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I smiled as I leaned back in my corner of the couch and then took a sip of my hot chocolate.

Jimin had been a genius to make us sandwiches and soup with
hot chocolate for dessert.

There were even some mini marshmallows.

We all had full tummies and now were relaxing in the living room.

It had only been an hour since Jimin told us about my parents but we still hadn't had word
from Jin.

Not knowing what was going on down in the lobby was making me very anxious but I was
trying to hide it for Guk's sake.

He seemed a little more
freaked out than me.

I had to wonder about that.

The man that was curled up under a blanket on the other end of the couch slowly sipping his hot chocolate as he stared off into space was not the fun
loving Guk I remembered.

I knew that my parents were toxic as hell but I didn't think they were bad enough that they would suck the life out of Guk.

What had been going on the
last three years?

What had they been doing to
my brother?

"Guk." I smile when he glanced up.

"Can you tell me what has you
so scared about Mom and Dad?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You know what Mom and
Dad are like."

"I do but I suspect that there
is more going on than even I know about."

He glanced away. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He was lying.

I knew it and he knew it.

He just didn't want to talk
about it and that was okay.

I wouldn't force him.

That never did anyone any good.

I jumped when someone knocked on the front door and turned toward the front door even though I couldn't see it from where I was sitting.

Kato walked over and opened
the door.

I heard him speak to someone, and an answering response and then he walked into the living room.

A man in a police uniform
walked in behind him.

"Mr. Park." Kato said as he looked directly at me, "this officer needs to speak with you."

I set my hot chocolate down before I spilled it.

"Jiminie." I called out.

"Can you come in here?"

Jimin walked out of the kitchen drying his hands with a towel.

"What's up, babe?"

I gestured to the man with

"This officer needs to speak
to me."

Jimin glanced toward him.

"How can we help you, officer?"

The officer nodded in my direction.

"I need Mr. Park to come down
to the lobby with me."

"No." Jimin said simply.

"Sir, my supervisor sent me up here to get him. M Jeon agreed to release his hostage if Mr. Park came down and talked to him."

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