Unexpected Ways of Life

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School days were getting better thanks to his lovely friends Mingyu and Minghao, seokmin was at ease. He started enjoying his school life with his friends, hanging out together even after school hours, they were becoming part of Seokmin's daily life.

To talk about his crush for Jisoo, it was getting bigger and bigger with each passing day, feeling butterflies in his stomach whenever he sees Jisoo anywhere in the school. "Why don't you approach him?" Mingyu asked while sitting on the chair in their common dinning area beside Seokmin for their lunch break, "Says the one who doesn't make any efforts to approach his own crush, just because he is a coward.." Minghao flicked Mingyu's forehead while sticking his tongue out mockingly, earning a whine in return with a glare from Mingyu. "Its difficult okay, Wonwoo hyung is different from Jisoo hyung, Jisoo hyung is easy to a reach." Mingyu turned to Seokmin. "I know....I know he is easy to talk to, but its difficult for me, my heart starts beating like hell when I am just around him, how will I be able to strike a converstaion when all this keeps happening to me!!" Seokmin said with a sad face while dropping his head on the table dramatically. "Enough with the crush talk, now eat your food you lovesick dumbheads." Minghao said while digging into his lunch, they love to teasing each other alot.

The day was going well since the morning. But today was the day when they were going to get their results for their English class test, that they had earlier this week, everyone was nervous, waiting for the teacher to arrive after the lunch break. Seokmin was fidgeting with the pages of his English textbook anxiously, "The book will end up in pieces, if you keep on doing that, just be patient" Minghao pointed at Seokmin's textbook which was crampled in his hands, "I didn't perform well, I know that.." Seokmin was so nervous. "Okay we will see when we get the results, till then just try to relax.. breath in breath out... try doing it..." Mingyu patted Seokmin's shoulder gently to calm him down by showing him how it works, the breath in breath out thing and Seokmin followed the little exercise, which helped him a bit to calm himself down. But when the teacher entered the class his heart begin to thump again violently.

"Okay so I have got your results for the english test, now I am going to call out your names, come here and take your answer sheets, okay." Teacher said while gesturing everyone to settle down in their respective seats. As the names were getting called Seokmin was getting more and more impatient, hands fiddling unconsciously with nervousness. Minghao's name got called out, to his surprise he got 60 which was a good score, whilst Mingyu got 70. His both friends got good score now it was his turn. "Seokmin, come here." Teacher called with a worried face, which made Seokmin anxious, he got up and went to the teacher's desk with trembling legs. "You have scored poorly in you english test Seokmin, I am worried for you as you are good student and also good in other subjects, this score might affect your overall score for this semester." Teacher handed him his answer sheet, 'I scored 35 its worst, mom will not be happy about it' Seokmin thought to himself, "Seokmin you need some help in your English, I know you can do much better than this. If you want I can suggest someone who will help you to improve." Teacher continued. "Yes, I surely need to improve my scores, please let me know who can help me with it, so I can talk to that person about my tutoring." Seokmin said with determination beacuse he really wanted to improve his English language to perform well, "I will inform Jisoo to help you with your issues, he will surely help you but please be sure that it doesn't affect his academics, as you know he is in his third year and final year of high school." Seokmin was dejected with his scores but that lead to something very unexpected and he was overjoyed within his heart after listening to what his teacher said but was also afraid that how he will be able to control his feelings while they will be together for his English lessons. "SEOKMIN, are you listening." The teacher tapped the desk to bring seokmin back to reality, "Ahh... yes I will talk to him about this, please will you inform him about it before hand for me?" "Okay, I will do that for you, just meet him tomorrow, study hard I need a good scores from you in your upcoming tests, okay." Teacher gave a smile while getting ready to leave.

Seokmin returned to settled in his seat with small smile on his face, which was misinterpreted by his two friends that he might have scored good in his test, but the expression they saw on their teacher's face were indicating otherwise. "You scored good right? Whats the score?" Minghao shook Seokmin's shoulder to grab his attention, who was lost in his own thoughts, smiling. "No, I got 35 and its not a good score for sure..." Seokmin was still smiling like a madman even after revealing his marks. This time Mingyu flicked his forehead harshly to bring him back to his senses, "Are you gone nuts, why are you smiling like a stupid person even after scoring like this?" "Ahhh... it hurts you big dog... why you have to hit me so hard?" Seokmin was rubbing his forehead to soothe the tingling sensation. "To save you from being a lunatic" Mingyu said mockingly. Minghao was just listening to his two friends bickering with his never ending patience. "The thing is because I scored badly in my test, teacher suggested me to get tutoring from Joshua hyung, as we know he was staying in USA before coming here. Thats the reason I can't help but just smile at the thought of us being together studying." Seokmin looked at his friends with a the same smile from earlier. "You have to get all your feelings out, once you get your chance to speak, okay?" Mingyu was excited for his friend, "Don't listen to him just be patient and wait for the right time to pour you feelings to him, okay" Minghao said while shutting Mingyu's mouth with his palm so he won't be able to say anything further. "I will be waiting for the right moment." Was Seokmin's quite but a firm reply.

Laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling blankly, Jisoo's thoughts running through his mind, Seokmin was a nervous mess, butterflies flutteringin his stomach 'How I am going to talk to Jisoo hyung tomorrow, like my heart is beating like...like insanely....ahhhh.' ruffling his hears frustratingly, he closed his eyes trying to immerse himself in sleep. Then finally after two hours of twisting and turning in his sheets he slept at 3 in the morning later than usual. He is surely going to be late tomorrow for school.

Hie Reader,

I hope that you will enjoy this one too as it will be a little longer than my previous one

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Always be smilie
Spread love not hatred
Love love 🫰

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