You Are My Home

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Its always better said then done, right? It was going to be somewhat like that for Jisoo and Seokmin in the coming days. Its hard to stay away from our loved ones...right!!

It was Monday, a lovely day to start a fresh week, Seokmin and Jisoo were both expecting to meet each other, but when they reached school and their day started, it was busy as hell, with a gush of class work.
Seokmin's first lecture was math and as soon as the teacher entered, he bombarded them with practice questions. Everyone was solving the problems, helping each other where they were having any difficulty. The three friends were totally lost in their numerical universe, but suddenly, "It seems Mingyu is having fun with his math questions....." Minghao said scratching his head as he got stuck on a question, "You know, he is very good when there is something related to calculations..." Seokmin looked up at his friend who was smiling wide as he was listening to his friends conversing about him, it was a compliment for Mingyu and he was proud of his big brain. He was a math genius and he knew it very well, always ready to help anyone.
So when he was done with his current question, Mingyu looked at Minghoa, "Whats the matter, got stuck somewhere???" he played his eyebrows questioningly, "Its the questions number 13, its not getting through my head. You got me there buddy...." Minghao chuckled softly, how his friend knows him so well. "I just want to get done with it and meet Jisoo hyung in the break time." Seokmin was frowning looking at his book, mumbling to himself, his words were totally off topic, his friends were laughing at him, "What...I am being serious here, I want to meet him desperately. Don't you want to meet Wonwoo hyung, Mingyu?" Seokmin asked expectantly, "Yes I earnestly want to meet him but from the way our day has started, I think its going to be more busy ahead and this week will be busier too." Mingyu shrugged helplessly. "Okay...okay enough with your love sick chatter. We have work to finish here, don't lose your focus. I am feed-up with you two." Minghao tapped the desk to grab his friends attention, "You will know when you will be in love." Was a mocking reply from his two annoying friends nothing else.

Jisoo's whole class was occupied since the morning, giving tests one after the other, "Its just our break time and I am already exhausted, I don't even want to move a inch." Jeonghan was stretching his body, without moving from his seat yawning, "We are not done yet for the day and the coming days till our exam are going to be hectic. Brace yourself Hannie." Seungcheol was scribbling on his book but he was all ears to his boyfriend, he knew the energy levels of his boyfriend very well. Jeonghan pointed his finger towards lost Jisoo signaling to Seungcheol to look at him. In the midst of all the chatter and chaos in their class, Jisoo was doing his work but his mind was somewhat distracted, "You are doing it wrong...."Seungcheol saw some Chemistry sums on Jisoo's book which he was solving but Jisoo was lost somewhere, so Seungcheol nudged him with his elbow to grab his attention, " there....I was saying you are doing it wrong...are you lost in the space.....!!" this caught Jisoo's attention and he saw what he was doing, "Ahhh....I was not thinking straight...I got it wrong..." he was scratching his neck awkwardly feeling embarrassed, with a crooked smile on his face.
"Are you missing him...hmmm???" Jeonghan was straight to the point, raising his eyebrows in anticipation, interrupting his boyfriend's and bestfriend's chatter. Jisoo nodded slightly with a pout, "I don't think we will be able to meet today or even in this whole week."
"Our exam timings are also different, their's will be in the morning and ours in the afternoon." Seungcheol added and got a perfect slap on his shoulder from his boyfriend, as Jisoo's expressions became more depressed. "Ouch....Hannie don't hit me...I am sorry Jisoo-ya..." Seungcheol was rubbing his shoulder to soothe the tingling sensation he got from the hit, he was quick to get what his boyfriend was implying. Jeonghan's body structure was lean but his hands were strong enough to hit someone. "I too know that....there is no need for a sorry Cheol....I am fine." Jisoo said with a small smile to reasure his friends that he was okay, but his friends knew him well, but they were not going to force him for anything. "Lets go...will have our lunch...." Seungcheol got up from his seat, getting his things together to leave, "No I am not going to the cafeteria....I still have something left from chemistry....I will have my lunch here....if you both want you can go to the cafeteria...." Jisoo said as he started getting his tiffin box out from his bagpack, he was not very keen on wasting his time on moving around today. "No we are not leaving you alone when you are like this.....we are going to have our lunch here along with you..." Jeonghan got back to his seat readying his desk for lunch, pushing aside all the books and stationary which was lying on his desk. And as for Seungcheol, there was nothing to argue when your boyfriend and friend are on a majority side. He too grabbed his bag, getting his lunch box out from it.

Lunch time was somewhat relaxing, as they were chatting, teasing, talking about random things. It helped Jisoo a little bit to freshen up from all the stress he was suffering from. But Seokmin was there in his mind for the whole time.

"Ahhh.....Finally we are out of that suffocating place....cafeteria has never felt this good before...." Mingyu was stretching his arms to relax the sore muscles in his body, caused by sitting in the same position since the morning. "Should we sit there...its vacant?" Minghao pointed at the table by the window. "Hmmm...lets go." Seokmin nodded making his way to the said table, his friends following him from behind.

"So what are you going to eat????" Mingyu asked as he got up to place his order, "I will be having a burger...." Minghao was thinking 🤔 about what to eat and finally he decided to have a cheese sandwich. Seokmin was not in a mood to choose anything, so he asked his friends to bring him anything they want.

As Mingyu and Minghao left to place their orders, Seokmjn was busy staring out the window at the clouds moving, the wind blowing through the leaves 🍃, it was so pleasing to his eyes after such hectic hours of studies, his mind drifted to somewhere in his imagination where he is sitting with Jisoo under a big tree's shadow, wind blowing through their hairs, eyes closed hand in hand just living the moment. Imagination is a bliss can take us to the places where our heart wants us to be......'I want to be with him at the end of the day.' Seokmin wished.....

'Will surely meet him once everything settles down' Jisoo was thinking while he was having his lunch, smiling to himself, 'for sure I am gonna perform well in my exams and will meet him with a free mind.' 😊 'You are my solace...Minnie.'

Hie Reader,
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The updates might not be timely but I will try to update as soon as I get time from my work
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Always be smilie
Spread love not hatred
Love love 🫰

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