The Day We Met

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It was raining cats and dogs since the morning, the day was dark and cloudy, but the school day was as usually boring. 'What am I going to do, I should have listen to mom when she told me to carry my umbrella....ughh its so frustrating' Seokmin was looking out of the classroom window with water droplets flowing through it, counting the droplets even though its not possible to do but he was at it. "Listen students......" the teacher was giving instructions regarding something but Seokmin was lost in the sound of rain on the window pane, lost in his own trail of thoughts. When suddenly the bell rang indicating that the school was over for the day, as much as he wanted to go home immediately, but there was no signs that the pouring will stop anytime soon, he decided to stay till it stops raining.

He was not a big fan of rainy days, he just didn't like getting drenched in the rain. Standing at the school's lobby not ready to get out, staring straight at the water dripping down from the roof in a daze,you can say he was a lost child since he shifted to his new school with no friends, feeling lost.
When he suddenly got back to his senses and found himself alone as everyone left one after the other, wondering when it will stop pouring. As he was new to the school and even in the town, so he had no one he was familiar with, on top of it he was a shy person who needs his time to adjust to his surrounding comfortably. He was just living his new life nothing else.

"Hey....don't you have your umbrella?" Seokmin heard a sweet voice coming from behind and he turned around to face the owner of that sweet honey like voice. There was boy standing with a brightest creasent smile on his face, a beautiful curve at the corner of his lips, eyes squinting along, he is handsomely beautiful, his heart was beating unconsciously, 'Oh its student council president' Seokmin had seen him at the time of their orientation day but was not sure what was his name, he was so lost staring at the boy losing himself in those heavily features, "Heyy....Are you listening?" The boy asked snapping his fingers to bring seokmin back to reality, "Oh y.....yes, I am sorry, I was.. yes, I don't have my umbrella." 'You are so dumb Seokmin why are you fumbling?' Seokmin was fiddling with the strap of his bag nervoulsy. "Cute" the boy whispered under his breathe which went unheard by Seokmin. "You can have mine and Hie, I am Jisoo but everyone calls me Joshua or Shua." Jisoo offered his umbrella to Seokmin with a wide grin. "Here, you can have mine". "NO, its fine. I will wait till the rain stops and I know who you are." Seokmin said with a slight nod. "Good to hear that you already know me and this you can have it, I stay nearby so no need to worry. You can return it to me tomorrow." Jisoo shoved the umbrella in Seokmin's hand forcefully. Seokmin was surprised by the sudden contact of their hands, unable to utter a word of negation to protest. "What's your name by the way?" Jisoo asked as he started running towards the school's gate with his bag on his head to cover it up from the rain, "S...SEOKMIN" he shouted loudly so it can be heard from the distance between them and the sound of the heavy rain.

Jisoo was Seokmin's senior and was a third year highschool student whereas Seokmin was in his first year. He was a Student Council President and was admired by all, but Seokmin never paid much attention as he was new and it was just the beginning of new school year, until he met him today, he saw him for first time up so close, Seokmin lost his sanity in those breathing taking features of his and he wished, never to be sane again.

Seokmin was walking, reminiscing the short interaction with Jisoo with a contented smile on his lips, gently holding the umbrella like its the most precious thing to him, blushing pink and red, he was mesmerized by the sweet honey like voice and soft beauty of the boy. 'Why is my heart beating like crazy?' Seokmin questioned himself placing his hand on his chest to calm himself down by patting it gently. 'You have to calm yourself down....he is way out of the reach' he said to himself while walking towards his house.

"You never listen to what I say right, now see you must be drenc...." Seokmin's mother opened the door for him, as her eyes fell on a blue umbrella in Seokmin's hand, "Where did you get that from?" "Ohh mom, I got this from a senior, I will return it later." Seokmin entered the house placing the umbrella on the side table near the door with a slight blush on his face, a slight curve on his lips which was still lingering there, which was noticed by his mother. "Thanks to that senior, you were not rained on. Now lets have dinner, you are late today." She went to the kitchen feeling contented by the smile on her son's face, she saw her son smiling for the first time since they shifted to their new home and Seokmin have to change school because of that. She knew her son was shy and was not too good when it comes to expressing himself, unlike his bubbly persona from the outside which always made her worried for him. But today she felt a relief.

As the days passed the umbrella was never returned to its owner and Seokmin kept it with him, never wanting to return it ever, Jisoo too didn't asked about the umbrella. As the days were passing he developed a little crush on Jisoo, admiring him from distance, stealing glances whenever he got a chance to was Seokmin's way of loving someone silently. He made friends slowly adjusting to his new school.

Mingyu and Minghao were first to approach him, which was way easier then approaching someone himself, they immediately became his friends. He loved being with them, both were just so caring and lovely, it was enough for him. Minghao was from China, but he was in Korean since he was in middle school, he was a mature kid acting according to the situation unlike himself and Mingyu who were just goffy. Seokmin admired Minghao for that traits of him. Mingyu was clumsy bumping here and there, but deeply cared for his friends, evertime looking out for his friends, smiling widely to make everyones day brighter. Mingyu and Minghao both were friends since middle school, sticking together, but now seokmin was also their friend and he was lucky to have them in his life.

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Its my new story hope you will love this one too
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