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"Someone's gone crazy, smiling for nothing." Jeonghan commented when Jisoo was just smiling blankly at the textbook with Seokmin in his mind and their outing or he may call it as a date, he considered it as one. "He is falling deeper, we won't be able to save you Jisoo-ya." Seungcheol patted Jisoo's shoulder to gain his attention. "Okay....okay I admit it, I know I like him, but about love I am not so sure yet." Jisoo said raising his head to look at his friend's teasing faces. "Other things aside I am excited for today." Jisoo was glowing with happiness. "Thats good, we are happy seeing you happy." Jeonghan gave a gentle squeeze to Jisoo's hand which was on his desk. He was like a blooming flower on a sunny day.

There was something his friends wanted to share with him but they were nervous, they knew he will be happy but..."Ahhh...Jisoo-ya, we...both..." Seungcheol nudged Jeonghan's elbow, gesturing him to continue his speech, which caught Jisoo's attention. He was patiently waiting for them to continue, "Ahhh...yes, the thing is we want to share something with you." Jeonghan was being fidgety, which was very unlike of him so Jisoo just nodded for him to continue what he was going to say. "Its that we are dating." Jeonghan said with a lighting speed, which caused Jisoo to burst into a cloud of laughter, eyes watery, holding his stomach which was aching due to laughing for so long like for almost a minute, it was so funny to see his friendsbeing all shy and nervous. Jeonghan and Seungcheol were watching him with a frown on their faces, not sure why he was laughing when Jisoo held his hand gesturing them to give him some time to get back and with that, "Its sounds funny you know that, both of you, look at you faces, it was bound to happen some or the other day, but I am glad it happened early, no one else know better then me that how much you both love each other. Wahhh what a day, its great. I am so so happy for you." The frown on Jeonghan and Seungcheol's face changed to a contented smile. "Ahh.... and we both love you alot toooo." They both hugged their friend, squeezing him between them, "Okay....okay, I love you two too and you both love each other. It sounds funny but so good. I don't even know what I am even saying." Jisoo laughed hugging his friends back. Jisoo was waiting for this day, when his friends will accept their love for each other and will include him in their happiness and he was more then happy to be a part of their journey of love. He loved seeing them together. The affection they have for each other in their eyes. He wished to have something like that someday.

He was anticipating the time, that he will be spending with Seokmin today.
Today was the best day of his life, he wanted to cherish it, because of his friends and beacuse of seokmin. Unlike the life at his home which was not much what he wished to enjoy but he shrugged off that feeling, waiting for the school to get over for the day.

On the other hand Seokmin was nothing different then Jisoo, waiting for the lectures to be get done and when he will be with Jisoo. "I AM SO GOING CRAZY WITH EXCITEMENT." Seokmin almost said shouting when they were having their lunch, he was sitting between his friends, his loud voice caused them to cover their ears. "Yahhhh.....tone it down, we know you are happy, but its not necessary that everyone else should know about it right..!!" Mingyu said while he smacked Seokmin on his shoulder earning a whine from the later. "We know that....Enjoy your day Seokmin, be yourself, don't try to act cool, it will not get you anywhere. You are lovely as you are." Minghao said drawing small circles on Seokmin's back soothingly, which calmed Seokmin down. He was so lucky to have them as his friends, they were always their to control his hyper self down whenever there was a need, even scolding him when he does something wrong and he appreciated them for that. This is what real friends are...right.

The whole day felt like a year for both of them. Longing to meet each other. And finally the day was over.

"HYUNG, be quick, will you....!!!!" Seokmin was bursting his lungs out, waving his hand high in the air towards Jisoo who was walking with his friends. "Minnie, you are early today." Seokmin's voice caught Jisoo's attention and he went running towards him leaving his friends behind. "See, what love makes you do. He just left us here." Seungcheol mocked his friend earning a sarcastic dejected nod from his boyfriend and both of them erupted in a laughter.

When Jisoo reached the spot where Seokmin and his two friends were standing. They both were just smiling and staring at each other without a word, just pure adoration for each other. Mingyu and Minghao looking between Jisoo and Seokmin, "You both are going to bore a hole into each other...say something will you...?" Minghao snapped his fingers in front of them to grab their attention. "Hiee, Mingyu and Minghao...we are meeting after a long time." Jisoo said turning to face both of them. "Ummm...hyung we just met the day before yesterday...remember." Mingyu gave an awkward smile with a little nod at the end. "Ohhhh....yes I forgot. Its so dumb of me." Jisoo felt like just burying himself with embarrassed, 'I am going crazy.' "Love makes you dumb." Minghao said in a very low voice, which was just heard by Mingyu, it was fun for them to watch Jisoo and Seokmin fiddling and being all nervous.

"You just left us there and ran away to Seokmin. You are not a good friend. I am going to disown you if it happens again." Jeonghan and Seongcheol caught up with them where all of them were standing. Minghao and Mingyu were laughing at Jeonghan's comment on his friend. "Heyy...hyung...How are you?" Mingyu gave a beaming smile. "We are doing just fine with our unfaithful friend." Jeonghan just gave a small smile with a mocking sad face directing his gaze towards Jisoo. "Stop being overdramatic Hannie." Jisoo directed a death glare to his friend. "See Cheolie, he says I am being over dramatic..Omg." Jeonghan held his chest dramatically with pouting lips, with this everyone started laughing. With all this teasing, everyone was having fun expect for Jisoo and Seokmin who were just standing there blushing insanely.

"Okay.....okay. Enough with your teasing guys. We are leaving." Jisoo grabbed Seokmin's hand which caught everyone's attention. "Ohhhhhhh" everyone was ohhing, but they just went, leaving everyone behind them, wide eyes.

"Lets go Minnie, we have many things to explore at the Arcade. Just don't pay attention to them. They are all just bunch of idiots." Jisoo was walking side by side, still holding on to Seokmin's hand. Seokmin nodded with his brightest smile, "I am excited, Hyung." Jisoo too nodded with equally endearing smile. Holding each others hand was the first silent step in their relationship. The beginning of something beautiful, something that will lead to many new things in their life.

Hie Reader,
I was hoping to write in this chapter about their arcade date but it didn't went as I was planning to write
But I am happy about this chapter as we now know that our jeongcheol are dating yehhhh, so yes.....
Next chapter will be the date
Keep waiting
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Always be smilie
Spread love not hatred
Love love 🫰

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