Chapter 9: Tears for the Devil part 1

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  (Liebe's p.o.v.)

  The Anti-magic from the Demon Destroyer Sword had caused a window into the mind of the human, Mira, to open and allowing me to see her memories. Most of what I saw pissed me off because I never had a life filled with joy like her and it made me envious of her, however what caught my attention the most was what happened in the younger years of her life.

  (No one's p.o.v.)

  Mirajane Strauss had lived much of her life without her parents, as they had died shortly after her sister was born, leaving only her to take care of her two younger siblings, Lisanna and Elfman. Around the age of 13, Mirajane helped the people of her town by defeating a demon that had took over a local church. However, after defeating the creature, her body had taken on some of it's appearance. This caused the townspeople to fear and loathe her, believing that she had become a monster, and the girl herself believed they were right, despite her brother and sister's attempts to comfort her. The harsh treatment of their people eventually became too much to bear and the Strauss siblings were forced to leave. They wandered for a long while before coming upon the Fairy Tail guild hall in the town of Magnolia. They met the guild master, Makarov Dreyar had meet the kids outside the front door and asked what brought them to his guild. After telling their story and Mirajane showing her grotesque right arm, Makarov replied, "Looks like a Take Over spell. You're not possessed or have you become a demon, though I can understand why you would think you were. But that's not the case, it's closer to say you have the power of a demon." But even though she was told otherwise, she still believes that she was a monster. She joined Fairy Tail and learned to use her Take Over magic, and yet she still couldn't accept her power. She once tried to leave Magnolia and leave her siblings behind, thinking that it would've been better that they were not around her anymore. But, her siblings stopped her. They showed that they had learned Take Over magic to show that their sister didn't have to be alone. Their demonstration moved Mirajane to tears and she started to accept her power.

  (Liebe's p.o.v.)

  Seeing that she had suffered just a bit of the same discrimination that human shown to me, made my anger towards Mira let up a little. But, it still didn't mean that my antipathy towards humans would disappear anytime soon. I was certain that I would continue to hold a grudge towards most of humanity for as long as I live.

  After witnessing all of her memories, I came to meet Mira in her mindscape, though when I saw her, she had tears in her eyes. Mira spoke first, saying, "I'm so sorry." This confused me and I responded with a "Huh?" She replied, "I had no idea that you suffered so much through most of your life. You suffered so much more than I did when I was younger. After everything you were put through, you have every reason to despise both Devils and Humans. You suffered so much, and I was about to hurt you more. I feel disgusted with myself, I'm no better than the people who scorned me after defeated that demon." Hearing her say this made me realize something. The Demon Destroyer didn't just make a window into her mind, it established a two-way connection between me and Mira. So while I was seeing her memories, she was seeing mine. This had never happened before.


  (Mirajane's p.o.v.)

  I felt the Devil's sword slice into me and it was painful, but I could tell that the blade didn't sink in too deep into me. It felt like it only scratched my rib cage at best, but what happened as it cut through was what caught my attention what that black energy he used began to erupt from the sword he cut into me with and started to engulf the two of us. At that moment, I felt that his sword wasn't in me anymore, but then something strange happened.

  I saw a darkness consume my vision and suddenly I was in a barren wasteland enveloped in a black and purple sky. Around me I could see beings that had similar characteristics to the Devil I was fighting. I could only assume that I was in the world this Devil originated from, the Underworld. As I looked around, I saw that they were bullying others and taking pleasure in doing so. It made me sick to my stomach seeing them treat their own kind with such cruelty, and I wondered why they were doing it in the first place. As far as the eye could see, the only thing I saw the Devils do was either bully or get bullied. Then, I noticed a much younger version of the Devil I was fighting practically being trampled by two others with a third sitting on a rock watching, all while being covered in blood. I realized that what I was seeing was the Devil's memories.

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