Chapter 5: Meeting Two Fairies

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  (Asta's p.o.v.)

  It's been 9 days since me and my brother met, befriended, and broke the curse of the Black Wizard, Zeref Dragneel. Since then, Zeref has taught what he knew about the society of his world and sparred with him each day. If I had to compare his strength to any of the people I know back in our world, he'd be as powerful as Licht. While we were sparring with Zeref, I noticed that he was enjoying it, and truth be told, Liebe and I had fun too. We had never fought a mage from this world before, and it was very interesting seeing this world's magic in action. Seeing how he used it gave us a couple of ideas on how to use our Anti-magic. One example is firing shots of Anti-magic energy, which we learned from what he referred to as Bullet Magic.

  Currently, we were eating lunch at our camp in the ruins on the island. As we were, Zeref said, "You know, I've been thinking for a while, and I made my decision." This caught mine and Liebe's attention and my brother asked, "What decision?" The Black Wizard replied, "I've been thinking about how to repay you both for breaking my curse, and I thought of something.......... I would develop a way to travel between worlds so that I could bring you two home." We were stunned to hear that and I asked in disbelief, "Really?" Zeref nodded and replied, "Yes." Liebe stated, "But how? Where would you even begin to start? Creating a way to traverse worlds is a massive and seemingly ludicrous undertaking. One man alone wouldn't be able to achieve that." Zeref replied, "One man, yes. But what about an entire continent?" We quickly realized what he meant. Zeref told us that his nation, the Alvarez Empire was so massive it took up an entire continent, and it holds a total of 730 wizard guilds. With that many people working on it, then it would be possible to come up with a method to travel between worlds. "Are you saying that you plan to use your authority as ruler of Alvarez to commission research dimensional travel?" Liebe asked to confirm what he's saying. Zeref smiled and replied, "Exactly right. Though granted, it will likely take years, even with all the manpower at my disposal."

  I couldn't really complain about it. From what we've learned, nothing like that has ever been tried before. So, it made sense that it would take a long time to pull it off, even with Zeref leading the project. I said to our friend, "Thanks Zeref, we really appreciate it." "Think nothing of it, Asta." After a few minutes, we finished eating and went outside to train and work the food off a bit.

  Timeskip - 1 hour

  After an hour of training, we decided to take a break and go to a nearby river to get a drink if water. We got there and started drinking when we heard screaming from a distance. "What the hell was that?!" Liebe asked. "Sounds like someone else is on the island." Zeref replied. Curious about who was there and wanted possibly help them, we ran in the direction we heard the screaming. As we got closer, me and Liebe were able to sense the Ki of two people running from a large animal. I immediately drew Demon Slayer out of our grimoire, ready to take out the beast that's chasing them. I ran out ahead of the others and quickly got to the location I sensed them and saw a muscular man with tan skin, and white hair, and a woman with light brown hair wearing a green dress and glasses, running away from a giant pig-like creature.



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