Chapter 7: An Unfortunate First Meeting

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  (Asta's p.o.v.)

   We had been walking for a couple of hours, following Liebe as he is drawn towards what he has been resonating with. As we were walking, I asked my brother, "Hey Liebe, are we getting closer?" He replied, "Yeah, but it'll be sooner than expected. Because what I'm being drawn to has started moving towards us." This caught mine and Zeref's attention but it wasn't surprising since the Black Wizard said that whoever or whatever Liebe was resonating with would likely come looking for Liebe. Zeref asked, "Since we're getting closer, can you tell what the sensation your Anti-magic has is?" He stayed quiet for a moment before saying, "Yeah, it feels like rage. But not like my rage and hate for my own kind, it's more like an animal's rage against another who had intruded into it's home. It's the feeling of being challenged by another alpha predator. Meaning that whoever or whatever we're going to meet, there's definitely going to be a fight." This made me and Zeref concerned. The encounter we were going to have soon, will lead to a battle for dominance between Liebe and the one his Anti-magic is resonating with. No, it's not accurate to say it's resonating. It's closer to say that the two power are challenging each other, like two beasts about to fight for territory. This meant that when the two meet, it won't be pretty. Especially since demons and devils don't back down, no matter how injured they get.

I asked, "Liebe, do you think you'll be able to control it when we find this 'other alpha'?" He replied, "Probably, but not for too long though. Why?" I explained, "I want to talk to them first. If it's a member of Fairy Tail, we need to know why they're on the island. If your Anti-magic goes out of control and you kill them, then it would make things more difficult for us." He thought about it for a second before answering, "I'll try to rein it in until you get your answers. But, there's no guarantee that the other one wouldn't just start attacking right away. So be prepared for that scenario." I nodded. But we didn't walk very far when I noticed that a large cluster of individual Ki was coming closer to the island. I stopped and said, "Wait." Liebe and Zeref both stopped and turned to me. The latter asked, "What's wrong, Asta?" "There's a large number of people coming here from the west. And they all reek of hostility." Liebe seemed to notice it too and said, "Yeah you're right. Based on what I'm sensing their coming to pick a fight, and it's likely with Fairy Tail.  We're about to get caught up in a battle between guilds."

  "This makes things more complicated. We need to figure out what's going on here and quick!" Zeref exclaimed worried. Liebe replied, "We better hurry and find these Fairy Tail members right now." We nodded and began running in the direction we were going earlier. We ran for 5 minutes, we eventually got to a clearing when Liebe signaled us to stop and we did. "They're here." He informed. That was when I sensed two Ki coming towards us. The sources soon came out into the clearing, revealing two white haired girls with blue eyes. One looked a bit older with her tied up and raised up, revealing her forehead.



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