Chapter 17: Bonding Between Two Knights

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  (Asta's p.o.v.)

  Erza, Lisanna, and myself were going through the forest, looking for any of their friends that were still out in the forest. As we were walking around, I explained how me and Liebe ended up on Tenrou Island as well as how we managed to befriend Zeref to Erza since she was curious about it. She was rather sentimental after hearing our story and replied, "I'm sorry you three had to go through all of that." I responded, "It's alright." "I'm honestly surprised that you still wished to protect people after they had shown you so much cruelty for something you couldn't control, most would've given up on humanity after experiencing that." "Truth be told, I still hate people like them. People who believe they were born into greatness and think the world revolves around them. But no matter how much I hate them and wish they would disappear from existence, it wouldn't change a thing. That's why I wanted to become the Wizard King, to get rid of the belief that Magic is Everything in the world and end the pointless discrimination between the social classes. Everyone had become so obsessed with their magic that they forgot we're all human beings, and no matter who their family is, that doesn't make you anything more. Honestly, I can see why my brother hates most humans, and he has every reason to. But I want him to realize that not all of us are corrupt." Erza was in awe of what I said and she smiled warmly at me before replying, "Well said, I wholeheartedly agree with you. Even though some humans have committed terrible deeds again and again throughout history, that doesn't mean that the race is evil. No matter where you go in any world, you will always find good and evil people. Without one, the other cannot exist, that's just the way the world works. So I hope that your brother comes to realize that."

I felt my heart skip a beat from seeing her smile, but I regained my composure and responded, "Thanks, I hope so too. Perhaps Mira can help him with that, they have experienced almost the same pain, so maybe she can help him open up more to humans." "You know about her past?" Erza asked surprised. "Lisanna told me about it, after I told her Liebe's story." "You have a point, Mira had been through a lot as a kid. So if anyone can help Liebe let go of his resentment towards humanity, I think she's the one. Who knows, maybe those two will grow feelings for each other and become a couple." Lisanna chimed in and said to Erza, "Asta said the same thing before we heard you calling out for Wendy." She chuckled and asked me, "Is that so? I guess great minds think alike." I chuckled back and replied, "Yeah, I guess they do."

Erza and I were getting along quite well as we had a few things in common. Mainly that we're both knights who would make any sacrifice to insure that our friends and loved ones would stay safe. She was one of the very few people I know who actually fights using swordsmanship, and that made me curious about what kind of magic she used. I asked, "By the way Erza, what kind of magic do you use? I saw you change your clothes with some kind of spell and summon weapons. I've never seen or heard of anything like that in my world." She explained, "It's a Requip spell, a type of Spatial magic that lets you store armor, clothes, and weapons in a pocket dimension. It's pretty useful for those who fight using weapons. I also practice Sword Magic since I have thousands of weapons in my inventory." The mention of Sword Magic surprised me as I only knew one person who could use it. I exclaimed, "Sword Magic? That's rare to see!" She asked confused, "It is?" "In my world, the types of magic people can use are something they are born with. They're born with attributes that stem from the four main elements, Flame, Water, Wind, and Earth. Each element has offshoots like Lightning, Snow, Ice, and so on. People can use these attributes in various ways, not just attacking. Binding, Recovery, Curse, Creation Enhancement, there are all kinds of ways to use different types of magic in my world. But Sword Magic, I've only met one person who can use that, and he was one of the strongest opponents I fought." She was rather intrigued by what I was saying and rather curious about who I knew had Sword Magic, "Really? Who was it?" I answered, "An elf named Licht. Actually, most of my swords originally belonged to him." Lisanna and Erza were surprised by what I said and the former asked, "Really?! An elf?! They exist in your world?!" From her reaction, I could assume that they don't exist in their world. "Yeah, there are other races in my world besides humans. Spirits, Elves, Dwarves, even Devils. But most of them live in hiding. Devils, as I said before, are trapped in the Underworld and can't physically come to the Human world because they gates keep them from leaving. I've met quite a few elves aside from Licht, and actually one of the Magic Knights in my squad is half- dwarf, though that's a long story." "It sounds like you're world is rather interesting, but much less peaceful than ours." "You're right. In this world, most of the people are born without magic power. In mine, everyone has magic, and they believe that Magic is Everything. It's hardly any different than a jungle." "But you still believe that people can change their ways and abandon their magic supremacy ideal, I believe that makes you a fine example of how a human being should be." "Thanks Erza, that means a lot." I thanked her with a smile and I noticed that her cheeks were turning red a bit, but it quickly went away as she asked, "Well, I told you what my magic is, so I think it's only fair I ask you something. How were you able to react to Azuma's attacks the way you did? It was like you were reading his mind."

She asked a good question and I decided to answer, "It's something my squad captain taught me. The reason I was able to respond to his attacks was because I was sensing something the people in his homeland call Ki." "Ki?" Lisanna and Erza asked curious. I explained, "A person's glance, their breathing, their scent, the way their muscles move, the hint of their presence, all of that living energy people give off when they move, taken together, that's called Ki. When you learn to read it, you'll be able to predict your opponent's moves as well as sense hidden events in nature. Not only that, you can also read people's emotions and detect any lie they speak." The two Fairy Tail wizards were intrigued by this and Lisanna asked, "Wait, when Liebe fought Mira, he was able to react to her attacks the same way you did when you fought Zancrow and Azuma. Does that mean he can read Ki too?" "That's right, while we were stuck on this island for the past 8 months, I taught him how to read Ki. And surprisingly he learned rather quickly." They were intrigued by this and Erza asked, "Could you teach me that after Grimoire Heart is defeated?" "Sure, and honestly I was wondering what me and Liebe were going to do after we get off this island. We heard a lot about how this world works from Zeref, though we still need a way to make a living here until we find a way back to our world." "That's true, though I have an idea about that." I looked to Erza and waited for her to continue. "Why not join Fairy Tail?" I was surprised to hear that and asked, "Are you serious?" She replied, "Indeed I am, I believe you would fit right in with the others at the guild." "I'm grateful for the offer, though I'm not sure if Liebe would agree to joining your guild. He still resents humans, so I can't exactly see him wanting to join a group of humans." She replied, "True, though from what you've told me, I think he would probably say yes. For one thing, he wouldn't leave his only brother on his own because of his grudge against humanity. Another thing would be because he's likely already grown attached to Mirajane. So it would good for him to join so he and Mira could get to know each other better." She said the last part with a sly smirk on her face, which made me smirk as well before replying, "You're right, though let's wait and see what Liebe decides first. After all, whether he joins or not is entirely up to him." "Indeed." Erza replied. We both chuckled at the thought of Liebe wanting to join Fairy Tail because of Mirajane and we both thought it would be cute. Lisanna then said, "It looks like you two are getting along well. It actually makes me think how well you'll both get along in the future. Perhaps you both will even get married?" We both blushed, stopped, and turned to the white haired girl before saying in unison, "It's not like that, Lisanna!!" We looked at each other surprised that we both said the exact same thing and we turned even redder. But that quickly went away as soon as I sensed something nearby and turned in the direction it was coming from. Erza asked, "What's wrong Asta?" I answered as I pointed, "Someone's fighting in that direction. I can sense two strong Ki clashing over there." They both looked in the direction I was pointing and Erza replied, "It must be one of our friends fight Grimoire Heart. Let's go and back them up." Lisanna and I nodded and we all began running in the direction I was sensing that strong clash of Ki.

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