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I waited until the bathroom door closed behind Guk before stepping out of my office.

As soon as I saw the tears swimming in Jungkook's eyes,
I held my arms out to him.

When he rushed into them, I hugged him close.

"Are you okay, baby?"

"He's so scared, Jimin."

"I know. I heard."

I just wished I'd seen it
before now.

I'd always known that Guk was
a little jumpy around his parents but I had assumed it was becos they were so strict and he was
a party animal.

Now it felt like something
much, much worse.

"What can we do?" Jungkook asked.

"Do your parents know where you live?"

He leaned back and squinted
up at me. "Uh, yeah, they are downstairs in the lobby."

"No, baby, I mean your place
in Brooklyn."

"Oh, uh...I really don't know."

"They've never visited me there and I never gave them the address."

"Like I said, I cut off contact with them three years ago, which
was before I bought the place."

"Then I say we have Fred arrange some security and then let Guk use your old apartment."

"It would give him a space of his own away from your parents."

"Huh." Jungkook's eyes rounded.

"That's a really good idea."

"I know." I wiggled my eyebrows.

"I thought of it and we've
already established that I was a genius for snapping you up."

Jungkook laughed, which was what I had been going for.

It was a lot better than watching him cry. I hated it when he cried.

Each tear felt like a dagger
stab in my chest.

"Why don't you go fill your brother in while I talk to Fred about getting him some

"We also need to see about picking up a few things for him until we can get his stuff, We
can probably get my sister
and brother-in-law to help
us out with that."

"We need to get his agreement before we do anything." He said.

"I'll take him into the office and talk to him. I want him to know what he's walking into and."

He swallows hard. "And under-stand that this is his one and only chance."

"If he tries any crap, tries to get you back or just generally pisses me off, he's out on his ass and
I will not be this giving again."


And totally agreed with.

I was all for helping Guk get away from his parents.

I was even willing to help fund his escape.

I was not willing to let him come between me and Jungkook.

"Make sure he understands
I'm off the market."

"I have no desire to have any man in my life except you."

"Oh, I will."

I had no doubt.

I could see the determination
in Jungkook's's eyes.

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