small laugh from you. Today, you chose to wear your black dress pants paired with a white blouse and grey cardigan. You decide to leave your hair down and put on your Doc Martens, the shoes you wear practically everywhere. You owned pairs for every occasion at this point.

Upon entering the living room, you hear giggles. "Cubby," you call, and he pops up from behind the wall and screams, "Rawr." You clutch onto your heart and open your mouth slightly. "You are so scary, mister."
He giggles and jumps up and down.
"Are we meeting up with Jack and his dad after school still?"
"If you don't go crackers, then yes." You say, ruffling his hair a bit. Caleb begins to do a happy dance around the living room.
"Come here crazy pants," you say, "Let's go get some breakfast."
"Can we have chocolate hoops?"
"What a wonderful idea."

After breakfast, it's 6:55, so you head to Caleb's room to get ready. He picks out his outfit as any 6-year-old would want to do. Simple black trousers and a long-sleeved red and black top were what he chose. He gets changed quickly and runs to put his shoes on.
"Where do you think you're going?" You ask jokingly.
"To put on my shoes," he replies.
"Teeth first."
His head drops as he trudges to the bathroom.
"Thank you," you say, helping him with his shoes and jacket.

"What time is mummy?" he asks.
"7:15. We're going to leave in half an hour, okay?" he nods and runs to the living room where he begins playing on his iPad. You make a much-needed coffee and look through an old case file while waiting.

"Alright, Cubby, come on." He puts his iPad down, and you get in the car for school. When you arrive, you turn to look at him in the backseat, "You ready?" you ask. Caleb suffered from anxiety, and it was always bad before school started, but each time, he made it through.

"Miss y/l/n, hi Caleb."
"Good morning, Mrs Asheman."
"We've got morning activities out. How about you go and get started on them with Jack?" Caleb nods and hugs your leg before running inside. You smile, saying goodbye to Mrs Asheman and heading back to your car.

"Morning y/n." A familiar voice called out.
"Fancy seeing you here, Hotch," you smile and open your car door, "I'll see you at work." When in your car, you begin to drive. All you could think about, though, was Aaron Hotchner. Your boss. Your son's best friend's dad. The guy you had had a crush on for the past year and a half. You knew it was completely crazy to want to be with him, but the thought would never leave. You were falling hard and fast.


2:50 rolls around, and you're standing outside next to Hotch waiting for the boys to be let out. After around a minute of waiting, kids start flying out here and there. The boys were at the back, taking their time. However, when they spotted both of you, they were running. "Hi, mummy," says Caleb.
"Hi, Daddy," says Jack. Each of them turns to the other person, and in unison, they say, "Hi Mr Hotchner," and, "Hi Miss y/l/n."
"Hi, boys," both of you say, taking your own son's hands and walking out of the school ground.

"How was school?" asks Aaron.
"We learned about dinosaurs," says Jack.
"They all died, though. It was sort of sad. They seemed like cool things." says Caleb in reply.

When you get to the park, the boys drop their bags next to the bench you and Aaron begin to sit on, and they run off. "Stay where we can see you," you call after them,  sitting down.

A short while goes by of small talk between you two before you lean your head on your hand. "Do you ever feel like Jack's going to stop wanting to spend time with you after being away so much?"
"No, I know he loves me, and I love him too. In the end, he gets its work, and even if he doesn't like it, he'll get through it. Why?"
You sigh, "Because it feels that way with Caleb sometimes. For a day after we come back from a case, he'll ignore me. Yes, after that, he's fine, but still."
"You're a great mother, y/n, and if that's the way he is, then so be it. At least he loves you, you know?"
You nod and smile, "Was that SSA Aaron Hotcher just giving a compliment?"
"Don't get used to it," he says, laughing it off.

A moment or so after, your eyes meet, and something just...clicks.
"I need to tell you something," you say, "but you can't fire me for it."
"I don't think I could fire you for anything. What is it?"
"Aaron, I'm in love with you, and I'm afraid I have been for a while," you say. He seems slightly taken aback.
"Y/n," he sort of whispers.
"No, I know it's stupid. Forget I ever said any -"
"Y/n." He says, cutting you off.
"Okay, see, repeating my name over and over again is starting to freak me out."
He laughs slightly and cups your face, kissing you. He pulls away after a short while leaving you flustered.
"I hate to admit it, but I'm in love with you too.


"Cubby, remember bedtime's at 8 and you've got school tomorrow so don't be up too late."
"I know, Mummy. Have fun now, respectfully leave because I'm watching my show."
You laugh, "Okay then, love you, buddy."
"Love you too."

It had now been 3 weeks since the incident at the park, and you were going on your first date with Aaron. It was nothing much. You were just off on a walk, which would probably result in a quiet bar. However, it would be whatever it would.

There's a knock on the door. You say goodbye to your babysitter and head outside. "Y/n y/l/n in anything that isn't black dress pants. That's something you don't see every day."
"What a way to start a conversation," you say, closing the door behind you.
"Who said I'm not a charmer?" he jokes as you begin to walk. Without realising it until recently, the two of you lived so close to each other. Like, literally 2 blocks. He offers his hand, and you thought not to refuse.

The walk was filled with laughter and small talk, seeing as you knew each other quite a bit with the boys being best friends and working together.

You end up in a small, quaint bar and sit in the corner. "C'mon, it wasn't that bad."
"Hotch, he didn't talk to you for a solid week. He wouldn't talk directly to you on cases he'd get someone else to do it for him."
"Well, it's Reid," he points out, "it was nice and peaceful the whole week."
You punch his arm playfully, and you both laugh when you hear a familiar voice approaching. "Hey, guys,"
"Spence... what the hell are you doing at a bar 3 miles away from your apartment?"
"Well, the ones near my apartment are busy, and I'm here with friends." He says happily.
"Which ones?" asks Hotch.
"The ones from chess."
"Aren't they all either really old or really young?" You question.
"Well, yes, but there are a few. Anyway, I've got to go. Bye." Says Spencer, walking off.

Hotch looks down into his drink, "I don't want to be that person y/n, but relationships between co-workers are strictly banned, so if this is going to go anywhere..." his voice trails off. You place a hand on his arm, "We can figure it out. As long as it doesn't reach Strauss or anyone besides our team."
"We'll have to be careful then."
"Are you saying you want this to go further?"
"Yes, if you want." He says with a smile.
"God, who would I be if I said no," you say with a slight smirk, "but... you are my son's best friend's dad."
"Since when did you care about that kind of stuff."
You look over to him and smile, placing your hand over top of his.

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