Thinking About You

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Its been a week already since Jisoo and Seokmin were meeting for study seesions. Both were loving each others company, finding happiness while they were together. It was the best time of their lives.

"Ahh... finally the last lecture is over." Mingyu said while yawning 🥱, the school days were exhausting, but they loved spending time together with each other, they were bestfriends. "How are your studies going?" Minghoa asked while they were walking through the corridors heading to the school's exit, "Its getting better, thanks to Jisoo hyung, he is good at teaching." Seokmin was beaming like a bright sun.."Wahhh you are too deep in love, look at you smiling ear to ear, no one can save you now." Mingyu was bouncing on his feets as if he was happy about something. "Yahh... why do you look so happy, is there something we don't know?" Seokmin and Minghao were curious about their friend's behavior. "Spill the beans quickly, will you."
"Okay okay....I am going to meet Wonwoo hyung today, we are going to the arcade. I just asked and he said yes, I can't believe it, it was so easy." Mingyu was walking backwards facing his friends. " was fast, but we are happy for you. Now walk properly or else you are going to trip and your date will get canceled." Both Minghao and Seokmin were delighted because their friend's love life was going on a right path.

"Ohhh..Hiee guys.." Wonwoo was waiting at school's main gate, he was there for Mingyu, "Hey Hyung, must be waiting for our big puppy right." Seokmin was teasing Wonwoo, it was his chance to get back at his friend's teasing and he was not going to let it go. Wonwoo was blushing red, "Ahh..yeh we are going to the arcade." He was fidgeting with the hem of his sleeves. So cute...right. "Don't be shy hyung, go take him away." Minghao pushed Mingyu towards Wonwoo playfully. "Yahh...stop teasing him, please." Mingyu said with pleading eyes, which his friends caught right away, "Okay...okay. Fine see you tomorrow, I think I am the only one left here." Minghao said with a sad face to tease his friends. "Enough with your act, you will soon find someone too. Now lets go, Jisoo hyung must be waiting at the cafe." As they reached the cafe Seokmin waved his goodbyes to Minghao with a fust bump and left for his daily tutoring session with his beloved Jisoo hyung.

"Hie hyung, were you waiting for long?" Seokmin settled down in his regular seat facing Jisoo, who was busy with some school work, might be his homework or assignment Seokmin thought. "Ahhh...don't worry. I just came 10mins back." Jisoo looked up from his books, "So get ready for a test." Jisoo took out some sheets from his bag and placed them on the table with a smirk on his handsome face. "Hyung its not fair, you didn't informed me before hand. I would have studied more." Seokmin was whinning with a frown on his face, "Don't worry it will not be that tough, and its just about the things I have taught you in a week. You were doing great while catching up so I thought we might have a test on the three topics we have learned." Jisoo gave a sweet smile to resure Seokmin that he will be doing good on the test. "Fine" Seokmin slid the sheet towards himself and was scanning the questions, "It has 30 questions in total, so one mark each, 30 marks for the test. And I will be doing these tests every week on the topics we complete in that whole week. I am informing you this now, so you can study well for the test, okay." Jisoo said with a serious face to which Seokmin nodded in affirmation. Seokmin was going to start his test when Jisoo held his hand, "Before you start with your test, let me tell you, if you score 25 or above you will receive a reward." Jisoo wiggled his eyebrows mockingly, Seokmin face lit up once he heard the word reward, but he was very well aware that Jisoo will not tell him anything now, but he was excited about the reward, his stomach was doing somer saults both with nervousness and excitement, "I will do my best for the reward. Whats the time limit for the test?" "Ohhh...yes it will be 40mins." Jisoo signaled Seokmin to start.

When seokmin was so determined to score his above 25, on the other side Jisoo was reading something from his chemistry textbook but his attention was on Seokmin and his sharp features. He loved staring at Seokmin, the way his brows furrowed, nose scrunched, the way he was scratching his chin while thinking about his answers. He was even biting his lips. He was looking so good. Jisoo felt like squishing him in his arms, just so cute and adorable he was looking.

Jisoo was lost, admiring Seokmin when he got caught staring, but Seokmin being Seokmin, you know what it means, "Is there something on my face, why are you staring at me?" He examined his face in his mobile screen to find something unusual but there was nothing. "Ahh..nothing I was just blankly straing thinking about something." Jisoo said while scratching the back of his neck feeling mortified, Seokmin just nodded and returned his attention to his test as he was running out of time to think about anything else, he wanted his reward so he needs to concentrate.

"Time's up, stop writing now." Jisoo haulted Seokmin from writing anything further on the answer paper. "Ohh...its fine. I just completed the test, I was just rechecking the answers." Seokmin gave a proud smile as he was confident about his answers. "I will surely get that reward, just check my answers now, will you?" Seokmin was getting excited, bouncing in his seat, ready to earn his reward. "No, not today, I will tell you the scores tomorrow, now shall we start with our studies we have half an hour left." Jisoo was teasing Seokmin with a mischievous grin on his face, while Seokmin was pouting with disappointment. He knew there was no way pushing Jisoo to his limits so he agreed to study, to his own disagreement.

As their study session got over it was already 7:30 pm. It were the best hours of their day, in each others presence. They got their stuff packed ready to leave. "See you tomorrow hyung." Seokmin waved with a eye smile, "See you soon Seokmin and if you really score good be ready for the reward." Jisoo said while going his separate way from Seokmin.

Seokmin was anticipating different rewards that he might be getting from Jisoo. He might be getting a chocolate but it will be a very basic thing, he might get a gift but it sounds over stated, he can't get gifts every time he scores good it will be financially unconvenient or he might get a kiss from Jisoo, Seokmin's thoughts were moving like a wild fire, he needs to stop. He just pinched himself on his forearm to bring himself back to reality, 'I am so Dumb, don't think such perverted things, why would Jisoo hyung kiss me' he scolded himself. Once he was back to reality, thinking straight, he found himself standing at the gate of his house, he was so lost in his thoughts, he didn't even recall how he reached his house. But he dying with anticipation and he was not complaining a bit about it a bit, he loved how Jisoo was always there on his mind.

'I told him that I would be rewarding him if he scores 25 or more but I didn't thought of anything for the reward, what should I do? It just slippedout of my mouth.' Jisoo was lying on his bed thinking ways to reward Seokmin, 'Should I buy him ice cream but he is not a child or a chocolate!!....Ughhh or should I take him somewhere, we can skip our studies just for one day right?.....ahhhh I don't know what to do...' He questioned himself rubbing his chin...getting irritated. After some time of thinking he got to a conclusion, he flipped on his stomach, 'Okay so now I know what I will be giving him as a reward.' He was smiling widely, feeling satisfied with his decision. But he forgot that he still hasn't checked Seokmin's answer sheet yet. So silly right...?

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